16-03-13 Podcast script

Pray for God’s perspective on life.

[Bible passage]
Isaiah 45:9–25

The Lord said:

Israel, you have no rightto argue with your Creator.You are merely a clay potshaped by a potter.The clay doesn’t ask,“Why did you make me this way?Where are the handles?”Children don’t have the rightto demand of their parents,“What have you doneto make us what we are?”

I am the Lord, the Creator,the holy God of Israel.Do you dare question meabout my own nationor about what I have done?I created the worldand covered it with people;I stretched out the skyand filled it with stars.I have done the right thingby placing Cyrus in power,and I will make the roads easyfor him to follow.I am the Lord All-Powerful!Cyrus will rebuild my cityand set my people freewithout being paid a thing.I, the Lord, have spoken.

My people, I, the Lord, promisethat the riches of Egyptand the treasures of Ethiopiawill belong to you.You will force into slaverythose tall people of Seba.They will bow down and say,“The only true God is with you;there are no other gods.”People of Israel,your God is a mystery,though he alone can save.Anyone who makes idolswill be confusedand terribly disgraced.But Israel, I, the Lord,will always keep you safeand free from shame.

The Lord alone is God!He created the heavensand made a worldwhere people can live,
instead of creatingan empty desert.The Lord alone is God;there are no others.The Lord did not speakin a dark secret placeor command Jacob’s descendantsto search for him in vain.

The Lord speaks the truth,and this is what he saysto every survivorfrom every nation:“Gather around me!Learn how senseless it isto worship wooden idolsor pray to helpless gods.Why don’t you get togetherand meet me in court?Didn’t I tell you long agowhat would happen?I am the only God!There are no others.I bring about justice,and have the power to save.I invite the whole worldto turn to me and be saved.I alone am God!No others are real.I have made a solemn promise,one that won’t be broken:Everyone will bow downand worship me.They will admit that I alonecan bring about justice.Everyone who is angry with mewill be terribly ashamedand will turn to me.I, the Lord, will givevictory and great honorto the people of Israel.”

[Main point]
If you view an impressionist painting close up it is little more than random blobs and smudges. But step back and you will see a masterpiece. Life can be like that.

The One who shaped chaos at creation shapes people and events like a potter at his wheel. We are firmly rooted to the spinning wheel, while his hands are free to move through time and space at will. It is not for us to question the work of the potter, his choice of Cyrus or the outcome of history.

Trust in the God who is invisible will not go unrewarded. In the end, all who put their trust in other more tangible deities will acknowledge that this is the one true God, who calls all people to seek him.

And so the grand finale begins. Israel’s faith in God is vindicated, but the nations are belatedly invited to the party too. They are summoned, not just to have their idolatry exposed as misguided and futile, but also to turn to the Lord and be saved.

This passage, especially verse 23, is deliberately echoed in Philippians 2:5–11. The glory of the Son of God was also invisible, but in the end it will be evident to all. When life is a blur, says Isaiah and the rest of Scripture, step back and take the long view.

How am I clay in the Lord’s hands?