Infinite Tai Chi – Stages 4 & 5

Stage Four

End of stage three -Extend dragon’s wing to the centre –left arm forward

Tai Chi circle –with right arm- aligning on left leg

Pillar in the sky –standing on left leg-left hand up to heaven right hand down to earth

Walking in the air –to your right. Align on right leg-pull left palm up to waist –Kick out left foot, step with left foot and point down to the ocean with right toes and right hand while guarding heart with left hand.

Swivel round on right heel

Cross your heart

Hold the golden sun

Step out with left leg

Push the golden sun down (spreading your fingers) three times

Half moon circle (push right hand back with left fingers gently touching wrist)

Punch through (right hand forms a soft fist and punches through from the waist)

Bring your back foot up to the front foot at right angles

Half moon circle

Punch through stepping forward with your left foot

Sink down to the lotus pond – weight 70% on back leg, palms pushing down to earth

Rise up to the lotus flower both hands coming up through the waist and opening up and out at heart level

Scooping hands - right hand first –soft water element. Align on left leg

Lotus walking and waving hands like the clouds –right- left- right

Open the rainbow bridge

Half moon kick –to your left

Step across to the right

Open the rainbow bridge

Kick and point –with right leg

Turn -to face the front

Hold the silver moon (right hand facing up to your throat centre –left hand toward dantien)

Silken hands –start with right hand moving to right then left hand moves across your throat/heart to the left–after three sets raise right arm to the sky-palm down to earth

Touch a star

Waterfall –step to left with left foot –bring left palm down over knee to earth and then up to waist three times –imagine water cascading down from right hand through both arms

Streak of lightning –right hand comes down and sweeps across your body to merge slowly with left hand as you align on left leg and step forward with your right leg to form

Golden Shield –Hold for a few seconds

Swivel back heel so that you are facing to the back left hand corner and step out with left foot

Push the fire palm –push right arm through -right palm extended to front

Reflections in the mirror- left palm comes up to face third eye

Repeat ‘push the fire palm’ two more times

Lotus walking and waving hands like clouds –to your right

Align on left leg –slide right leg straight back and then turn to face the front

Lotus step and waving hands to the left

Rainbow bridge

Half moon kick- to your right

Cross over to the left

Kick and point –with left leg. Swivel on left heel

Holding the silver moon –left hand facing throat centre-right hand facing dantien (like holding a baby)

Silken hands –beginning with left hand crossing throat/heart to the left-three sets

Touch a star –with your left hand. Align onto left leg and step out with right leg

Waterfall –bring right hand down over knee and back to waist –three times

Streak of lightning –left hand down and across your body, align onto right foot and slowly merge with right hand as left leg steps forward to form

Golden shield- hold and breathe and feel surrounded by a shield of golden light

Stage Five

Swivel back heel so that you are facing to the back right hand corner and step out with right foot

Push the fire palm (left palm out to the front ) and

Reflections in the mirror (right palm up towards third eye)

Repeat pushing the fire palm three times

Align onto right foot and step out to front with left leg

Hold the golden sun-palms facing each other

Horizontal cosmic circles –three times

Pull right hand back, form Iron Bridge with left arm and punch from the heart with right arm

Small step up with right foot to right

Open the rainbow bridge as lift left leg

Kick and Point with left leg. Cross to the right

Angels Dancing. - Align on right leg

Swallow Flies South- step out to left- sweep both arms up to heaven, palms outstretched

Spread your wings- left arm pointing up to heaven, right hand down to earth

Cross right foot over left then step back with left foot

Hold the golden sun

Push the golden sun down -three times fingers stretched out to the earth

Half moon circle- push left palm back with fingers of right hand gently touching left wrist

Punch through

Bring back foot up to front foot- at right angles

Half moon circle

Step forward with right foot and

Punch through

Down to lotus pond palms pushing down and backwards

Lotus Flower –hands opening out from the heart

Look through to the horizon

Scooping hands-right hand then left hand, turning to the front

Return to the altar –both feet together hands into your heart and then out to the sides

Step to your left and back –feet together, hands in to your heart and then out to the side

Step to your right and back and repeat

Step to your left and back and repeat

Step to the right and back with your right leg

Ripples extend to the horizon-to your right x 3

Step to your to your left and back

Ripples extend to the horizon –to your left x3

Cross your heart

Sink, step straight back with right leg and turn to your right

Spread your wings

Reach up to the star with both arms to your right

Bring the starlight into your heart both palms facing towards your heart


Reach up to a star to your left

Bring the starlight into your heart and repeat

Cross your heart

Sink and step straight back with your left leg then turn to the front

Reach up to a star –to your left

Bring the starlight into your heart


Reach up to a star to the right

Bring the starlight into your heart



Stand like a mountain and radiate –natural expansion, palms forwards at heart level

Bring the light into your heart with both hands then expand arms to sides for-


Bring the light down through your charkas – with your left palm sideways to your body and you right palm flat at your dantien

Hold the yin energy –right palm at your dantien is holding the pure water, left palm at your heart is holding pure yin energy –fingers slightly curled

Illuminate your heart

Half moon circle – then spread arms out to the side

Reach up to heaven’s light-with left hand –right hand facing down to earth

Bring heavens light down on earth –bring right hand down and left hand up to meet at the heart then push both palms out to the front a heart height

Radiate –standing like a mountain

Expansion –both palms expand to the side

Bring yang energy down through your charkas to your heart centre –left hand holding the pure fire at your dantien, right hand holding the golden sun

Illuminate your heart with yang energy

Ripples in a lotus pond-left palm comes up and extends out to the right –fingers of right hand rest under left wrist. Trail fingers of left hand through the water to the left and back to the right and then the left. Form a water drop with your left hand and push your left hand up to form-

Pure Water

Open your heart and rainbow across -Right hand comes back across chest to form

Pure Fire – palm extended out to your right

Stand like a mountain - Perfect balance and perfect strength

Right hand inner circle, left hand inner circle

Sideways step –with left leg-form sun and moon -right hand forms soft fist and left hand opens around it

Offer Sun and Moon –Step forward with right leg, right toes pointing down. Bring right heal down and feet together

Merge sun and moon – right fist merges into left open palm

Bring both hands down to your side

At-one-ment –connect to heaven and earth and bring the light down through each of your charkas bowing when you reach your heart centre

Open your stance back to Tai Chi stance

Hold your virtue and merit After about one minute bring your feet together, gather in the light and push it into your lower abdomen. Utilise the light and chi to revitalise your system