application for PARTNERSHIP Projects

The Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership accepts projects with a Jewish focus that meet specific criteria from both Community Partners and Jumpstart. Potential projects for the Partnership must meet all eligibility requirements of both organizations, which can be found here:

Please complete this form to apply to become a project of the Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership.
Project Name / Date
Primary Contact Name / Primary Contact Phone
Address, City, Zip
Work Phone / Fax
E-mail / Website
How did you learn about the Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership?

Please complete the following application for consideration as a Partnership project. Proposals will be accepted on the first of each month. Please submit your application electronically in MS Word or Adobe PDF format to:

Community Partners offers a monthly two-part planning workshop designed to assist you in preparing your proposal. If you are based in Los Angeles and need information on the basics of fiscal sponsorship and how to write an effective proposal/business plan we encourage you to attend. Workshops are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Please RSVP your attendance to 213/346-3200. For further information visit the Community Partners website at or call 213/346-3200.

§  Have you attended Planning Workshops I & II? Yes No

§  If so, which dates? ______

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Please answer the following questions to apply to become a project of theCommunity Partners/Jumpstart Partnership.

1.  Describe your project. Please include the following:

§  the mission for the proposed project

§  specific goals & measurable objectives for your project that you hope to achieve for your community at large

§  the strategies or methods you will use to reach your objectives

§  a proposed timeline with a progression of dates detailing how you will begin your project

2.  Describe the constituency that your project will serve. Please include the following:

§  In what geographic and demographic constituency will you implement your project?

§  Describe the needs of the target population that you serve.

§  What other organizations address the same or similar needs? Please explain how your project differs.

3.  If successful, what benefits will your project have in the community within 2 years?

4.  Briefly describe the work you have done to research, design, pilot test or demonstrate the project.

5.  How does your work-related, volunteer or other experience help prepare you to develop and implement the proposed project?

6.  Describe key relationships you currently have with helpful allies in your community and elsewhere. Please include the following:

§  How will these relationships help you achieve your project’s goals?

§  Describe ways you interact with these people, groups and the organizations which they are affiliated.

§  What other organizations or groups do you need to know/work with in order to make your project a success?

7.  List the names, addresses, emails, and community affiliations of the project’s advisory group and/or the people you propose to approach to become members of the advisory board. Please include a brief summary of their present and/or future contributions to your project. ** Please clearly identify which advisors have committed to serving on the board, and those you plan to approach.

Name / Address / Email / Affiliations

8.  Outline your specific expectations regarding the benefit(s) a relationship with the Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership will provide your project.

ATTACHMENTS - Please include the following attachments with your proposal:

1.  A start-up budget outlining the projected costs and sources of revenue for the proposed project in the next 12 months. A template has been enclosed in your packet to help create your budget.

2.  Resumes of all key people involved in the project.

3.  Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with your past and present work, your character, and your commitment to improving the Jewish community and broader society.

Application checklist

Please submit the following:

Completed form and proposal


Resumes of all key people involved in the project

Three letters of reference

Criteria used when considering new projects

§  Genuine charitable intent

§  Able, committed leadership

§  Evidence of real community need

§  A clear set of goals, objectives, and methods

§  Realistic, balanced budget projections for expenses and revenues, which accurately reflect the activities described in the proposal

§  A “fit” among the project leadership’s experience and capability, the project concept, and the missions of Community Partners and Jumpstart

Types of projects not eligible

The Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership does not accept projects that are:

§  Proprietary, commercial, or profit-making ventures of any kind, even if the profits from those enterprises will benefit charitable activities

§  One-time-only events or ventures, even if the intent is to repeat the event or venture annually

§  Film or video projects, unless the film or video is integral to the training or education of an identifiable clientele or to the delivery of a direct social service, and only if the film or video will be used in the context of a comprehensive service delivery plan

Jewish Focus

The Community Partners/Jumpstart Partnership was created to support specifically Jewish projects, but there are some restrictions on the types of projects that qualify. In general, the Partnership is interested in supporting projects that work for an open, inclusive, and expansive Jewish life, and ones which will beneficial to the broader society.

Therefore, the Partnership does not accept projects that:

§  Require adherence to a particular religious faith or doctrine

§  Make claims that a particular religion or religious tradition is the “one true religion” to the exclusion of all others

§  Make claims or enact practices that privilege members of a particular religion or religious tradition, or discriminate against non-members of a particular religion or religious tradition

§  Claim that one particular religion has replaced all other religions

§  Require active participation in religious rituals

§  Have as a primary purpose the advancement of prescribed belief or observance.

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