World History Week of: 22-25 February 2016 WPHS Learning Plan

CHAPTER 26 World War One and the Russian Revolution 1914-1924 pages 814-845
CHAPTER 27 Nationalism and Revolution Around the World 1910-1939 pp 850-881
22 February / Daily
Objectives / ·  Complete Your Understanding of the Major Points of World War One and the Russian Revolution
Plan / ·  Chapter 26 Section FIVE Revolution and Civil War in Russia Part TWO pages 839-842.
·  View the Witness History Video Program The Fall of the Czar.
·  Review the information needed to correctly respond to the selected response questions and essay questions (read both essay questions to the class). Then have each member of the class come up with three original questions and their answers from Chapter 26 (to be placed in their daily writing assignments).
·  ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Divide the class in half into two teams, and conduct a game allowing each half to answer a question (and score appoint) posed by the other team. Only five seconds to ask the question, fifteen seconds to respond (using the book is OK). Points only awarded for correct answers.
23 February / Daily
Objectives / ·  Ace the Chapter 26 Test
Plan / ·  Briefly review the major points of Chapter 26
24 February / Daily
Objectives / ·  Identify the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution.
·  Describe the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the reforms it introduced in Mexico after the revolution.
·  Analyze the effects of nationalism in Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s.
Plan / ·  Briefly review what was studied about WWI during the last two weeks in Chapter 26.
·  Introduction to Chapter 27.
·  Chapter Twenty-Seven Section ONE, pages 852-857.
·  Begin by looking at the mural on page 857, reading and discussing the article, and writing the answer to questions one and two on the daily writes.
·  Read and discuss in class pages 852-856.
·  ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Pretend you have been transported back in time with your cell phone to the era of the Mexican Revolution—and to your surprise, everyone else there has a cell phone too. Your assignment is to send three intelligible text messages stating what YOU think ought to be done concerning what you’ve read in the The Plan of San Luis Potosi, November 20, 1910. The first text message will go to General Porfirio Diaz, the second to Francisco Madero, and the third to a peasant living during that time. Share with fellow students in “mingle ‘till the music stops.”
·  Review how the day’s objectives have been met and answer questions three, four, five, and six on page 856.
·  HOMEWORK: Using the HOM reading evaluation strategies, read the PRIMARY SOURCE document Francisco Madero: The Plan of San Luis Potosi, November 20, 1910; fill in the sections of the Habits of Mind handout as you read the attached document.
25 February / Daily
Objectives / ·  Describe how Africans resisted colonial rule.
·  Analyze how nationalism grew in Africa.
·  Explain how Turkey and Persia modernized.
·  Summarize how European mandates contributed to Arab nationalism.
·  Understand the roots of conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Palestine mandate.
Plan / ·  Review what was studied yesterday, and the homework assignment.
·  Watch the Prentice-Hall instructional video Apartheid in South Africa, and discuss in class.
·  ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: In groups of two or three students will create a flow chart detailing events in the Middle East from 1919 through the 1930s. Flow charts will be posted on the white board and each group will then write their critique (positive or suggestions for improvement) under the chart under evaluation.
·  Chapter Twenty-Seven Section TWO, pages 858-864; before reading, review questions three, four, five, and six on page 864.
·  Read and discuss in class pages 858-864.
·  Review how the day’s objectives have been met and answer questions three, four, five, and six on page 864.