Student Profile Form

Tier I (Used at Tier 1b)

Student Grade Date

School Teacher

Name of Parent/Guardian

A. School History

Grade(s) retained: ______

Grades attended in current school system: ______

Number of schools previously attended: ______n/a 

If a recent enrollee, amount of time in current school setting: ______n/a 

B. Discipline History

For the current school year, does student have more than two office discipline referrals?

Yes No If yes, reason(s) for referrals:

For the previous school year, does student have more than two office discipline referrals?

Yes No If yes, reason(s) for referrals:

C. Current Program Placement

General Education

General Education with Accommodations

Behavior Intervention Plan

Section 504 Plan

Title I:  Math  Lang. Arts/Reading

Bilingual/ELL:  Spanish  Other:



D. Language

Based on New Mexico Access for ELLs (ACCESS) and/or other approved language proficiency assessment, language proficiency has been determined to be:


E. Attendance

Are school absences a factor: Yes No If yes, most frequent reason(s) for absences:

Attendance history:

History of excellent attendance Unremarkable attendance history

History of numerous excused absences

Accumulated five or more unexcused absences (In Need of Early Intervention)

If yes, has the district developed a corrective action plan in accordance with NMAC-B(5)(b) Yes No

Accumulated the equivalent of ten or more unexcused absences within the school year

(Habitually Truant) If the student is habitually truant, has the district followed procedures outlined in NMAC-B(5)(e-g). Yes No


F. Documents Attached or Available for Teacher and Principal Review

The following documents have been gathered and are attached or available for teacher and principal review during Teacher and Principal Conference:

Student’s cumulative record

Student’s attendance record

NM Standards-Based Assessments (NMSBA)

Student observations (if any)

Short cycle assessments

Curriculum-based measures

Progress report(s)

Office discipline referral(s)

Vision screening and referral form

Hearing screening and referral form

Home language survey

Language proficiency assessment (NM ACCESS for ELLs)or other approved language proficiency assessment), if applicable n/a

Written communication between home and school
