Microprocessor Controlled Devices
1.Microprocessors are tiny computer cpu’s (like tiny digital brains) that are found in many devices that we use in our houses every day. Microprocessors control how these devices function.
Namethree household devices that contain microprocessors. For each one describe what the microprocessor would control:
Household Device 1:
What the microprocessor controls:
Household Device 2:
What the microprocessor controls:
Household Device 3:
What the microprocessor controls:
2.Microprocessor-controlled devices give us more leisure time because they are capable of carrying out tasks for us. This gives us more time to do the things we want to do.
This can have both positive and negative effects on our lifestyles.
- Explain threepositive effects that microprocessor controlled devices can have on our leisure time:
- Explain threenegative effects that microprocessor controlled devices can have on our leisure time:
3.Microprocessors have changed the way in which we socialise and interact with friends/family.
- Name two ways in which microprocessor controlled devices have changed the way in which we interact with each other: For each one explain how the devices allows us to communicate and socialise:
Microprocessor-Controlled Device 1:
How we can communicate and socialise using the device:
Microprocessor-Controlled Device 2:
How we can communicate and socialise using the device:
Microprocessor-Controlled Device 3:
How we can communicate and socialise using the device:
- Statetwo ways in which we can socialise with friends using mobile phones and two ways we can socialise using social networking sites:
- Describe what ‘VoIP’stands for, what it allows us to doand give an example of a VoIP software application:
VoIP stands for:
VoIP allows us to:
An example of a VoIP software application is:
- Explainthreepositive effects and threenegative effects that ICT has had on social interaction:
Positive effects:
Negative effects:
4.Microprocessors and ICT affect our lives so much that it is even possible for us to never have to leave our houses.
- Name and describethree situations of every-day tasks that ICT has made possible for us to do at home:
Every-day task 1:
How ICT has made this possible to be done at home:
Every-day task2:
How ICT has made this possible to be done at home:
Every-day task 3:
How ICT has made this possible to be done at home:
- Explaintwopositive effects and twonegative effectsthat ICT has caused by making it possible to never leave your house:
Positive effects:
Negative effects:
IGCSE ICT – Unit 5: Effects of ICT Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge