Candidate’s Name______




Home Address______

(Number, Street)(City/State)(Zip Code)

Contact ______


  1. Is your candidate a current member of The Mint Museum? If not, is she willing to pay the Membership fees by February 5, 2018?
  2. Is your candidate willing to pay the $50 initiation fee required of all new Auxiliary members by February 5, 2018?
  3. Is your candidate willing to fulfill the Auxiliary requirements of:

Attending Auxiliary membership meetings?

Fulfilling all other obligations as stated in the Auxiliary Bylaws and Policies?

Please tell us about your candidate. This information will be kept confidential within the Auxiliary. It will be used to make good interest and talent matches for committee placements. Please describe her:

  1. Education
  1. Professional background
  1. Prior volunteer experience
  1. Prior responsibilities in other organizations

According to Auxiliary Bylaws, "A prerequisite for membership in the Auxiliary shall be an interest in The Mint Museum and a willingness to participate in the programs and projects of the museum, especially those sponsored by the Auxiliary." Please explain how your candidate meets this guideline, indicating up to three specific Mint Museum and/ or Auxiliary activities the candidate has attended or voluntarily participated in. In particular, please tell us what specific interests, skills and talents your candidate will bring to the Auxiliary.

  1. Prior Mint Museum and Auxiliary Activities
  1. Interests/ Skills / Talents (describe all that apply)

Organizational experience

Sales/ Marketing/ Advertising

Design/ Fashion/ Architecture

Hospitality/ Entertainment


Business strategy/ Financial planning

Sponsor's suggestions of Mint Auxiliary activities that this candidate would particularly enjoy:

Please consider and sign the following sponsor's pledge: As a sponsor, I acknowledge my role in helping my candidate become a member. I will attend membership meetings with my candidate. I will make sure my candidate becomes involved in Auxiliary activities, and I will answer or direct questions to the appropriate person.

Please note we request that at least one sponsor be a current Active member. Sponsors are responsible for collecting the application fee of $50 and completed Mint Museum membership application and fee (separate from the Auxiliary) if applicable. The candidate's application is not complete without these materials.


Sponsor Signature & Phone Co-Sponsor Signature & Phone

NOTE: Completed applications (including all fees) must be received by February 5, 2018. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please send to: Elizabeth Fagg,c/o Mint Museum Auxiliary
338 S. Sharon Amity
PO Box 405
Charlotte, NC 28211

All new members and their sponsors are invited to our New Member Coffee | March 12 | 10:00 AM | Mint Randolph