CRYHA Meeting Minutes

October 29, 2017

Scheduled Start time 6:30PM

Coon Rapids Ice Center, Coon Rapids, MN

Meeting called to order by Mandi DeGroteat 6:37pm

Board Members; Attendance was taken and the following were present:

Summer Anderson, President / Jenny Moe, Registrar
Mandi DeGrote, Vice President / Amy Larson, Equipment Manager
Holly Bachman, Treasurer / Michele Degerstrom, Tournament Director
Scott Billey, Recruiting and Retention / Jim Boden, Player Representative
Britney Severson, Secretary / Michelle Lange, Gambling Manager
Kim Spah, Fundraising Coordinator / Sue Erickson, Assistant Gambling Manager
Steve Ellenson, Boys Traveling Director / Chad Alsaker, Safe Sport/ACE Coordinator
Geoff Spah, House/Mite Director / Kelly Sartwell, Volunteer Coordinator
Jeremie Bresnahan, District 10 Representative / Open Position, Referee-In-Chief
Al Ness, Girls Traveling Director / Jeff Ammann, Board Member At Large/Ice Scheduler
Andrea Carlson, Mite/U8 Administrative Director / Steven Moe, Boys High School Coach
Brian Mountin, Website Coordinator / Jim Koltes ,Girls High School Coach
Todd Bushy, Goaltending Development Director / Darren Marty,PR/ Sponsorship Coordinator
Mandy Lilledahl, SKATE Banquet

Number of Members present:19_

Guest:Mike Hunulla, Jason Rodriguez, Jacob Mars and Jen Shirshov


MOTION made by____Kim Spah______to approve meeting agenda and previous month’s meeting minutes; MOTION seconded by____Chad Alsaker____;UNANIMOUSLY approved

Gambling Manager/Assistant Gambling Manager: Michelle Lange/Sue Erickson

  • Handbag BINGO- Nov 3rd @ CR’s w/gift card wheel before hand
  • Would like to buy Bingo machines for Muddy Cow and CR’s
  • Mattress Bingo at Muddy Cow –wear pajamas. TBD
  • Benefit at CR’s in February for a former hockey family to support two un-well children
  • Two errors made this month w/ gambling during Bingo & Etabs. Have been handled

MOTION made by____Jeff Ammann______to approve (previous month)gambling activity; MOTION seconded by___Kim Spah_____; UNANIMOUSLY approved

MOTION made by __Geoff Spah______to approve (previous month) income, allowable expenses and required taxes and contributions; MOTION seconded by _Chad Alsaker_ ; UNANIMOUSLY approved

MOTION made by _Chad Alsaker___to approve Oct2017 estimated allowable expenses on page two of the report in the amount of (ex $67,400); MOTION seconded by Michelle Degerstrom ; UNANIMOUSLY approved

Treasurer: Holly Bachman

Report was reviewed and discussed

CRYHA Balance Sheet
September 30, 2017
Sponsorship Account / $3,302.81
Fundraising Account / $500.00
Team Account / $8,265.00
Scholarship Account / $249.00
Klein Main Checking / $33,356.33
Tournament Account / $500.00
Recruiting Account / $1,175.00
Savings Account / 64,997.18
Total Bank Accounts / $112,345.32
Liabilities & Equity
Opening Balance Equity / $275,478.49
Unrestricted Net Assets / $-215,937.19
Net Revenue / $52,804.02
Total Equity / $112,345.32

MOTION made by ____Chad Alsaker_to approve above Financials; MOTION seconded by _Jenny Moe__;UNANIMOUSLY approved

President: Summer Anderson (not present)

  • Conducted interviews for Referee-in-Chief

Vice President: Mandi DeGrote

  • Meet with Summer and Holly earlier this month to discuss budget. Will go over more at the next meeting when Summer is her

Boys High School Coach: Steve Moe (Not present)

Boys Traveling Director: Steve Ellenson (Not present)

  • Schedules to be published this week
  • Jerseys will hopefully be in this week for traveling. For future reference jerseys should be ordered sooner to avoid the time crunch for jerseys getting here in time for pictures

Girls Traveling Director: Al Ness

  • Jerseys are in
  • More discussion throughout

House/Mite Director: Geoff Spah

  • Evaluations underway
  • HEP testing next weekend

U8/Mite Off-ice Coordinator: Andrea Carlson

  • 108 kids registered
  • 12 kids did not come back from last year from moving out of Coon Rapids
  • Down turn on Mites from last year
  • First year parent meeting next Sunday

Secretary: Britney Severson

  • Nothing at this time

Ice Scheduler: Jeff Ammann

  • Games will be finalized by Friday
  • Mite scheduling is Nov 15th
  • Nov 17th outdoor rink will be ready and can start use on Nov 20th

Registrar: Jenny Moe

  • Noticing many coaches are not qualified to be rostered yet
  • Only registered coaches can be on the bench and/or on ice

Tournament Director: Michelle Degerstrom

  • U10 tournament will have to be cancelled (Jan 12-14) Not enough players
  • Bantam tournament still on
  • Further discussion throughout

Volunteer Coordinator: Kelly Sartwell

  • Picture dib hours needed
  • People want to get their hours done early this year!

Website Coordinator: Brian Mountin (Not Present)

Fundraising Coordinator: Kim Spah

  • Order turn in for wreaths coming up. 13,288 in wreaths, less buyers this year. Only down 7 sellers this year
  • Butter braid turn in next month


  • Open position

Recruiting/Retention Coordinator:Scott Billey (Not present)

  • Successful JCC Camp

Safe Sport / ACE Coordinator Chad Alsaker:

  • Need a list sent to him who the coaches are
  • Further discussion throughout

Equipment Manager: Amy Larson (Not present)

Player Representative: Jim Boden

  • Nothing at this time

District 10 Representative:Jeremie Bresnahan (Not Present)

Goaltending Development Director: Todd Bushy

Approved new goalie proposal

Summer to send out official position info- this was an exectutive decision. Todd will monitor this position as much as possible and hold people accountable

  • Timecard to be filled out for Goalie/Hockey directors

New have to try something new and make the best out of it

  • Further discussion throughout

PR/Sponsorship Coordinator: Darren Marty

  • Chevy test drive went well at Hockey Plooza (suburban was the big hit)
  • 10 more test drives needed to get the donation- will most likely have Chevy at the Bantam tournament
  • Mite jerseys to be sponsored?
  • Travel level- practice jerseys?

SKATE Banquet Coordinator: Mandy Lilledahl

  • Nothing at this time

Other Business:

  • Jim Koltes – season starts tomorrow. 42-48 on ice with season start
  • Jacob Mars- Kimmel and Mars continue to be on the ice with the kids & Nov 13th is the nest coaches meeting.

Future Meetings

November 26th 6:30 pm @ CRIC

Next Meeting

Meetings will be scheduled on the last Sunday of each month throughout the hockey season but are subject to change. Future meetings are scheduled to take place at Coon Rapids Ice Center but are also subject to change. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, November 26 2017 at 6:30 pm at CRIC

Future Meetings

2017 Meeting Dates (subject to change):

6:30 Start:(Start time will be 8:00 pm for meetings in BOLD)

February 26, 2017July 30, 2017

March 26, 2017 August 27, 2017

April 30, 2017 September 24, 2017

May 28, 2017October 29, 2017

June 25, 2017November 26, 2017

December - TBD

MOTION made by_ Kim Spah to adjourn meeting; MOTION seconded by Holly Bachman__; UNANIMOUSLY approved

Meeting called at ___8:14pm____

Minutes submitted by: Britney Severson, Secretary

These minutes are current, true and accurate:

President: Summer Anderson

Vice President: Mandi DeGrote

Signature: ______

Date: ______, 2017

11000 Crooked Lake Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (763) 421-5035