Alexandria University
Faculty of Commerce
EMBA Program
Course Syllabus
- Course: EMBA 220 – Financial Decision Making
- Prerequisite: EMBA 240 – Financial Accounting & Reporting
- Instructor: Prof. Mohamed EL-Hennawi – Prof. Ossama El-Ansary – Prof. Jayant Kale (GSU)
- Textbook: Brigham, Eugene and Joel Huston, "Fundamentals of Financial Management" concise ed., Thomson – South – Western, (the latest edition).
-Supplements and handouts (text C.D)
-PowerPoint slides
- Instruments:
1)Financial Calculators
2)Laptop Computer
3)Minimum knowledge of spread sheet applications
- Course Objectives:
1)To introduce you to finance, especially the financial operations of business corporations.
2)To introduce you to the concepts of risk, rates or return and capital budgeting as applied to finance.
It is a survey course. Hence, we will cover a lot of ground. We will begin with a general overview, and then go into detail on several concepts and techniques used in financial decision making.
- Class Procedures:
1)The course will use the case approach.
2)The individual and GROUP study and preparation outside class are extremely important.
3)The lecture will focus on the major points introduced in the text. If you read and have at least some familiarity with the assigned chapter before the lecture this will greatly assist you in understanding the lecture.
4)The lectures will mainly use the "Integrated case" at the end of each chapter. Major concepts and decision making tools will be introduced throughout the discussion of the case. I reiterate the necessity of reading the case before class and try to solve the questions at your best.
5)Your grade in the course will be determined by scores based on the following weights:
- Attendance, Participation and Assignments40%
- Mid-term Exam30
- Final exam30
6)The exams will be short cases and problems. If this format is not followed, I will announce the revised format in class well ahead of the exam.
viii- Class Schedule
This schedule is tentative and subject to changes (will be announced in class).
No / Topics / Case1 / An overview of financial management / ______
2 / An Analysis of Financial statements / O'Leon Inc.
3 / Financial Planning and Forecasting / New World Chemical Inc.
4 / Review and group presentation / ______
5 / Risk and rates of return / MerrillLynch, Inc.
6 / The cost of Capital / Coleman Technologies Inc.
7 / The basics of capital budgeting / Allied Components Company
8 / Review and group presentation / ______
9 / Mid-term exam / ______
10 / Cash flow Estimation and risk analysis / Allied Food Product
11 / Capital structure and leverage / Campus Dell Inc.
12 / Dividends and repurchases / South-eastern Steel company
13 / Review and group presentations / ______
14 / Final Exam / ______
Good Luck