Memphis Annual Conference

Conference Youth Council



For funding year 2008

Memphis Conference Office/CYC

24 Corporate Blvd.

Jackson, TN 38305


fax 731-660-5712

Deadline: October 1, 2007

[money to be used for projects in 2008]


for Selection of YSF Projects

When applying for Youth Service Fund grants, the following items will receive careful consideration. It is these areas that the Projects Review Committee will examine most thoroughly. The more specific, clear, and complete you are the better.

1.The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, therefore projects will be examined to see how they challenge youth to live as faithful disciples of Christ.

2.The project must be youth-related (ages 11-18). The preference will be given to those projects that are youth-initiated and youth-led.

3.YSF grants will not be used to fund a deficit.

4.Projects will be racial/ethnic inclusive whenever possible.

5.Preference will be given to projects within The United Methodist Church or associated with The United Methodist Church.

6.Projects of other churches and cooperative efforts between religious groups will be favored next. Finally, projects sponsored by secular organizations that meet United Methodist Youth Organization criteria will be considered.

7.Preference will be given to first time applicants. Organizations

may receive grants up to three times.

Application Procedure

for Selection of YSF Projects

1.This form does not need to be used, but all requested information

needs to be provided. Questions 1-9 are not optional. Answer the questions in the order listed to present a clear, complete, and concise application.

2.The goals of the project should be stated clearly. The committee

needs to be able to visualize the project in action.

3.Submitting a specific budget is essential. Where does the income

come from? What expenses does your project have? No more than 25% of YSF money should be used for administration or salary. Freeing a minimum of 75% for the program development.

4.Illustrate church and community support, financial and otherwise.

Letters of support from church and community leaders are helpful. Three are usually sufficient.

Applications must be postmarked by

October 1, 2007.

[Money to be used for projects in 2008.]

Mail to:

Memphis Conference Office/CYC

24 Corporate Blvd.

Jackson, TN 38305

UM Youth Service Fund Project


General Information:

Project Title: ______

Contact Person: ______

Annual Conference, If United Methodist: ______

Church/Agency: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: (____)______Fax: (____)______

E-Mail: ______Website: ______

Who would we make the check out to? ______


Total Budget Amount (U.S. Dollars): $

Amount Requested (U.S. Dollars): $______

If you have received YSF Funds previously, list the following:

UM Youth Organization,

YearAmountJurisdictional or Annual Conf. Funds




Project Category:

Please choose one that best describes your project.

___ Faith Sharing & Outreach___ Ministry with At-Risk Youth

___ Leadership Development___ Priority: Spiritual Renewal

___ Scholarship___ Agricultural/Vocational

___ Other – Explain: ______

Information on Participants

What age are your participants? ______

If different, what age are persons being served? ______

Describe the racial/ethnic identity of the majority of persons served by your project: ______


Describe the racial/ethnic identity of the minority of persons served by your project: ______


Answer The Following Questions

1.Briefly describe the background and setting of your project. What

significance does your project have on the lives of both the individuals and the community it serves?

2.Write a three-sentence description of what this project hopes to


3.What action will be taken to accomplish this goal?

4.Provide a checklist of four measurable short-term objectives for this


5.How and when did the project get started? How many youth (ages 11-18) have been served?

6.How are youth (ages 11-17) involved in the planning, programming, and administration of the project?

7.How do you plan to spend this Youth Service Fund Grant?

8.What will be the effect on your project if you are awarded an amount

substantially less than the amount requested? Will you be able to adapt?

9. Attach a proposed budget for this project.