


May 14, 2014

The meeting of the Pokagon Township Board was called to order on May 14, 2014 at 7:30 PM. Roll call of members showed all members present. Supervisor opened the meeting and led the pledge of allegiance.

Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by B. Shaffer to approve April 9, 2014 regular meeting minutes and April 22, 2014 special meeting minutes as submitted.

Public Comment:

County Road Commission member, Pete Foutnier, was present and gave the board and public an update on new management and roads.


Supervisor: Linda reported on meetings attended in April.

Clerk: Motion made by B. Shaffer and supported by G. Mihills to approve rental of port a potty through Hailey’s. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by K. Young to approve contracting with Mountain High Shredding on a month to month basis. Motion carried by voice vote.

Treasurer: Kevin reported the General Fund Huntington Balance as $277,904.99.

Assessor: Bill gave a report on AMAR results. Motion made by B. Shaffer and supported by G. Mihills to adopt the public records policy. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Building Inspector: The building inspector reported 5 building permits.

Zoning Administrator & Blight: Joe True gave a verbal report.

Ambulance: Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by B. Shaffer to accept Articles of Incorporation of Southwestern Michigan Community Ambulance Service. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Reports received from CVBESA and Price Care.

Fire Departments

Pokagon VFD: Indian Lake VFD:

2 Calls in April 5 Calls in April – 1 from Pokagon.

Zoning Board of Appeals: No new business.

Planning Commission: Motion made by K. Young and supported by G. Mihills to accept the planning commission’s recommendation to approve a home occupation application by Richard Krueger. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by B. Shaffer to accept the planning commission’s recommendation for Phase I conditional use application by the Pokagon Band. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by B. Shaffer to accept the Planning Commission’s approved Master Plan Draft. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by B. Shaffer and supported by K. Young to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve mining permits for Kalin Construction and Yerrington Brother’s. Motion carried by voice vote.

Cemetery Board: Motion made by G. Mihills and supported by K. Young to purchase 50 more veterans stake flag holders for the cemetery. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by B. Shaffer and supported by K. Young to accept fence repair quote from Bruce Calvert in the amount of $2,645 to repair fence at Evergreen Cemetery. Motion carried by voice vote.

Transfer Station: Open; ½ price day on May 3rd.

Motion made by K. Young and supported by L. Preston to pay bills as submitted in the amount of $19,531.40 as amended. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Unfinished Business

1.  MTA on the Road, June 11 – Bob, Linda and Kevin will attend.

New Business

1.  The board discussed proposed road projects. No decisions were made until further review of road conditions.

2.  We received a quote from Haas Security and will be working on putting a grant together through Insurance Company.

3.  Motion made by L. Preston and supported by K. Young to allow the township hall to be used by the Klann’s on June 21st. Motion carried by voice vote.

Motion made by G. Mihills to adjourn at 8:52 PM. C. Sandberg supported. Motion carried to voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM

Carrie Sandberg, Clerk

Pokagon Township Board Minutes 2