MINUTES - ITO Meeting 3rd March 2015, 11- 4 Cycle Experience Office, Telford

Apologies: Kieran McNab (Outspoken), Nina Saunders (Cycling Scotland), Vicky Spencer (British Cycling), Paul Lever (CTWM), Colin Savage (Devon CC), Jackie Bratley (Durham CC), Eric Chasserey (Kingston Council), David Showell (Cycle Confident), Paul Robison (Cycle Training Alliance), Isobel Stoddart (TABS)

Attendees: Nick Truran (East Midlands ITO), David Dansky (CTUK) (Chair), Ken Woodhouse (Pedal Ready), Julie Milne (Wiltshire Council), Judith Billingham (Wiltshire Council), Liz Clarke (BikeRight!), Fiona Quinn (Haddenham Cycle Training), Paul Lowe (Cycle Instructor Ltd), Julie Fox (Cycle Experience), James Hancock (Cycle Training East), Jackie Wilcox (Life Cycle UK).

Item / Actions
  1. Welcome, apologies and introductions
  • Many thanks to Julie Fox and Cycle Experience for hosting the meeting and providing lunch.
  • Noted that a lot of people missing why – not clear why, is it venue or some other reason. (post meeting note IS – apologies were mainly due to other work commitments)
  • Thanks to Michael Frearson for his contributions to ITO group and to research, he has done which has contributed to TABS income. Kieran McNab replaces Michael.
/ Non-attendees to meeting to email Isobel with reasons for non-attendance if not already done so
  1. Previous minutes and matters arising
  • Some minor amendments need to be made on PCA form and agreed with SDG. (NB Pete Z has left SDG)
  • We are looking at getting the NSIT qualification externally accredited. Steve Garidis may be able to help. NB Paul Lowe is developing a CPD course on travel planning and would like this accredited if possible – no specific action on this.
  • Procurement guidance. Various people have sent info / documents in. This is a TABS issue rather than an ITO issue and TABS should take forward.
  • Professional development and CPD courses. This more or less complete. An issue was raised that some L.A.s do not allow bike adjustments, which is problematic. Paul Lowe raised the issue of adjusting BMX brakes – agreed there should be a CPD module on this adjustment.
  • YST have delivered inclusive cycling training courses for SGOs in January David is meeting Louise in London to discuss this if anyone else wants to attend.
  • Bikeability plus. Pilots being done by BikeRight! Cycle Experience and East Region. 3-5 modules/school are being delivered. Pilot to finish July 2015 and report some time after this (Autumn?). We should consider report when done. CPD training on delivering Bikeability+ should be standardised.
  • DBS document – completed
  • 80:20 papers. After discussion, it was agreed that we should ask that SDG reconsider the way they construe 80:20 for QA. The ITO group accept 80:20 as an aspiration and will add to their guidance on this. This needs finalising before conference, as many people will have questions/comments about it.
/ David Dansky to progress.
David Dansky to progress.
David Shannon to update Tabs to take forward.
David Dansky to add BMX brakes module to document.
Put on agenda for update at next meeting
TABS to discuss with SDG
TABS to amend guidance.
  • PCA discussion. Small groups discussed various PCA situations – there was broad agreement on how these should be resolved. It was agreed that the scenarios and answers should be circulated with minutes and non-attendees should be invited to make any additional comments. The document should help ITOs when considering PCA issues in future.
/ Isobel to circulate document with minutes and invite comments from non-attendees.
  1. Clarity on to become an NSIT(Q)
  • Step 1: Do 2-day NSIT course
  • Step 2: An ITO should have its own procedures for inducting and then awarding qualified status to an NSIT (P). This may vary from one ITO to another.
  • NB In order to be an NSIT the instructor must work for an ITO, either as an employee or on a self-employed basis.
  • There was some doubt about whether SDG have an accurate list of who is an NSIT. Some concern was expressed about NSITs being trained by Cycle Training West Midlands delivering NSI courses without being attached to an ITO.
  • It was mentioned that many NSIT (P) swould have no experience of delivering NSI courses. ITOs could obtain an accurate, up-to-date list of who is delivering specifying who works for them as an NSIT.
  • NSIT P or Q would not have any experience of delivering level 3 to adults unless the schemes they work for do so.
/ All ITOs to send a list of their NSITs to Isobel to be forwarded on to SDG to compare against their database.
Action to raise the issue of NSITs not linked to ITOs with SDG
TABS to raise concern about CTWM at their meeting with SDG
  1. SUD Training / NSID CPD development
  • For the SUD training it is JAUPT who determine the requirements of the course. This year it is expected that they will require (re)applications for the course accreditation to require the cycle instructors to be NSIQs rather than NSIs. It is possible that there may at some point be some requirement for NSIs to do a CPD module related to driver training.
  • Currently BikeRight!, Cycle Experience and CTUK delivering CPD for SUD courses
  • It is possible for someone to do the 4 day NSI course, gain experience of Bikeability outcomes by delivering on a Driver Training course (working with an NSIQ), and then be assessed by an ITO delivering on such a course.

  1. NSITs getting training to NSIT(Q)
This was covered in debate on point 4
  1. Signal for stopping
The following points were made:-
When NS was written this was looked into in depth. The right arm up and down originated when cars did not have indicators. This signal is currently in the Highway Code as a rule for motorcyclists. (NB It was suggested that the HC might be revised after the election).
Although not written into the NS the communication for a cyclist stopping is a lookbehind (right), and if someone is behind then look and signal left, followed by a final check left before pulling in.Franklin in Cyclecraft covers this. / TABS to raise with SDG that advice on this signal should be put into the Delivery Guide.
7. Other items
Passing a parked car – signal?
After discussion, it was agreed the correct procedure is to look back in plenty of time and move into an overtaking position in an appropriate gap in traffic if necessary. A signal would not normally be required but some traffic conditions, most likely on level 3 roads, may require a signal to create/negotiate a gap to move into.
Is it okay to move into car door zone if passing a moving vehicle in a narrow street?
Yes, so long as this is done slowly and with awareness. Stopping may be necessary e.g. if someone in the parked car.
IQA seminars
2 took place in Manchester, 1 in Chesterfield and 2 in London and one more is scheduled in London. Approx 20-25 attendees per session. Delivered by Julie, Kirsti and David. Feedback good. There should now be a better understanding of IQA, how it links to external QA, where it documented and how to develop a programme and possible inputs and outputs. Schemes should be aware they could go to an ITO for help/QA. Seminars went well and TABS should aim to provide more training like this – courses just about broke even but attracted new members to TABS. Likely, that TABS will offer annual training. Suggested that attending TABS training could be a requirement for schemes to reregister – this will be recommended to SDG. / TABS to recommend schemes are required to do annual TABS training as a requirement of registration.
9. TABS update
Isobel has some ideas for workshops for conference on 12th May but would like further ideas, and also offers to deliver sessions.
Possible suggestions:-
  • What is the role of an NSIT
  • Quantative Analysis of Bikeability outcomes (Paul L volunteered to lead this workshop).
Isobel will send a final draft list to schemes for further ideas.
NB Nick will be coming night before to conference and volunteers to do whatever is needed. / All – send any ideas, and offers of assistance to Isobel
10. Next meeting
  • Agreed we would like a full day – 11 – 4.
  • Next meeting should be held September (hosted by BikeRight! in Birmingham either w/c 14/9 or 21/9
  • Following meeting will be December in Bristol w/c 30/11 or 7/12
/ Isobel to do a Doodle poll to agree dates.