President's welcome:
Chris Schwar
Opened meeting, welcomed everyone. Started with guest speaker, Sierra Bennett, Inglewood alumni. She is requesting to sell her recipe book at our fundraisers to help her study a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain next year. The book was compiled from her family recipes. She eventually wants to teach. She would bring samples from the cookbook . She needs to raise approximately $10,000. Amy Tarlo motions to allow Sierra Bennett to sell recipe books at Winterfest on Friday. Kim Wreath seconds. Motion approved.
Vice president report:
Amy Tarlo/Laurie Harkins
No Report.
Secretary report:
Cheryl Gillmer
Asks for motions to approve November minutes; Amy Tarlo made motion and Krista Pironti seconded. Minutes approved.
Corresponding secretary report:
Krista Pironti
Thank you cards were given to us from teachers to thank us for the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast.
Teacher Representative:
- First grade wants to thank everyone for their help with RIF.
- They also want to thanks H&S again for the money they received from the book fair.
- Young authors is still on. Amy Gianficaro has volunteered to be the chairperson. It involves 4th & 5th grade students. The goal is for students to write over holidays. There will be teacher mentors. David Lubard will be the guest author on May 12th at Walton Farm.
- Extended kindergarten has started. Based on teacher recommendation. Things are off to a good start.
- Response To Intervention will meet again in January and students will be assigned a tier. If you do not get a letter home, your child's tier did not change. Every child has a targeted skill. Even if their tier has not changed, they may be at a more proficient level within that tier.
- Chris Schwar reported there was a request by staff to buy IPEVO cameras for the school, one per grade level and a few for checkout in the library.
Mrs. Kenworthy came in to demonstrate the cameras for us. There is a larger camera called the Elmo in the school now, which is hard to move from room to room. The IPEVO is a much smaller plug and play. Pictures can be taken with it, unlike the Elmo. It can be used with smart boards and projectors. You can write on it, put documents on it, power points, notebook games, etc.
Board recommends to purchase 10 IPEVO's, there is money for it in the budget . Sandy Fischer motions. Laurie Harkins seconds. Motion passes.
Treasurers report:
Connie Brown
Up to date budget handed out. Book fair made lots of money.
Yankee candle made $2100.
Target raised $367.
Principal's report:
Mr. Taylor
- Olweus Program is being postponed. Now being moved to fall of 2012. School is asking for support in purchasing t-shirts. There will be some money from district to help. Question- Can 6th graders receive Olweus basics? They are the only kids in district going to middle school without knowing the program.Can someone be brought in to talk to the 6th graders? This will be looked into.
- Report cards are coming out December 22nd.
- A few Principals in the district got together to put together a presentation to protect children when using technology. It will be held Jan 24th at North Wales Elementary. Parents must RSVP. Form will be coming home in a future backpack Wednesday.
- Winter Concert is coming up. The Chorus will be performing at Schwenkfeld Manor across the street.
- Reading Olympics starting up. We may need a committee chair for this. 4th grade team ready to start.
Special Events reports
Dining Out
Chris Schwar:
Wendy's - Raised over $200.
Friendly's – Raised just over $100.
Pasta Dinner/Dessert Raffle
Amy Tarlo/Amy Gianficaro
Went very well. Dessert raffle looked fantastic. Kids were happy, church was happy. 6th Grade made tip money towards 6th Grade Party. Pluck the Turkey had a great response. Donations will be collected through December 9th.
Holiday Shop
Connie Brown
Starts this week. Kids are excited.
Kristen Kimball
The crafts are done, signs are made. Kim has games under control. Flowers all set. Band Ensemble will be playing from 7:15-7:45. Pizzas being sold.
Upcoming Events reports
Variety Show-
Kim Wreath
Show is set for Jan. 20, 2012.
Mrs. Beltz has jump rope club and ribbon dancers practicing for performance in the show.
First meetings held this week. Rehearsals start first week we come back from holiday break.
Continuing Committee reports
Coordinating council
Kim Wreath
Fee being charged starting Jan. 1st. for credit card users using My School Bucks.
Tom Schneider verified Inglewood renovations going out to bid for next year.
Found out that parents can run reading Olympics without teachers. A teacher is only needed on the day of the event.
Jan. 18 th Coordinating Council meeting will be held at Inglewood. We will need food for the event.
Market Day
Kim Simon
No report.
Brooke Huebner
Books have gone to print.
BrainPop Subscription Renewal.
Amy Tarlo motions that we renew our subscription to BrainPop. Chris Schwar seconds. Motion approved.
By-Law Revisions
Need a chair of the committee. Please let us know ideas for additions to the by-laws.
We need more volunteers. Please try to bring someone new to help with an event.
Krista Pironti motioned to adjourn meeting. Cheryl Krause seconds. Meeting adjourned.
NEXT MEETING: Jan. 10, 2011 @ 7 p.m., Inglewood Library
Minutes prepared by Cheryl Gillmer