Annex I
1.General requirements
1.1.Legal requirements to be supported by the harmonised standards
The harmonised standards requested, or parts thereof, shall specify methods for the analysis of theperformance of EU fertilising products to support application of relevant requirements referred to in Article 4(1) and set out in Annexes I to III to Regulation (EU) .../…
The harmonised standards shall provide detailed technical specifications of [….] with the purpose of allowing analysing and verifying compliance with relevant requirements of that Regulation.
The structure of a harmonised standard shall be such that a clear distinction can be made between its clauses and/or sub-clauses which are necessary for compliance with the relevant legal requirements and those which are not. The legal requirements shall be taken into account from the beginning and throughout the entire process of developing of standards.
1.2.Legal requirements to be covered by an individual harmonised standard
When a harmonised standard does not cover all the requirements, which are assumed to apply to particular EU fertilising products, a standard shall indicate the requirements applicable to the products that are not covered by it. Where a harmonised standard contains technical specifications which do not support application of requirements set out in Annexes I to III to Regulation (EU) … /…, such technical specifications shall be clearly distinguished from the specifications supporting the those requirements.
1.3.Legal requirements of a precise nature
The harmonised standards are not supposed to provide any further technical specifications on requirements set out in Annexes I to III to Regulation (EU).../…. These requirements are precise enough to be applied directly.
CEN shall ensure that the legal terms of Regulation (EU) …/… are not altered by the provisions of harmonised standards.
The European harmonised standards shall not include restrictive requirements that would prevent future standards developments.
2.Specific requirements
2.1.Requirements for the validation of test methods
CEN shall ensure that the reproducibility and reliability of the test methods for quantitative analysis are assessed in relevant inter-laboratory tests. These tests shall be carried out on a relevant variety of existing fertilising products.
2.2.Requirements for considering all users of standards
Harmonised standards shall also reflect the technical and human capacities of the laboratories that will be entrusted with conformity assessment and market surveillance duties.
Harmonised standards should not prevent innovation and therefore several alternative test methods could be referred to in harmonised standards. By doing so, CEN shall verify the equivalence of the different methods in their capacity to demonstrate the compliance of products to a given requirement.
Annex II
Harmonised standards and deadlines for adoption
Table 1 – requested harmonised standards on organic fertilisers
Reference information / Reference to legal provisions / Deadline for adoption[1]1.1 Determination of the mercury content
Adaptation of standards:
EPA method 7343 with EN 13040 for the preparatory phase
ISO 16772 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.2 Determination of the cadmium, nickel and lead content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11885
EN 16319 (Cd/Ni/Pb) / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.3Determination of the chromium VI content
Adaptation of standard:
ISO 17075 part 2 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.4 Determination of the biuret content
Adaptation of standard:
ISO 18643 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.5 Salmonella detection
Adaptation of standard:
EN ISO 6579
ISO 6579 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 3 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.6 Escherichia Coli determination
Adaptation of standard:
FD/CEN TR 16193-B
NF EN ISO 16649-2 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 4 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.7 Enterococcaceae determination
Adaptation of standard:
EN ISO 7899-1
EN 15788 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1, point 4 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.8 Determination of the total nitrogen content
Adaptation of standards
EN 13654-2
EN 13654-1
NEN 7438 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A)(I), point 2
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A) (II), point 2
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.9 Determination of the total P2O5, K2O, MgO, CaO and Na2Ocontent
Adaptation of standards
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11885OrCEN/TS 16170 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A)(I), point 2
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A) (II), point 2
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.10 Determination of the total SO3 content
Extraction: EN 15925
Determination: EN 15749
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11885 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.11 Determination of the water-soluble forms of MgO, CaO, Na2O content
Adaptation of standards
Extraction: EN 15961
Determination: ISO 11885 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.12Determination of the water-soluble form of SO3 content
Adaptation of standards
Extraction: EN 15926
Determination: ISO 11885, EN 15749 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.13 Determination of the organic carbon content
Adaptation of the standard:
EN 15936 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A)(I), point 3
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(A) (II), point 3
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.14 Determination of the dry matter content
EN 13040 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.15 Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen
To be developed / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.16 Determination of the organic nitrogen content
To be developed / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(A), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.17 Determination of the nitrification inhibitor content
Adaptation of the standards
Determination: EN 15360, EN 16328, EN 16024, EN 15905 / Annex III, Part 2, FPC 1, point 2b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.18 Determination of the urease inhibitor content
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 15688, EN 16075 / Annex III, Part 2, FPC 1, point 2c / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.19 Quantity
To be developed / Annex III, Part I, point 2b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
1.20 Information on the chloride content
To be developed / Annex III, Part I, point 8 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
Table 2 – requested harmonised standards on organo-mineral fertilisers (OMF)
Reference information / Reference to legal provisions / Deadline for adoption2.1 Determination of nitrogen from ammonium nitrate fertilisers in OMF
To be developed / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.2 Determination of the mercury content
Adaptation of standards:
EPA method 7343 with EN 13040 for the preparatory phase
ISO 16772 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 3c / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.3 Determination of the cadmium, nickel, arsenic and lead content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11885
EN 16319 (Cd/Ni/Pb) / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 3a,3d, 3e / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.4Determination of the chromium VI content
Adaptation of standard:
ISO 17075 part 2 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 3b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.5 Salmonella detection
Adaptation of standard:
EN ISO 6579 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 4 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.6 Escherichia Coli determination
Adaptation of standard:
FD/CEN TR 16193-B
NF EN ISO 16649-2 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 5 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.7 Enterococcaceae determination
Adaptation of standard:
EN ISO 7899-1
EN 15788 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B), point 5 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.8 Determination of the total nitrogen content
Adaptation of standards
EN 15561
EN 15750
BNL-4 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (I), point 2
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (II), point 2
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, first bullet / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.9 Determination of the total P2O5, K2O, MgO, CaO, Na2O content
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination - adaptation of standards
ISO 11885
CEN/TS 16170 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (I), point 2 (for P2O5, K2O)
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (II), point 2(for P2O5, K2O)
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, second and third bullet (for P2O5, K2O)
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B), point 1d, fourth bullet (for the others) / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.10 Determination of the organic carbon content
Adaptation of the standard:
EN 15936 / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (I), point 3
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (II), point 3
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B), point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.11 Determination of the dry matter content
Adaptation of the standard:
EN 13040 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B), point 2 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.12 Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen
To be developed / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, first bullet, third dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.13 Determination of nitric nitrogen
To be developed / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, first bullet, second dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.14 Determination of urea nitrogen
To be developed / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, first bullet, fourth dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.15 Determination of the organic nitrogen content
To be developed / Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (I), point 2, first bullet
Annex I, Part II, PFC 1(B) (II), point 2, first bullet
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, first bullet, first dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.16 Determination of the water-soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of standard
Extraction: EN 15985
Determination: ISO 11885 (all types of phosphorus)
Or EN 15959: total phosphate content / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, second bullet, first dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.17 Determination of the NAC soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of standard
Extraction: EN 15957
Determination: ISO 11885 (all types of phosphorus)
Or EN 15959: total phosphate content / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, second bullet, second dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.18 Determination of the formic acid soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of the standards
Extraction: EN 15919
Determination: ISO 11885 (all types of phosphorus)
Or EN 15959: total phosphate content / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, second bullet, third dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.19 Determination of the water-soluble K2O content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction and determination: EN 15477 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, third bullet, first dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.20 Determination of the water-soluble MgO and CaO content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 15961
Determination: ISO 11885 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, fourth bullet / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.21 Determination of the total SO3 content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 15925
Determination: EN 15749
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11885 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B),point 1d, fourth bullet / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.22 Determination of the water-soluble SO3 content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 15926
Determination: EN 15749 or ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B), point 1d, fourth bullet / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.23 Determination of the water-soluble Na2O content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 15961
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B), point 1d, fourth bullet, first dash / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.24 Determination of the total boron content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II),point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.25 Determination of the total cobalt content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.26 Determination of the total copper content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.27 Determination of the total iron content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.28 Determination of the total manganese content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.29 Determination of the total molybdenum content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.30 Determination of the total zinc content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.31 Determination of the water-soluble boron content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.32 Determination of the water-soluble cobalt content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.33 Determination of the water-soluble copper content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.34 Determination of the water-soluble iron content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.35 Determination of the water-soluble manganese content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.36 Determination of the water-soluble molybdenum content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 16962
Determination: ISO 11855 or EN 16965 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.37 Determination of the water-soluble zinc content
Adaptation of the standard
Extraction: EN 13650
Determination: ISO 11855 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B)(I), point b
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.38 Determination of the chelated fraction of micronutrients
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 13366 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (I), point c
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point c / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.39 Identification of chelating agents
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 13368-1, EN 13368-2, EN 13368-3, EN 15451, EN 15452, EN 15950 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (I), point c
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point c / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.40Determination of the complexed fraction of micronutrients
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 15962 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (I), point d
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.41 Identification of complexing agents
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 16109, EN 16847 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (I), point d
Annex III, Part 2, PFC 1(B) (II), point d / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.42 Determination of the nitrification inhibitor content
Adaptation of the standards
Determination: EN 15360, EN 16328, EN 16024, EN 15905 / Annex III, Part 2, FPC 1, point 2b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.43 Determination of the urease inhibitor content
Adaptation of the standard
Determination: EN 15688, EN 16075 / Annex III, Part 2, FPC 1, point 2c / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.44 Quantity
To be developed / Annex III, Part I, point 2b / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
2.45 Information on the chloride content
To be developed / Annex III, Part I, point 8 / 24 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
Table 3 – requested harmonised standards on inorganic fertilisers
Reference information / Reference to legal provisions / Deadline for adoption3.1 Determination of the mercury content
Adaptation of standard:
EN 16317 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(I), point 2(c)
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(II), point 3 / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.2 Determination of the cadmium, nickel, arsenic and lead content
Adaptation of standards:
EN 14888, EN 16319, EN 16317 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(I), point 2(a), 2(d), 2(f), 2(e)
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)II, point 3 / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.3Determination of the chromium VI content
Adaptation of standard:
EN 16318 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(I), point 2(b) / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.4 Biuret determination
Adaptation of standard:
EN 15479 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(I), point 2(g) / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.5 Determination of the perchlorate content
In development by TC 260 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)(I), point 2(h) / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.6 Determination of the total nitrogen content
Adaptation of standards
EN 15560, EN 15561, EN 15478, EN 15750 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(i), point 2, first bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(ii), point 2, first bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(b)(i), point 2, first bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(b)(ii), point 2, first bullet
Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.7 Determination of nitrogen in the form of ammoniacal nitrogen
Adaptation of standard
EN 15475 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet, second dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.8 Determination of nitrogen in the form of nitric nitrogen
Adaptation of standards
EN 15604, EN 15476 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet, first dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.9 Determination of nitrogen in the form of urea
Adaptation of standard
EN 15604 but not validated for products containing cynamide nitrogen / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet, third dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.10. Determination of nitrogen from UF, IBDU and CDU
Adaptation of standard
EN 15705 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet, fourth dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.11 Determination of nitrogen in the form of cyanamide nitrogen
Adaptation of standards:
EN 15562, EN 15604 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, first bullet, fifth dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.12 Determination of the total P2O5content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 15956
Determination: EN 15959 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(i), point 2, second bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(ii), point 2, second bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(b)(i), point 2, second bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(b)(ii), point 2, second bullet
Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, second bullet / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.13 Determination of the water-soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 15958
Determination: EN 15959 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, second bullet, first dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.14 Determination of the NAC soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 15957
Determination: EN 15959 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, second bullet, second dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.15 Determination of the 2%formic acid soluble P2O5 content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: EN 15919
Determination: EN 15959 / Annex III, Part 2, PFC1(C), point 1d, second bullet, third dash / 12 months after notification of this Decision to CEN
3.16 Determination of the total K2O content
Adaptation of standards:
Extraction: ISO 7407
Determination: EN 13346 / Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(i), point 2, third bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(a)(ii), point 2, third bullet
Annex I, Part2, PFC 1(C)I(b)(i), point 2, third bullet