SIMSA Virtual Aviation Club


SIMSA(Sim South Africa) was born in August 2008,after three very enthusiastic members of the Aviation Museum Of South Africa (AMSA) based at Rand Airport, namely Steve,Maurie and Markmet to arrange the basics and development of an active commercial aircraft type flight-simulator group. Subsequently, with amuch excitement, these seeds of thought germinated, and the structure and operation of SIMSA was created. Many evenings were spent discussing ideas and ways of putting the group into sensible operation, with the main criteria being that it be filled with flying passion,fun and yet remain one of the most accurate and realistic simulation clubs in Johannesburg or, for that matter, in South Africa. Trial sessions were numerous, and development and improvements areconstantly being made. SIMSA operates in the Germiston area, as it is operated by members of AMSA,and intends to become the active simulator sub-section of AMSA. Part of SIMSA’s goal is to put together a club which will teach newcomers and enthusiasts about the basics of aviation, flight and navigation,as well as sharing the elation of accomplishing a well-planned and well-executed economical and on-time flight. Asall flying involves much safety, part of SIMSA’s aim is to introduce new and prospective sim pilots the basic rules on how to safely conduct a flight through the virtual skies.

The aircraft are typically South African-used types, with routes flown around Johannesburg and to destinations around South Africa. Aircraft and scenery are enhanced with much freeware in addition to the base Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 programme, thus members can conduct virtual flights in familiar terrain and aircraft. Part of the added realism is that of radio procedures, where all simulator pilots are required to communicate via correct radio-procedures, including call signs, positional data and flight plan information. Newcomers are taught these procedures and are introduced to the world of aviation in a secure environment, with the hope that they become both fully fledged simulator pilots and indeed real pilots. Both IFR and VFR principles are utilised on occasion, with a central point being an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) overseeing all movements both airborne and on the ground. This greatly enhances the realism, as it is only with the assistance of that central radar screen that the ATC can accurately guide and control the utilised airspaces, approaches and departures as utilised.

Our Operation:

Ourclub is stationedat the Aviation Museum of South Africa which is housed in the Transvaal Aviation ClubBuilding at Rand Airport, next to the South African Airways Museum Society aircraft park.We can accommodate up to 8 pilots and ATC. Our future plans are to increase the number up to 24 pilots on a session, as space and funds become available. We intend to entice new members and grow the club, and in accordance improveour equipment and thus the realism of our online sessions.

We are currently introducing a “sim-licence” for all members, which will have criteria yet to be confirmed, but with the aim of enticing members to enhance their flying skills with advanced recognition levels.

Aircraft and Scenery use:

Freeware scenery,as well as freeware aircraft are easily accessible from the internet from various sites,such as , and The majority of commercial airfields are included in MS Flight Simulator 2004,but due to the sheer number of airports created in MSFS2004 as default data(over 23000 airports in total) it was not an easy task to do airports in fine detail. But we are indebted to the assistance and help of many enthusiastic designers and programmers, who have made available as freeware their hard work and detail aircraft and scenery files. SIMSA makes use of this additional freeware scenery which can be accessed by anyone from the internet. Some freeware airport sceneries available are; OR Tambo Intl,Cape Town Intl,Durban Intl,Bloemfontein airport,Lanseria Intl,Virginia(Durban) airport,Richards Bay,Rand airport,Wonderboom,Swartkop AFB,Waterkloof AFB,Ysterplaat AFB,Stellenbosch,Fisantekraal,New Tempe(Bloemfontein),Pietermaritzburg,Pietersburg airport,Kruger Mpumalanga Intl any many others. The list continues with many more, and with SIMSA, more additions are definitely on the way.

The aircraft we prefer for our online sessions are rated as top downloads,or been suggested by many members in the flightsim community,all of which is freeware.The aircraft that were suggested are as follows;

AFG King Air 300
BAC 1-11 (Nationwide livery included)
Bell 206B Jetranger (With two ZS registration liveries included)
Bell 412 Helicopter
Challenger Ultralight
Christen Eagle Pitts model (Toyota Z-BUG livery)
EC120 Colibri Helicopter (Kruger National Park ZS registration livery included)
Embraer ERJ135 (SA Airlink 2008 livery)
Extra 300L (Mazda ZS-PWL & ZS-OLR liveries)
Flexiwing trike
Hawker Siddeley 748 Turbo Prop (Pelican Airlines & Intensive Air)
L29 jet (Sasol Tiger livery)
MD500 E Helicopter
Modified Default DC3 (Improved Aerodynamics,sounds and added SAA Klapperkop livery)
Read For Pushback B747-200 (One in SAA colours,nicknamed Drakensberg)
Realair Cessna 172 (Improved aerodynamics,sounds)
Rockwell Commander Turbo prop version
SECTIONF8 F86 Sabre Jet (SAAF livery)
TBM 700 Socata
Tinmouse B737-200 ADV ( Which includes BA/Comair,,Nationwide and SAA liveries)
Warwick P51 D Mustang (SAAF livery)

Flight Simulator 2004 as a Training Aid:

Flight Simulator 2004 is not only efficient when it comes to entertainment for family and enthusiasts,but has also been proved by many well known aviatorsto be an efficient aide for real world flying. As a student pilot, one of the founder members, Mark Boucher(with 43hrs real world flying at the time of writing), states, “MSFS2004 has helped me from the start,especially when it comes to practising procedures,checklists,instrument training,radio work,navigation aids and much more.” SIMSA’s statement in support is that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 is not only meant for advanced users,but for beginners and indeed everyone of all ages when it comes tounderstanding the basics of flying. As a result, SIMSA focuses on introducing realism,passion and fun to the newbie trainer,and strives to improve flying skills for all members with our group flights.

Formany people who, in the real world never had the finances to take up flying lessons, SIMSA offers a realistic but much cheaper alternative to attempt the art of flying and to have fun flying at the same time.We do cross country flights,formation flights,aerobatic competitions and virtual airline flying.


We invite people with serious aviation intent and interest to come along and experience this passionate community. Even if you don’t yet know the basics, you can learn at SIMSA. There is a small flight test which you have to complete to get your “sim licence”, indicating that you understand basic radio operating procedures and flight principles, and after the completion of a successful flight test,you then continue to build up flying experience, enhancing the value of your licence at our club.


The founders of SIMSA hope for the club to fly sky-high! We thank those who have supported us from the start and we invite all others to come and see what we do and how we can assist in making flying fun for you!

Happy Landings!

(Compiled and written by)

The SIMSA Founders

Steve Schwartz

Cell: 072 644 0447


Maurie Mazzanti

Cell: 072 606 6499


Mark Boucher

Cell: 082 370 7575
