POST TITLE:Associate Headteacher – Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit

POST GRADEL16 to L20(£55,951 - £61,623)


DIRECTORATE:Children and Young People’s Services


To work with the Headteacher in leadingand managing a multi-sited Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) to achieve the highest possible outcomes for young people who are not thriving in mainstream settings.

To lead and manage a multi-sited Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) for an agreed fixed period of time each week, as part of the long term succession planning for the Pupil Referral Unit.

To be responsible for the implementation of effective policies and procedures which support a high standard of educational achievement for pupils.

To take responsibility for all aspects of self-evaluation, delivery of a challenging curriculum and manage a team of teachers and support staff, including all aspects of Safeguarding policy and practice in the school.


The postholder is required to carry out the duties of a teacher as set out in the Schoolteacher’s Pay and Conditions and such specific duties that form part of this job description.

The postholder is responsible to the Headteacher for supporting the general good order and discipline of Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit, and the implementation of all policies. All staff are expected to have a clear understanding of the aims, objectives and ethos of the school and an awareness of its role in the community. It is essential that the academic and pastoral frameworks of Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit be seen as inter-related.


Responsible to the Head teacher and the Management Committee which sets school strategy and holds the Headteacher to account for pupil, staff and financial performance.

Annual appraisal of the Associate Headteacher’s performance and development needs is carried out by Management Committee performance appraisal sub - committee in liaison with Calderdale Council Head of Learning.


  1. To take responsibility for the leadership and management of the PRU. This will include ensuring provision appropriate to the needs of young people placed at the PRU.
  2. To have responsibility for the day-to-day line management of a staff team compromising teacher and support staff. To meet with them regularly to monitor the implementation of all programme aims and procedures, and to evaluate their performance.
  3. To sustain a close connection with, and knowledge of new relevant projects, schemes of work, types of approaches and perspectives on the approach to and management of emotional, social and behaviour difficulties. To be prepared, under the direction of the Headteacher and in collaboration with colleagues, to assess and evaluate innovative projects and alternative curriculum options to meet the needs of pupils.
  4. To develop staff skills around working with complex and challenging pupil behaviour
  5. With the Headteacher, to take a leading role on the development of police, school development plan, OFSTED action plans and all matters relating to self-evaluation including monitoring and tracking pupil achievement, and teaching and learning.
  6. To support colleagues to develop and implement young people’s individual or personal learning plans, incorporating target setting and ensuring all pupils progress at expected rates and achieve relevant qualifications according to their level
  7. To effectively liaise with schools and work collaboratively with designated staff around developing preventative programmes for pupils at risk of exclusion.
  8. To attend meetings in schools where appropriate and develop good working relationships with them.
  9. To manage and oversee the transition and reintegration process of pupils into mainstream schools or other settings in collaboration with the Head of Years.
  10. To attend BACS and provide information to it where necessary
  11. To coordinate and oversee all aspects relating to curriculum development and the delivery of a broad and balanced and creative curriculum, including PSHE and Citizenship, tailored to the needs of this group and to ensure that pupils receive their entitlement to Information, Advice and Guidance.
  12. To ensure the maintenance of discipline, ethos and attendance, and the implementation of relevant good practice.
  13. To attend Senior Leadership meetings and all organised meetings within the calendar cycle, including referral and review meetings.
  14. To ensure a comprehensive structure for regular team meetings, day-to-day line management, supervision, performance management and development for all staff, including awareness of training needs.
  15. To lead professional development of the staff through example and support and coordinate the provision of high quality professional development by methods such as coaching/mentoring.
  16. To line manage department and subject areas.
  17. To manage the school in the Headteacher’s absence
  18. To participate in the selection and recruitment of staff as required and to coordinate and oversee all matters relating to the induction of new staff.
  19. To ensure effective liaison with the full range of parties and agencies in support of raising achievement and outcomes for young people.
  20. To work with the Headteacher and School Business Manager (HR) on matters of staff discipline, capability and sickness procedures and take responsibility for investigations as may be necessary.

Qualities and knowledge

  • Leading by example, engender a spirit of high aspiration, creative challenge and determination to succeed throughout the PRU – amongst staff, pupils and their families
  • Sustain a wide and current knowledge and understanding of education and school systems locally, nationally and globally; with particular focus on narrowing gaps in educational and life outcomes between children who are not thriving at school, and those attaining age –related expectations.
  • Establish and maintain positive relationships with staff, pupils, parents, carers and families; governors and members of the local community.
  • Maintain a highly visible presence around the PRU, participating in teaching and pastoral interventions with pupils and families, leading by example instil an ethos of pride in the school environment and the school community.

Pupils and staff

  • Demand ambitious standards for all pupils, overcoming disadvantage and advancing equality, instilling a strong sense of accountability in staff for the impact of their work on pupils’ outcomes
  • Deliver a challenging curriculum which meets the differentiated needs, aptitudes, and time on roll of the children and young people aged 7-16 who attend the PRU. Curriculum development will be in consultation with Headteacher peers in Calderdale, and draw on national best practice for both mainstream schools and alternative provision.
  • Ensure PRU pupils have access to a rich and varied range of out of school activities which reinforce positive impacts of the personal and social development they receive in school.
  • Ensure opportunities for pupils to be involved in decision-making, both through formal participation structures and by embedding Pupil Voice in daily activities.
  • Demonstrate personally, and engender in all PRU staff, a strong commitment to self- assessment and continuous personal development.
  • Identify emerging talents, coaching current and aspiring leaders in a climate where excellence is the standard, leading to clear succession planning.
  • Hold all staff accountable for their professional conduct and practice.

Systems and process

  • Ensure that the school’s systems, organisation and processes are fit for purpose, and communicated clearly – including on the PRU’s website unless there is a good business reason not to do so.
  • Support the strategic decision- making of the PRU Management Committee, by provision of timely reports on policy and performance.
  • Contribute to a dynamic School Improvement Plan which delivers the strategic vision for the PRU, and which drives performance management throughout the PRU.
  • Ensure safeguarding and early intervention policy and practice are fully embedded throughout all the PRU’s activities, in line with national guidance and Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board.
  • Ensure a welcoming, safe, calm and attractive environment at all PRU sites, which stimulate learning and is focused on safeguarding pupils and developing exemplary behaviours in school and in the wider society.
  • Deployment of all staff and resources to ensure that at all times the PRU is a safe and effective teaching and learning environment. This includes ensuring clear lines of authority and accountability in the absence of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
  • Ensure fair, safe and effective staff recruitment, induction, performance appraisal and personal development throughout the PRU.

The self-improving school system

  • Work closely with Calderdale Behaviour and Attendance Collaborative to deliver the vision of Calderdale as a place which is “exclusion –free”. Deliver effective induction, transition and reintegration of pupils;
  • Maintain the PRU as a local centre of excellence for teaching children and young people at risk of exclusion, providing CPD opportunities for staff from mainstream schools
  • Secure the collaboration of Calderdale Secondary, Primary, and Virtual school leaders in the continuous development of the educational and pastoral provision at the PRU
  • Ensure that the PRU plays a constructive role in the life of the local community and that its curriculum draws on the nature and resources of that community, building effective links with local community organisations, employers and training and learning centres.
  • Ensure parents, families and carers are kept informed and engaged with their child’s progress and experience of the PRU.

Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified.

Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from the Head teacher, to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.