“Significant Learning” Rubric
adapted from the work of L. Dee Fink, Ph.D.
N/A (0)
Not Observed / Emerging (1) / Satisfactory (2) / Advanced (3) / Comment:
Evidence of Learning
Learning How to Learn
  • Becoming a better student
  • Inquiring about a subject
  • Learning to be a self-directed learner
/ Shows a beginning understanding of what it means to be a good student, i.e. self directed. / Begins to demonstrate consistent positive learning behaviors, i.e. clear learning goals and learning plan. / Fully demonstrates effective learning strategies in and outside the classroom in order to maximize learning.
New Discoveries
  • Feelings
  • Interests
  • Ideas/Values
/ Shows a beginning understanding of the ability to think and feel differently as a learner. / Demonstrates new thinking, feelings, ideas, and interests as a result of interaction with the course material and with fellow students. / Clearly able to integrate new ideas, feelings, thoughts as a result of interaction with the course material and with fellow students.
Human Dimension
  • Learning about one’s self
  • Learning about others
  • Understanding different Values
  • Developing empathy
/ Shows a beginning awareness of the important connection between learning about one’s self and interacting with others. / Demonstrates a growing ability to reflect on one’s self and to apply these insights to understanding and successfully interacting with others. / Clearly understands the importance of self knowledge and has successfully applied these new insights to understanding and relating to others.
  • Connecting ideas
  • Connecting people
  • Connecting realms of life
/ Shows a beginning ability to make connections among ideas and concepts with the material in the course and within one’s own life. / Recognizes points of integration among ideas within the course, and with ideas, information and perspectives from other courses. / Clearly identifies points of integration among course ideas, information and perspectives from other courses, and with one’s own personal, social, and/or professional life.
  • Enhanced communication skills (written and spoken)
  • Enhanced thinking skills
(creative, critical and practical) / Begins to understand and apply the different kinds of thinking and communication skills. / Shows a developing ability to apply creative, critical and practical skills and communication skills necessary to effectively manage a complex project. / Fully demonstrates an ability to successfully apply critical, creative and practical thinking skills and communication skills to a complex project.
Foundational Knowledge
  • Understanding and remembering information and ideas
/ Demonstrates a rudimentary understanding of key course concepts, terms, principles, and ideas. / Demonstrates a clear understanding of the key course concepts, terms, principles and ideas. / Demonstrates, integrates and applies key course concepts, terms, principles and ideas.
Total points:
Evidence of Significant Learning: 14-18 points
Evidence of Satisfactory Learning: 7-13 points
Evidence of Minimal Learning: 0-6 points