First United Methodist Church of Maiden, NC January 2018

A New Year and a New Start

Join in with helping to open our hearts, minds and doors to opportunities that reach others for Christ. Don’t hold back if God is speaking to your heart about something or someone that needs a little act of kindness their way. We need new ideas and ways to reach others. If you are a tech savvy person and wish to help expand on ways of reaching out to others, please let Pastor Tony know. We always have room to grow for God.


We are excited to have Adam, Amber and Aubree Cansler as new members at First UMC. They joined on Sunday, December 17th.

The Canslers reside in Maiden. Aubree is two years old and debuted in the Children’s Christmas program.

Adam works for Building Maintenance Services in Hickory. He is a volunteer Fireman at Maiden Fire Department. Amber works for Growing Smiles Pediatric Dental office in Hickory.

The couple enjoys spending time with Aubree.

Please make them feel welcomed.

Also, joining our church membership on December 24th is Beth Cloninger Rogers.

Beth is currently employed with Catawba County Cooperative Extension services in Newton. She has been a cheerleading coach for girls’ ages three to eighteen for twenty years where the girls have been very successful in competing for trophies and have received much recognition.

She enjoys knitting and crocheting as well as traveling with her parents, Karen and Alan Cloninger.

She is a big Green Bay Packers’ fan and enjoys getting to actually see them play when possible.

She is very animal friendly and has several in her home that keep her company.

Welcome, Beth.

To Adam, Amber, Aubree and Beth, we can’t wait to see what God has in store for you and our church family.

District Leadership Conference 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018 from 3-5pm at St. Luke’s UMC in Hickory.

Opportunities for laity and church leaders to grow and sharpen their skills in ministry and discipleship.

Here is the list of courses being offered for All Catawba Valley District laity:

“The Discipleship of Faith and Generosity”

“The Mission and Ministry of Staff/Pastor Parish”

“Do’s and Don’ts of Local Church Finance”

“Single-Board Governance-It’s About Vision and Leadership”

“Local Church Historians”

“Ministry of the Trustees”

“Children’s Ministry”

“Building Relationships through Nurture, Outreach, and Witness (NOW) Ministries”

“In the Beginning”

“Igniting the Fire of Youth Ministry”

“Baptism is the Ordination of Laity”

“Local Church”

All of the programs are free. Chairpersons should select which course they wish to attend. Registration is on-line at Western North Carolina Conference Catawba Valley District website.

New officers for 2018:

Administrative Council Chair: Jane Chavez, Vice Chair: Alan Cloninger

UMYF: Jenna Southers & Jennifer Rowan

Nominating Committee for 2018: Karen Cloninger and 2019: Suzanne Lineberger & Zach Rome

Lay Delegate to Annual Conference: Beverly Jordan

Administrative Council Members at Large: Tim Lawing, Tom Brown, Brody & Jenna Southers, Judy Sims, and Phyllis VanHoy

Communion Steward: Rita Beard

Finance Committee for 2020: Anthony Lawing, Zach Rome & Betty Lawing

Stewardship Chair: Pat Keener

PPR members for 2020: Greg Richard, Pat Rowan & Marci Rufty

Trustee Chair: Jay Bolick, Members for 2020: Tim Lawing & Michael Beard

Scholarship Committee for 2020: Anthony Lawing & Phuong McKinney

Church Maintenance: Tom Tolson

Parsonage Committee for 2019: Carol Wilson, Jo Ann Shelton & Elaine Lawing

Sound Technician: Zach Rome

Leaders for Our Children Needed

We’re looking for folks to share their talents in teaching Sunday school or helping with Wee Worship on Sunday. Our elementary, middle and high school grades need teachers willing to spend an hour a week sharing the love of God and their talents with them. Please see Gene Dellinger to discuss where you may best be suited. Safe Sanctuary Training is available so that you qualify to help out. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help in the growth of the church family.


The Methodist women are busy making plans for the annual chicken pie and dumpling supper coming up onSaturday,February 24th. Please join in on the preparations by attending the UMW’s meeting Monday, January 8, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the church.


Join in on planning for the upcoming Valentine’s dinner and other events in the coming year. The Methodist men will be meeting on Sunday morning, January 14th at 8:00 am for breakfast, devotions and fellowship.


Get in the game with a winning recipe of chili. It’s that time to compete for the sombrero and bragging rights until 2019. It’s up to you and the judges to get out your best recipe for chili and get in on the fun.

Anyone that wishes to participate must submit their chili to be judged by 9:30 am on Sunday, February 4th. A panel of judges will select the winning recipe and it will be announced during the luncheon that follows our worship service.

Monetary donations are accepted for the luncheon that will be given to The Corner Table in Newton.

If you would like to bring dessert, cornbread, sour cream, drinks, and volunteer to help, please let Michael and Debbie Rome know as soon as possible.


Join us for a “sweet treat” this year to celebrate Valentine’s. Tickets available for the annual Valentine’s dinner sponsored by the Methodist men are $28 per couple. On the menu this year is steak or chicken, baked potato, salad, dessert, bread, and beverage. The date will be Saturday, February 10th, 2017 starting at 5:00 pm. The dinner is held in the fellowship hall. Reservations are required. Once all tickets are sold, we cannot accept any more. So, get with Michael Rome about your tickets.

January’s Birthday’s

1 – Luke Sigmon

4- Lindsey Lawing, Spencer Kain

13-Bill Cashion, Kasey Cashion

14-Debbie McRee

17– Dennis Maczak, Jessica Caldwell

20-Retha Lowman, Lexie Martin

22-Jackson Pressley

23 – Kathy Carter

24-Xander Bixby

25 – Adam Lawing

29-Jean Auton, Katie Lawing

30-Randy Sain, Jason Bolick

31-Megan McKinney


Sunday, Jan. 7tht – Installation of 2018 Officers, COMMUNION & Remember Our Loved Ones’ Passing in 2017

Monday, Jan. 8th @7pm UMW Meeting

Tuesday, Jan. 9th @5:30 pm Meal to the Shut-In’s

Wednesday, Jan. 10th @7:00pm Trustees Meeting

Sunday, Jan. 14th @8:00am UMM Breakfast

Wednesday, Jan. 24th – Administrative Council @7pm

Sunday, January 28th – GO YE SUNDAY

Tuesday’s @7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Jan 1st – Jay & Susan Bolick

Jan 19th – Steve & Susan Poovey

Jan 22nd – Lanny & Jo Ann Shelton



Send A Card or Note To:

Mrs. Barbara Brown

1007 Greenbriar Court

Maiden NC 28650

Ushers for January:

Tim, Kyle and Matt Kelly & Zach Rome

Money Counters:

JoAnn Shelton, Rita Beard

Lanny Shelton


Jan. 7th – COMMUNION (No Wee Worship)

Jan. 14th - Debbie Sain & Kathy Smith

Jan. 21st –Sarah Jordan & Phuong McKinney

Jan. 28th – Jan Ledford & Jennifer Rice


Church basketball is gearing up. Here’s the schedule for the month of January. All games will be held at the Maiden Rec center. Show your support for our team.

Monday, Jan 15th @8:30pm against First Baptist

Thursday, Jan 18th @6:30pm against First Newton

Monday, Jan 22nd @9pm against Cornerstone

Thursday, Jan 25 @7:30 against Mt. Pleasant

Monday, Jan 29th @7:30 against Lawings Chapel

Christian Couples Retreat

March 17-18 Foundation for Evangelism at Lake Junaluska. Learn more and register at

Camp Tekoa News

Summer Programs – Touching Hearts.Changing Lives.Sharing the Light of Christ

Check things out for Elementary and Middle School Children at

The Corner Table Ministries

If you have a chance write down these items on your grocery list and the next opportunity that you have to go the store, shop for them. We have a collection box in the educational building to put them in.

This month’s items are canned green beans, canned whole potatoes and canned milk.

WILMINGTON CELEBRATION CHOIR, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH AT 10:30 at Mays Chapel UMC as part of their anniversary celebration.

Anticipated fish fry – March 17th!



JUNE 21ST – 24TH