Physical Science 1st Semester Final Review

1.  Technology can best be defined as ______science.

2.  A scientific theory is an explanation that has been tested by ______observations?

3.  What is a scientific model?

4.  Scientific theories can be changed or replaced when new ______are made?

5.  A series of logical steps that is followed in order to solve a problem is called the ______?

6.  Scientists test a hypothesis by doing ______?

7.  Can the hypothesis that a comet impact killed the dinosaurs be tested?

8.  Which SI prefix means one million?

9.  Which SI prefix means one one-hundredth ()?

10.  The force with which gravity pulls on a quantity of matter is referred to as?

11.  Matter is defined as anything that has ___ and takes up ___.

12.  The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called?

13.  The chemical element that is most abundant in the human body is?

14.  A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances is?

15.  The smallest unit of a substance that behaves like the substance is?

16.  You put 1 gram of salt into 1 liter of water and stir. The resulting liquid is an example of ___ mixture.

17.  The chemical symbol for sulfuric acid is H2SO4. How many atoms are contained in each molecule of sulfuric acid?

18.  How many oxygen atoms are in one molecule of table sugar (C12H22O11)?

19.  A material that can be represented by a chemical formula is?

20.  The chemical formula for water, H2O, means that each water molecule contains ___ H and ___ O.

21.  Knowing the chemical properties of a substance will tell you how the substance will __?

22.  Is density a physical or chemical property?

23.  Lead has a density of 11.3 g/cm3 and a mass of 282.5 g. What is its volume?

24.  A substance has a mass of 360 g and a volume of 7.5 cm3. What is its density?

25.  Which of the following is an example of a physical change? Dissolving salt in water or cooking an egg?

26.  Grinding quartz crystals down to produce sand is an example of a ___ change.

27.  Digesting food is an example of ___ change.

28.  Which of the following is an example of chemical change? Melting copper or grilling a burger?

29.  Why was Dalton’s atomic theory accepted?

30.  Is the nucleus positive or negative?

31.  What is the charge of an electron?

32.  Atoms have no electric charge because?

33.  According to Bohr’s model of the atom, electrons behave like planets orbiting or waves vibrating?

34.  According to Bohr’s theory, an electron’s path around the nucleus defines its ____ level.

35.  According to modern atomic theory, it is nearly impossible to determine an electron’s exact ___?

36.  The order of elements in the periodic table is based on the number of ___ in the nucleus.

37.  Atoms of elements that are in the same group have the same number of ___ electrons.

38.  Valence electrons determine an atom’s ___ properties.

39.  Ionization refers to the process of losing or gaining ___/

40.  Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. This means that an oxygen atom has 8 _____ in its nucleus.

41.  An atom’s mass number equals the number of ___ plus the number of ___.

42.  Why is an element’s atomic mass considered a weighted average?

43.  Where are the alkali metals is located?

44.  Which of the following elements is an alkali metal? Calcium or sodium?

45.  Alkali metals are extremely reactive because they have ___ valence electron.

46.  Which family of elements is extremely rare in nature?

47.  Most halogens form compounds by gaining an _____.

48.  Group 18 noble gases are inert because?

49.  Carbon and other nonmetals are found in which area of the periodic table?

50.  The forces that hold different atoms or ions together are ____ forces.

51.  A mixture is different from a compound because each substance in a mixture ___ its own properties.

52.  A compound differs from a mixture because it always contains the same ____ in the same proportion.

53.  Each molecule of table sugar, C12H22O11, contains how many atoms of carbon?

54.  In which substance do the molecules have the strongest attractions to one another? Solid, liquid, or gas?

55.  Often atoms join so that each atom will have a ___ outermost energy level.

56.  An ionic bond is a bond that forms between ____ charges.

57.  Covalent bonds are formed between _____ atoms.

58.  In which type of bond do atoms share electrons?

59.  The name dinitrogen tetroxide tells you that this compound contains ___ N and ___ O.

60.  When copper combines with oxygen to form CuO, the charge of the copper ion is ___.

61.  When nickel combines with fluorine to form NiF3, the charge of the nickel ion is?

62.  The name for the compound with the formula CuBr2 would be written as?

63.  Formaldehyde, CH2O, and acetic acid, C2H4O2, have the same empirical formula (they each have C’s, H’s,

and O’s) but different ____ formulas.

64.  A change in the color of a solution is a sign that a ___ change is taking place.

65.  A substance that undergoes a change in a chemical reaction is _____.

66.  What happens to atoms in a chemical reaction?

67.  In an exothermic reaction, energy is transferred from the reactants to the ______.

68.  Chemical energy is energy that is present within _____ and molecules.

69.  What is a synthesis reaction?

70.  What kind of reaction is 2K + H20 = H2 +K20?

71.  Which of the following is an example of a decomposition reaction? Photosynthesis or digestion of food.

72.  The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is _____.

73.  A chemical equation is balanced by changing or adding ______.

74.  Why is it important to balance chemical equations?

75.  In the reaction 2H2O ® 2H2 + O2, if you start with 2 molecules of water, how many molecules of hydrogen gas are produced?

76.  In the reaction 2H2O2 ® 2H2O + O2, if you start with 4 molecules of H2O2, how many molecules of O2 will you end up with?

77.  In a balanced chemical reaction, the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of the ____.

78.  What is a heterogeneous mixture?

79.  Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture? Rubbing alcohol or salad dressing?

80.  A mixture that separates into different layers when you stop stirring it is called a ___.

81.  You can usually separate out a ______by using a filter.

82.  Distillation can be used to separate solutions of miscible liquids because different liquids have different _____ points.

83.  Loose sugar dissolves much faster than a sugar cube because loose sugar has a greater ______.

84.  Water is referred to as the universal solvent because?

85.  You mix a powdered drink mix with water. The result is an example of a ___.

86.  A solution that is mildly acidic would have a pH of approximately 2, 4, 6 or 8?

87.  The label on a bottle indicates that the substance inside has a pH of 13. This tells you that the substance is stongly____.

88.  Choose between acid or base as your answer for the following questions:

  pH less than 7

  taste bitter

  feels slippery


  baking soda

  corrodes metals


  lemon juice

  pH more than 7

  taste sour

  release H30+ in water

  release OH- in water

89.  The pH of a ______acid would be 4 -6.

90.  The ______of a substance is a measure of its hydronium ion (H30+) concentration.

91.  A substance with a pH of 13 would be an example of a ______base.

92.  Acids and bases react to make ______& ______.

93.  Which acid and base formed the salt: sodium sulfate, Na2SO4?

94.  When a solution of an acid reacts with a solution of a base, the pH of the resulting solution depends on the ______of acid and base used.

95.  A neutral, ionic compound that does not contain oxide or hydroxide anions is called a ______.

96.  Which is the strongest electrolyte? A weak acid, a strong acid, or a neutral solution?

97.  The salt potassium chloride, KCl, can be formed by a reaction between which base and acid?

98.  Write the neutralization reaction of water.

99.  A(n) ______is a compound that can change color in a solution, depending on whether the solution is acidic or basic.

100.  An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions (H+) to form ______ions when dissolved in water.

101.  A(n) ______is a substance that either contains hydroxide ions (OH-) or reacts with water to form hydroxide ions.

102.  pH is a measure of the ______of a solution.

103.  In a neutralization reaction, hydronium ions react with hydroxide ions to produce ______.

104.  ______are neutral compounds formed when acids and bases react.

105.  Salts are ionic compounds that are often soluble in ______

106.  Because lye contains disassociates completely, it is a ______base.

107.  Soap works because the negatively charged end of the hydrocarbon chain dissolves in ______, whereas the neutral end dissolves in ______.

108.  ______make an upset stomach feel better because they ______stomach acid.

109.  A strong ______ionizes completely in water.

110.  What is the difference between fission and fusion?

111.  A radioactive isotope has a half life of 2.0 days. If one has a sample that initially has a mass of 240 grams, what mass remains after 8.0 days?

112.  What are the 3 radioactive emissions of nuclear decay?

113.  Does the nucleus’ mass or atomic number change during gamma ray decay?

114.  A sample of plutonium-239 decays to one-eighth of its original amount after 72,360 years. What is its half-life?

115.  Archaeologists use the half-life of what carbon isotope to date organic materials?

116.  Identify each nuclear emission as alpha decay, beta decay, gamma radiation, or neutron emission.

a. negatively charged b. high energy with no mass c. mass, no charge d. positively charged