Amendments to SARMAC VII program

·  Symposium – Thursday, 8:45 AM

·  Symposium title: “I’ll never forget that nose!”: The Role of Learning Experiences and Description Quality in Face Recognition. Hayley Ness is unable to attend. In place of her paper, Amina Memon will serve as discussant at the end of the symposium.

·  Paper session – Thursday, 8:45 AM

·  Paper session title: Factors affecting eyewitnesses. Lauren Shapiro is unable to attend. Her paper “Role of eyewitness age and schemas on testimony for a juvenile crime by a male versus female perpetrator” will not be presented.

·  Paper session – Thursday, 10:15 AM

·  Paper session title: Aging and nostalgia. Nathan Weber is unable to attend. His paper, co-authored with Tim Perfect, “Metacognitive monitoring and control in older and younger adults” will not be presented.

·  Paper session – Friday, 2:45 PM

·  Paper session title: “Controlling the fate of memory: How ‘self-centered’ beliefs and behaviors affect memory distortion” will be in Pettengill G52 instead of Pettengill 329.

·  Paper session – Friday, 2:45 PM

·  Paper session title: Methods. Lisa Best and colleagues are unable to attend. Their paper “The relationship between graph comprehension and graph preferences” will not be presented.

·  Symposium – Saturday, 10:15 AM

·  Symposium title: The effect of suggestion: Beyond memory. Amir Raz is unable to attend. The paper “Unravelling the neurocorrelates of suggestion” will not be presented.

·  Poster Session I – Saturday, 1:15 PM

·  Kelly Marin is unable to attend. Her poster, co-authored with Bohanek, “Family narratives and adolescent self-image will not be presented

·  The poster entitled “The effectiveness of a modified Cognitive Interview on witness recall” by Dando, Wilcock, and Behnke will not be presented as a poster. Instead, it will be presented as a paper in a session entitled “Cognitive Interview and verbal overshadowing” scheduled for Saturday at 10:15.

·  Dan Wright and Kami London will present a poster entitled “Modern regression techniques: Examples from applied cognitive research”. The same information will be presented in a talk on Friday at 2:45. Their poster will be number 29.