Cumberland County Schools
World Language Lesson Plan Template
Teacher(s): C.KennedySchool: SVHSDate: Aug 2014
World Language Essential StandardsProgram:_____K-12 Classical Languages
_____K-12 Dual & Heritage Languages: Dual Language/Immersion Heritage Language Program
_____K-12 Modern Languages: Alphabetic Logographic Visual
Target Proficiency Level: ___NL ___ NM ___ NH ___ IL ___ IM ___ IH _x__AL _x_AM
Unit or Theme:TechnologyDuration of Unit or Theme:
North Carolina World Language Standards:
- ___ Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
- _x__ Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
- __x_ Use the language to present information to an audience.
- ___ Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.
- __x_Connections to Language & Literacy – CLL (Comparisons)
- _x__Connections to Other Disciplines – COD (Connections)
- ___Communities – CMT (Communities)
Clarifying Objectives:
Students will download and be able to use 3D graphic programming skills in Spanish.
Students will learn computer science in Spanish and technical vocabulary.
Students will present in Spanish.
21st Century Future-Ready Attributes
Capable Technology User
Creative/Innovative Thinker
Critical Thinker
Curious Researcher
Effective Communicator
Effective Problem Solver / Financially Literate Citizen
Health-Focused Life-Long Learner
Knowledgeable Global Citizen
Literate Consumer of Media
Proficient Reader / Relationship Builder
Science Savvy
Self-directed Responsible Worker
Skilled Mathematician
Strong Team Contributor
Lesson Instruction
AM.COD.3 / Use the language to present information to an audience. / AM.COD.3.1 / Use specialized and precise language to design presentations about academic or professional topics.
AM.COD.3.2 / Produce clear, well-organized texts related to academic and professional topics appropriate for a variety of audiences.
AM.COD.3.3 / Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present academic and professional information in the target language.
Essential Questions
Are there practical applications of learning Spanish?
Can I use what I know to learn vocabulary and concepts independently? / Learning Targets
Technical language and directional language achievement independently using Spanish language to program a 3d Alice world.
Clear ability to present with confidence in front of a group.
Interpersonal Communication / Interpretive Communication / Presentational Communication
Technical vocab associated with programming language / Instructional Activities
Demo download of Alice Spanish
Have students work in program and ask questions about what they see
Students work on creating animated 3d presention
Resources (Books, Web Links, etc.)
Interdisciplinary Connections / Differentiation
Incorporation of Culture / Student Engagement