Balloon Powered Race Cars
- to create a balloon powered race car for maximum speed and distance
- to incorporate Newton's Laws of Motion
- to learn how to use the formula Speed= Distance / Time
- 9 inch balloon is standard : ALL CLASSES
- pen barrel or straw :
- various materials to construct the racers: will be given to regular science ONLY!
- See grading rubric
- The car must be powered by no more than 1 balloons. if you ruin your balloon then you go buy another on your own.
- You can build the car out of anything.
- It must have at least three wheels. Wheels are defined as anything that is round and goes around.
- The wheels can not be wheels from a toy car. They must be made out of something that was not originally meant to be used as wheels.
- The car may not leave the ground.
- The car must be capable of traveling at least 3 meters for PreAP and 2 meter for Regulars.
- Pre AP/ GT You will build from home and race your car in class.
- Regular science classes will build in class
- On race dayThursday Sept. 24-25th we will set up a track to race.
- You will race against other classmates.
- Cars that follow all of the rules will be eligible for awards.
- Winning cars will be displayed.
- These awards will be given in three categories.
- Best Looking Car
- Fastest Car
- Farthest Distance Traveled
Good Luck! Major Grade for 1stsix weeks!! Have fun!!
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ___
Balloon Project Rubric: PreAP
(Bring this sheet back on Race Day)
Data on Race Day
Distance ______meters
Speed = ______m/s
How is your Project Graded?
______Car Building (60%) all rules are followed, car in turned in on time.
( deductions made for infractions)
Car Racing (20%)
______20pts = Car travels3.1m and farther
______17pts = 2.5m – 3m
______15pts = 2m – 2.49 m
______10pts = 1.5m – 1.99m
7pts = 1m – 1.49 m
______5pts = .9m - .1 m
______Car Analysis (10%) This activity will be completed in class.
______Close Out quiz (10%) This activity will test concepts taught and will be completed in class.
______Total Grade