Balloon Powered Race Cars


  • to create a balloon powered race car for maximum speed and distance
  • to incorporate Newton's Laws of Motion
  • to learn how to use the formula Speed= Distance / Time


  • 9 inch balloon is standard : ALL CLASSES
  • pen barrel or straw :
  • various materials to construct the racers: will be given to regular science ONLY!
  • See grading rubric


  • The car must be powered by no more than 1 balloons. if you ruin your balloon then you go buy another on your own.
  • You can build the car out of anything.
  • It must have at least three wheels. Wheels are defined as anything that is round and goes around.
  • The wheels can not be wheels from a toy car. They must be made out of something that was not originally meant to be used as wheels.
  • The car may not leave the ground.
  • The car must be capable of traveling at least 3 meters for PreAP and 2 meter for Regulars.


  1. Pre AP/ GT You will build from home and race your car in class.
  2. Regular science classes will build in class
  3. On race dayThursday Sept. 24-25th we will set up a track to race.
  4. You will race against other classmates.
  5. Cars that follow all of the rules will be eligible for awards.
  6. Winning cars will be displayed.
  7. These awards will be given in three categories.
  • Best Looking Car
  • Fastest Car
  • Farthest Distance Traveled

Good Luck! Major Grade for 1stsix weeks!! Have fun!!

Name: ______Date: ______Period: ___

Balloon Project Rubric: PreAP

(Bring this sheet back on Race Day)

Data on Race Day

Distance ______meters


Speed = ______m/s

How is your Project Graded?

______Car Building (60%) all rules are followed, car in turned in on time.

( deductions made for infractions)

Car Racing (20%)

______20pts = Car travels3.1m and farther

______17pts = 2.5m – 3m

______15pts = 2m – 2.49 m

______10pts = 1.5m – 1.99m

7pts = 1m – 1.49 m

______5pts = .9m - .1 m

______Car Analysis (10%) This activity will be completed in class.

______Close Out quiz (10%) This activity will test concepts taught and will be completed in class.

______Total Grade