Professor Parks English 60 Page | 178

English 60

Professor Parks

Spring 2013

Tuesday/Thursday 1:00 - 3:05 p.m.

CRN 31069

Journal information

The particulars

Your journal is due once a week, as noted on your assignment sheet. I will return it the next class day. Each week you will write four entries of at least seventy-five words each. Number and date each entry, for example “June 30 # 5.” Use a separate page for each entry, and write on one side of the page. Entries must be kept together in order in a 100-sheet spiral-bound notebook used only for this class. I only accept journals on the assigned day.

The topics

For two entries each week, you may write about anything: thoughts, feelings, opinions. Explore your dreams. Write about where you are going, where you have been, or where you’d like to go. Make it colorful. It is a treasury of your ideas.

Other possibilities include school, sports, religion, children, items in the local or national news, computers, exercise, art, sleep, moving, friends, food, animals career, business, music, fears, vacations, hobbies, pets, family, plants, environment, crime, love, work....The list is endless.

You can earn two points per entry if it is the right length and on time. You earn one point per entry if it is too short or one week late. I will not grade your feelings or opinions. I will make comments if you’d like.

For two entries per week, you will write on an assigned topic. It may be from America Now. You must argue a point or give your opinion on the assigned topic. Back up your argument as well as you can. Provide support or evidence for your position.

You can earn three points per entry if you state an opinion and back it up. If it’s late, you earn 1 1/2 points. If you don’t back up your argument, you earn 2 points.

So weekly journals are worth a total of ten points.

I am the only one who will read your journal.

Let me know how you want me to respond.

Student Questionnaire

name ______

(kindly, attach a picture of you)

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. When did you finish high school? What high school did you attend?

2. Why did you choose to attend B.C.?

3. What is your career goal?

4. How will writing help you achieve your goals?

5. What are your strengths as a writer?

6. What are your strengths as a student?

7. What newspapers or magazines do you read on a regular basis?

8. What do you write about in your spare time?

Fill in your school (specific classes) and work schedule.

name ______

address ______

phone ______

email ______

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




9 AM



11 AM


12 Noon ______

1 PM ______

2 PM


3 PM


4 PM


5 PM


6 PM


7 PM

Fill in the blanks about students in the class


...... who have hobbies .....who play an instrument or sing

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

...... who have read a good book ...who were not born in Bakersfield

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

....who have pets ...... who like sports

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

....who have favorite foods .... who have had embarrassing moments

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Quick Write - Write for 3 to 5 minutes on your impressions of this class (you can include your thoughts on the instructor, coursework, books, and classmates).


about down regarding

above during since

across except through

after for throughout

against from to

along in toward

amid inside under

among into underneath

around like until

at near up

atop of upon

before off with

behind on within

below onto without

beneath out

beside outside

between over

beyond past

but (meaning except)

by concerning

Exercise: Run-ons

Correct each run-on by putting a period at the end of the first complete thought and a capital letter at the beginning of the second complete thought.

Some of the run-ons may be three complete thoughts.

1. I got to the sale too late no sweatshirts were left.

2. He came home tired and hungry he ate and took a nap.

3. The beach was once beautiful, now soda cans and discarded

candy wrappers are everywhere.

4. The private school down the street just closed down it ran out of


5. The car needed to be vacuumed the kids emptied the sand from

their shoes.

6. It rained a lot last winter, we turned the sprinklers off.

7. Our son misbehaved at school he went to the principal’s office.

8. Mindy uses the cartoon section of the newspaper as wrapping

paper it saves money and the environment all her friends like it.

9. Ted bought a cell phone the instructions were impossible to

understand he asked a friend for help.

Exercise: Fragments and run-ons.

Identify which of the below are sentences, fragments, or run-ons. Fix the fragments by adding words. Fix the run-ons by adding a period.

______1. On the way to the hospital.

______2. She got the paper and took it in the house.

______3. Darlene ran a red light, luckily she didn’t hit anyone.

______4. The waiting room was full she had a long wait.

______5. Henry was glad that he had brought a book.

______6. Cats are cute. Especially long-haired ones.

______7. I was unhappy about the school's dirty bathrooms I found others who we also unhappy we complained. Things changed.

______8. At finals time, many students are in the library studying for tests, writing term papers, and reading their text books, so if you want a desk or a computer, get there early.

______9. Get up.

______10. To run down the street.

Exercise: Cross out the prepositional phrase. Underline the subject once and the verb/verb phrase twice. Put parenthesis around any infinitives.

1. A bird is sitting on our sidewalk.

2. Take this to the train station with you.

3. Many large hotels have been built along the beach.

4. The gardener and his helper have finished all their work.

5. The children ate lunch, rested under the trees, and swam

in the pool.

6. They didn’t want to drive so far.

7. May I offer you another helping of dessert?

8. Two classmates met to talk about their homework.

9. Please finish this sewing project for me.

10. Each of the parents had been sent a note concerning flu


11. When do you plan to eat?

12. Don’t expect to see the lions.

13. We prefer to use a dish towel and not to use paper towels.

name ______

Exercise: Cross out the prepositional phrase. Underline the subject once and the verb/verb phrase twice. Put parenthesis around any infinitives.

1. Please put the table and chairs in the closet.

2. I have two extra tickets to the basketball game.

3. She has never been to Canada.

4. Maggie has always wanted to have a twin.

5. Some Saturdays Josh’s family gathers at his uncle’s house,

plays Scrabble, and eats pizza.

6. My brother and his wife have traveled from L.A. to visit me.

7. Snoopy and the Pink Panther are popular characters.

8. My cat will go to the vet to get shots next summer.

9. Give the turtle some lettuce.

10. People depend on their cell phones.

List of irregular verbs

infinitive present past past participle

to arise arise arose arisen

to awake awake awoke/ awoke/awaked

to be is/am/are was/were been

to bear bear bore borne

to become become became become

to begin begin began begun

to bend bend bent bent

to bite bite bit bitten

to blow blow blew blown

to break break broke broken

to bring bring brought brought

to build build built built

to burst burst burst burst

to buy buy bought bought

to catch catch caught caught

to choose choose chose chosen

to cling cling clung clung

to come come came come

to cost cost cost cost

to cut cut cut cut

to dive dive dove dived/ dove

to do do(es) did done

to drag drag dragged dragged

to draw draw drew drawn

to drink drink drank drunk

to drive drive drove driven

to eat eat ate eaten

to fall fall fell fallen

to feed feed fed fed

to feel feel felt felt

to fight fight fought fought

to find find found found

infinitive present past past participle

to fly fly flew flown

to forgive forgive forgave forgiven

to freeze freeze froze frozen

to get get got gotten

to give give gave given

to go go(es) went gone

to grow grow grew grown

to hang(clothes) hang hung hung

to hang(execute) hang hanged hanged

to have have(has) had had

to hear hear heard heard

to hide hide hid hidden

to hold hold held held

to hurt hurt hurt hurt

to keep keep kept kept

to know know knew known

to lead lead led led

to lay(to place) lay laid laid

to lie(to recline) lie lay lain

to leave leave left left

to lend lend lent lent

to let let let let

to light light lit lit

to lose lose lost lost

to make make made made

to mean mean meant meant

to meet meet met met

to pay pay paid paid

to pet pet pet pet

to put put put put

to raise(lift/increase) raised raised

to read read read read

to ride ride rode ridden

infinitive present past past participle

to ring ring rang rung

to rise(to get up) rise rose risen

to run run ran run

to say say said said

to see see saw seen

to seek seek sought sought

to sell sell sold sold

to send send sent sent

to set(to place) set set set

to shake shake shook shaken

to shine shine shone shone

to shrink shrink shrank shrunk

to shut shut shut shut

to sing sing sang sung

to sink sink sank sunk

to sit(to rest) sit sat sat

to sleep sleep slept slept

to speak speak spoke spoken

to spend spend spent spent

to spin spin spun spun

to spit spit spat spat

to spring spring sprang sprung

to stand stand stood stood

to steal steal stole stolen

to stick stick stuck stuck

to sting sting stung stung

to stink stink stank stunk

to strike strike struck struck

to strive strive strove strove

to swear swear swore sworn

to swim swim swam swum

to swing swing swung swung

to take take took taken

to teach teach taught taught

to tear tear tore torn

to tell tell told told

to think think thought thought

to throw throw threw thrown

to understand understand understood understood

to wake wake woke/ waked woken/waked

to weave weave wove woven

to wear wear wore worn

to win win won won

to wring wring wrung wrung

to write write wrote written

parts of speech

Exercise: Parts of speech. Identify the following: noun, adjective, verb, article, pronoun, coordinating conjunction, and preposition.

After crossing out the prepositional phrase, underline the subject once and the verb twice. Put the infinitive in parenthesis.

1. You must attend the meeting after work about freecycling.

2. Will the girls practice this evening?

3. One of the cats ran down the stairs to eat.

4. Howard should have seen my new hybrid car.

5. Kacie and Tamie are famous in their hometown.

6. Everyone has a radio in his or her car.

7. Around the corner and down the street is Edgehill Drive.

8. Stop that car.

9. There are three eggs in the refrigerator.

10. In the morning, Sal jogs down the street and chats with a

neighbor by the high school.

11. I have searched for the check.

12. He joined a law firm in Orlando.

13. Mary doesn’t like loud people.

14. The young author read from her book of poems.

15. Courtney is nervous about the swim meet.

16. There are many reasons to stay in school.

17. No one wanted to buy the green apples or the purple grapes.

18. They did not agree on her plan and would not vote for her.

19. Do your homework at night and be on time for class.

20. After the party, everyone went home.


A simple sentence has a single independent clause. The sentence may be long or short.


Sally studies with a tutor.

Sally and Bob study with a tutor.

Sally and Bob study with a tutor and form study groups.

A compound sentence has two or more simple sentences joined with a comma and coordinating conjunction (FAN BOYS - for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so); with a semi-colon and conjunctive adverb (consequently, accordingly, therefore, nevertheless, however, then, moreover); or with just a semi-colon. A compound sentence has no subordinate clause.

1. I, cc i

, F A N B O Y S








Exercise: Choose the correct punctuation and conjunction (FANBOYS). Put them in the space provided.

1. I turned off my sprinklers ______it was raining.

2. Every Friday night, I order Chinese food ______I order a pizza.

3. I love my car ______it rattles and squeaks a lot.

4. She couldn’t play the piano ______could she sing.

5. I fed the cats ______I went to school.

6. I put gas in my car ______the tank was almost empty.

7. I was hungry ______I stopped to get a veggie sandwich.

8. I stayed up late ______I woke up on time feeling rested.

2. I; ca, i

common conjunctive adverbs:

consequently also as a result

indeed obviously afterward