Head Office: 2, N.S Road, Kolkata


Pest, Rodent control, Anti-termite and Anti Bed bug work in Bank’s Residential Flats at Kolkata

Sealed item rate tenders in two bids system are invited fromexperiencedservice providers pest, rodent control, anti termite and anti bed bug service providing firms / contractors having IPCA membership and providing pest, rodent control, anti-termite and anti bed bug services to Govt., Public sector undertaking, Banks & other reputed organizations. Tender ‘Part I’ should contain technical bid and tender ‘Part II’ should contain Price bid only. Full details and tender documents are available on Bank’s website: or may be collected from Bank’s Estate Management Department, Head Office. Dully filled in tenders should be submitted as per following schedule:

1 / Issue of tender document / From 02.08.2017 to 16.09.2017
2 / Last date for Submission of Tender (Part I + Part II) / On or before 16.09.2017up to 1500 hrs
3 / Opening of Tender (Part I) / On 16.09.2017 at 1630 hrs
4 / Opening of Tender(Part II) / Will be informed separately by the Bank.
5 / Prerequisites / Documentary evidence in support of GSTIN, EPF, ESI and experience has to be submitted along with Part-I (Technical Bid) in one sealed envelope. Providing supporting documents of GST & PAN is a must.
Part-II (Price Bid) is to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope.
6 / Period of contract / The contract will be valid for a minimum period of one year. If services are not found satisfactory, the contract may be terminated by the Bank giving one month notice.

The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. Late/ delayed tender shall not be accepted after due date and time of submission of tender.

(Deputy General Manager)


The Deputy General Manager,

Estate Management Department,

Allahabad Bank Head Office,

2, N.S Road,


Dear Sir,

Annual Maintenance Contract for Comprehensive Pest, Rodent control, Anti-termite and Anti Bed bug work in Bank’s Residential Flats at Kolkata

  1. I/We have examined the scope of works, specifications and bill of quantities and Terms and conditions relating to tender for the said works.
  2. I/We have visited the site, examined the site of works specified in the Tender document and acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the Tender.
  3. I/We hereby offer to carry out the works strictly in accordance with the Tender Document at the rates quoted by me/us in the attached Bill of Quantities in all respects as per Specifications and scope of works described in the Tender Document and the Annexure containing Terms and Conditions.
  4. I/We submit the EMD amounting to Rs.5,000/- drawn in favor of Allahabad Bank payable at Kolkata.
  5. I/We agree to pay all Government (Central and State) Taxes as applicable from time to time.
  6. The rates quoted by me/us are firm and shall not be subjected to variations on account of fluctuation in the market rates, taxes or any other reasons whatsoever during the entire contract period.
  7. Should this Tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions and provisions of the said contract document annexed hereto.

Name of the person Authorized to sign and submit the Tender

  1. ______
  1. ______

(Documentary proof in respect of Letter of Authority /Power of Attorney are enclosed along with the Tender)

Our Bankers are______

Name and Address of the Tenderer______

Yours faithfully

(Signature of the Tenderer)Place:

Name and SealDate:



Allahabad Bank

Estate Management Department,

Head Office, 2 N. S. Road, Kolkata-700 001.

Work: Pest, Mosquito, Rodent control, Anti-termite and Anti Bed Bug work in Bank’s Residential Buildings at Kolkata


  1. Contractors are advised to visit the site and thoroughly understand the nature and scope of the works and be familiar with the site conditions true should be got clarified before quoting. The rate for Common space included in BOQ should be quoted after visiting each and every Premises.
  1. Eligibility criteria :
  1. The agency should have at least THREE years of experience in the field & should have 2 or 3 references where they have done the work.
  2. The agency should have membership of Indian Pest Control Association.
  3. The agency should have successfully executed minimum one similar contract of pest & rodent Control, anti-termite and anti bed bugs work of value not less than Rs.4,00,000/- per year or two works of Rs.2,50,000/- per year or three works of Rs.2,00,000/- per year in Government, Public sector undertaking, Banks & reputed organizations during last three years. The agency should furnish the list of currently serving clients and those serviced in the past.
  4. The technical bid should contain solvency certificate from Bankwhere the contractor is having an account. The solvency certificate should be issued on Bank’s Letter Head.
  5. The contractor should submit Income Tax return for last three financial years.
  1. Scope of Work :
  • The contractor has to treat all the areas inside the Housing Complex, as necessary and/or as decided by Bank for treatment of white ants, mosquitoes, rodents, cockroaches, bed bugs, spiders, cockroaches, lizard, etc. so as to keep the premises free from pests. The details of work involved are given in the BOQ.
  • Snake, rodent control treatment should be carried out by trapping, poison baits, fumigation, etc. in and around the premises to keep it free of rats and snakes. The contractor has to treat the termite mounds with required pesticides/ chemicals inside the premises to get rid of snake menace. If after treatment also rodents/snakes are found, additional treatment shall be carried out without any extra payment. Rodent control should commence with strategic placement of bait and at suitable interval of time to bring the rodent population under control. Subsequently, periodic visits/treatments should be made by the Contractor to continue baiting as per the specification and keep constant vigil on rodent population.
  • Contractor has to put necessary chemicals inside the drains, damp area, manholes, sewer lines, etc. regularly to destroy the mosquito breeding every fortnight or more frequently as required/directed by the Bank.
  • Contractor has to get the signature of the occupant/care taker after completion of Fortnightly Spraying works.

Chemicals to be used:

SN / Name of Treatment / Name of chemicals / Proportion of chemicals / Application
1. / Anti-termite / Chloropyrifos20% EC / Approx. 1 liter / 20 liter / In flats & common spaces
2. / Mosquito, cockroach, red ant & black ant, bedbugs, lizard, etc control / Melathion 50% / Approx. 20 ml /l / In flats & common spaces
DDVP 76% / Aprox. 5 ml/ l / In flats & common spaces
Propoxure 20% EC / Approx. 20 ml / liter / In flats & common spaces
Deltamethrin 2.8 % EC / Appox. 5 ml / liter / In flats & common spaces
Solfac 20% EC / Appox. 5 ml / liter / In flats & common spaces
3. / Rodent control / Zinc Phosopate / As per site condition / In flats & common spaces
Bromadiolone / As per site condition / In flats & common spaces
Glue Trap / As per site condition / In flats & common spaces
  • All chemicals sprayed or gas generated out of spraying at the time of treatment shall not contain any banned chemicals which are harmful to health.
  • Proper Concentration of the chemicals also must be maintained as per above table.
  1. The agency should strictly adhere to the Statutory Regulations viz. Minimum Wages Act, Shops & Establishment Act, PF Act, ESI Scheme and any other regulations covering labour contract where applicable. The Agency should submit copies of Registration Certificates issued to them in respect of the above wherever applicable. The certificates are prerequisite for considering the bids.
  2. The agency should own latest equipment for Spray of chemicals and disinfestations.
  3. The agency should submit Income Tax Clearance Certificate/ Return for the last 3 years.
  4. Duration of the contract:

The contract will be valid for a period of twelve months. Thereafter reviewing the satisfactory performance for the first twelve months, the contract may be extended further. If services are not found satisfactory, the contract may be terminated by the Bank giving one month notice.

  1. Payment terms:
  • Payment will be made on monthly basis after satisfactory performance of contractual responsibility carried out in the previous month based on the bills submitted by the contractor.
  • No advances will be paid
  • Applicable Taxes will be deducted at source.

While all contractual obligations will be strictly enforced, deductions will be made for poor services like:

  • Personnel sent by you for servicing not bringing the required chemicals or required quantity.
  • Your service personnel refusing to do duty assigned in respect of Disinfestation Services and placing the baits for Rodent control.
  • Your service personnel not turning up for service on the appointed day at the appointed time.
  • Deductions will be made for poor services like not carrying out fortnightly services, deficiency in the quality of chemicals used, and misbehavior of the staff deployed for supply and service.
  • In case of delay in attending the work in time, the Bank will be at liberty to get the work done through any other contractor and the cost may be recovered from the AMC contractor.
  • The penalty will be levied on the basis of assessment by Bank.
  1. Every tender must be accompanied by Demand Draft of Rs.5000/- in favour of Allahabad Bank payable at Kolkata herewith as Earnest Money. No interest will be paid on Earnest Money. Any tender which is not accompanied by Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected.
  1. Quoted rate should be workable and should include all overheads and profits. No variation of rates will be allowed.

12. Material used should conform to the stipulations as in the relevant BIS specification shall be followed as applicable. However, in the absence of the same, the decision of the Bank will be final.

13. The contractor should have valid license relating to his contract and the workmen employed by the contractor should also have the valid license and experience in their trade.

14. The Contractor should observe all the safety precautions for the safety of the labour and the occupant of the Bank during execution of works. The contractor should arrange to obtain necessary insurance cover for its employees.

15. The contractor or his supervisor should visit the site at least twice in a month or as and when required by the bank for which no extra payment will be made and they should be readily available to the Bank.

16. The contractor should arrange to issue photo identity card, which they must carry while executing their job.

17. The contractor shall be fully responsible and shall compensate the bank in the event of any damage to men or material, injury/damage or death as the case may be, caused directly or indirectly due to the negligence of the contractor or his agents and / or his employees or workmen. The decision of the bank in this regard shall be final and binding.

18. The contractor should not employ any person who is prohibited by law from being employed for fulfilling obligations under this contract.

19. Any act of indiscipline/misconduct/theft/pilferage on the part of any employee engaged by the contractor resulting in any loss to the bank in kind or cash will be viewed seriously and the bank will have the right to levy damages or fine and/or even terminate the contract forthwith.

20.In case of any default or failure on your part to comply with all/any one of the terms/conditions, the bank reserves to itself the right to take necessary steps to rectify the situation including, inter- alia, the deduction of appropriate amount/s from dues otherwise payable to you and/or by taking recourse to appropriate recovery proceedings.

21. If any dispute arises on any matter concerning this contract, the decision of the bank shall be final and binding.

22. The contractor should not cause or permit any nuisance on the site/ do anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbances or inconvenience to the occupants/ visitors at site or near the site of work.

23. The workman employed by the contractor should abide by the rules and regulations inside the premises.

24. The contractor shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign and sublet the contract or any part of it.

25. The bank reserves the right to accept/ reject any tenders either in whole or in part without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

I have read and understood all the instructions/conditions given above and I have taken into account the above instructions/conditions while quoting the rates.

(Signature & Seal of the Contractor)


Particulars of the form to be furnished by Contractor for the purpose of Pest, Mosquito, Rodent control, Anti-termite and Anti Bed Bug work in Bank’s Residential Buildings at Kolkata

1)Name of the Organization. :-

2)Address & Tel/MOB no. :-

3)Year of Establishment. :-

4)Status of the firm(Whether Company/Firm/Proprietary) :-

5)Name of Directors/ Partners/Proprietor



6)Whether registered with the Registrar of Companies/

Registrar of Firms. If so, mention number and date.

7)a) Name and address of Bankers


b) Enclose Solvency Certificate from the Bankers.

8)Whether registered for GST. If so, mention number and date. Furnish also copies of GSTIN .

9)Whether an assessee of Income Tax. If so, mention permanent account number. Furnish copies of Income Tax clearance Certificate.

10)Furnish copies of audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account (Audited) for the last three years.

11)If you are registered in the panel of other Organizations/ Statutory Bodies, such as CPWD, PWD. MES, Banks etc., furnish their names, category and date of registration.



12)What are your fields of activities? Mention the fields on preference basis.



13)Furnish the names with address of three responsible persons who will be in a position to certify about the quality as well as past performance of your organization.




14)Other relevant information (As per Performa – 2&3)

Note: Where copies are required to be furnished these is to be certified copies preferably by the concerned agencies or a Government Officer.

Place ______

Name & Signature with seal

Date ______

Enclosure to Annexure ‘I’



SN / Name of work/Project with Address / Short Description of workExecuted / Name & Address of Owner / Value of work Executed / Stipulated time of Completion
With date of commencement / Actual time of Completion
with date of completion / Name of Architect/ Consulting Engineer.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Name and Signature with Seal

Enclosure to Annexure ‘I’



S.NO / Name / Designation / Qualification / Experience / Years with the Firm / Any other
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Name and Signature with Seal



Comprehensive works for satisfactory treatment of Pest, Rodent , Mosquito, Anti Bed Bug
and Anti Termite, etc so as to keep entire premises free from pest. Payment is to be made
on satisfactory Completion Certificate from Occupant/Caretaker/Security Guard of the
Premises. Besides the flats, the area to be treated under comprehensive maintenance also includes Staircases, Common area, Open Drains, Guard Rooms, Electric Meter area, Garden area, open space and any other area not specifically mentioned but is felt necessary during work. Treatment is to be carried out every fortnight.
Details of Flats / Quantity / Rate per
month(Rs.) / Yearly Rate
1 / Sundaram Complex
97/1, Chandi Ghosh Road,
Kolkata - 700040 / 3 BHK - 20
2 BHK - 47
Common Space* - LS
2 / Shivam Complex
1, Fakirpur Road, Behala
Kolkata - 700034 / 3 BHK - 15
2 BHK - 14
Common Space* - LS
3 / Satyam Complex
240 & 240/1, S. N Roy Road,
Kolkata - 700038 / 2 BHK - 20
Common Space* - LS
4 / Sreeram Estate
Block – D VII, 129,Ho- Chi- Minh Sarani,
Behala Chow Rasta, Kolkata - 70008 / 2 BHK - 16
Common Space* - LS
5 / Sreeram Estate
Block – B - II, 129, Ho- Chi- Minh Sarani,
Behala Chow Rasta, Kolkata - 70008 / 2 BHK - 16
Common Space* - LS
6 / Ashabari Complex,
FF,GG & HH Block
Ashabari Complex, Patuli
Kolkata - 700094 / 3 BHK – 54
2 BHK – 54
Common Space* - LS
7 / Preetam Building
65, Southern Avenue,
Kolkata - 700029 / 4 BHK – 5
2 BHK – 10
Common Space* - LS
8 / 2/1, Nandi Street,
Kolkata - 700029 / 3 BHK – 3
Common Space* - LS
9 / 1A, Ronald Shay Road,
Alipore, Kolkata - 700027 / Executive Residence
Common Space* - LS
Amount (Exclusive of GST) (Rs.)
GST Amount (Rs.)
Total Amount (Inclusive of Tax) (Rs.)
Amount (in words) (Rupees)

⃰ Common Space includes Parking Area, Guard Room, Servant Room, Staircase Area, Garden Area, Meter Room, Lobby on each floor, Lift Room, etc.

Address & Contact No. of the firm: - Signature & seal of the firm