PG Dip Speech and Language Therapy Programme

Placement 3

Student’s Name:
Placement Dates: / From: To:
Placement Contact Details (address, telephone and email):
Brief Description of caseload and setting:
Total sessions completed:
Educator(s) Name(s):
(Print) / Designation:
Professional Registration (HCPC) number:
Date of last practice educator update:


This page should contain a record of the signatures and designation of all practitioners who initial and/or sign sections within this documentation.

Full Name (please print) / Initials / Signature / Designation


Please ensure you attend the training sessions below and sign/date when you have completed each training.

INFECTION CONTROL (including practical hand washing)

Practice Learning Expectations/Guidelines for Placement 3

By the end of placement 3, students should be demonstrating that they are clinically fit for practice and their first post. They are required to be responsible for all aspects of patient/client management with reduced levels of supervision. They must demonstrate a range of professional and clinical skills, which reflect the rigorous application of principles of evidence based practice. They will show evidence of integrations synthesis of academic and clinical skills and an ability to reflect critically upon their practice. The caseload may be adult or paediatric.

The aims of the placement are to provide a context in which the student can gain experience in:

  • Generating hypotheses from the analysis and interpretation of the assessment process
  • Generating a set of possible interventions drawn from an understanding and application of evidence based principles
  • Setting appropriate aims and objectives
  • Designing and implementing appropriate activities in order to achieve those aims and objectives
  • Monitoring the outcomes of those aims and objectives in terms of appropriateness/ levels of difficulty/contingencies/ behaviour management etc.
  • Further development of skills in clinical decision-making as a result of reflective practice and critical evaluation of the relevant literature

Continuing to develop self-management skills as they relate to both personal organization and clinical administration

Roles and responsibilities:

The student will:

  • Review and utilise feedback from previous placements to inform their learning and development needs
  • Take advantage of learning opportunities and review their Learning Contract regularly
  • Provide evidence of proficiency in relation to the assessment of practice
  • Disclose any special needs or disability in order that reasonable adjustment can be made by the placement provider
  • Comply with placement policies and procedures
  • Use University procedures to inform of absence
  • Work in a safe manner and within their scope of practice

The Practice Educator will:

  • Verify the evidence demonstrated through the Practice Assessment Document
  • Facilitate learning opportunities and provide constructive feedback on progress
  • Ensure the student is made aware of the placement policies, procedures and expectations
  • Ensure the student works safely within their scope of practice
  • Identify a colleague who will take responsibility for the student in his / her absence and ensure that he / she is aware of the students learning needs and that there are effective feedback mechanisms in place

In the absence of the nominated practice educator(s) the student will be supported and supervised by:

The personal tutor will:

  • Provide ongoing support to the student

The placement support tutor will:

  • Monitor student progression
  • Be the contact point for the Practice Educator and student if there are concerns about the assessment of practice
  • Attend formal meetings with student and Practice Educator
  • Offer advice in writing developmental action plans when concerns are raised
  • Liaise with personal tutor.

Placement is assessed using a proficiency-based grid. It is designed to assess the student’s ability to demonstrate their understanding, skills and values commensurate with the stage of training. It outlines the standards/proficiencies that are required to be achieved by the end of the placement.

All of the proficiencies have been mapped to academic modules and HCPC Standards of proficiency (2014). These must be passed before a student can progress to the next stage of the programme. If a student does not achieve a pass in one or more of the proficiencies, they will be deemed to have failed placement.

The formative assessment should be completed mid-way through the placement and is assessed on a met /not met basis. A ‘not met’ assessment indicates that the student has been observed to demonstrate attributes of a competency on some occasions or with some clients but not yet consistently ORthestudent demonstrates the attributes but requires a significant level of support. The ‘met’ assessment indicates that the placement educator(s) are confident that the student is able to demonstrate the attributes consistently, in a variety of settings. The formative assessment should provide a clear picture of strengths and areas of development in relation to the proficiencies.

The summative assessment is on a pass/fail basis. It is considered good practice for this to be completed a few days prior to the end of the placement so that the student has time to reflect upon the feedback and seek further clarification if necessary. The summative assessment should provide a summary of overall achievements along with constructive feedback to inform future practice.

Both formatively and summatively students are expected to prepare and record specific evidence for the proficiencies in advance of the report being given by the practice educator(s).

Each proficiency should be signed/initialled (not ticked) by the named practice educator(s).

Learning Objective/Learning Logs

The learning objectives should be jointly negotiated by the student and practice educator(s) and are used to inform how specifically the placement proficiencies will be demonstrated and the level of achievement that is required. Learning objectives help the students structure their time during placement and assist in maximising learning opportunities. These should be routinely reviewed and recorded on the learning log as part of weekly formal supervision. Learning objectives should be completed by the student in collaboration with the practice educator(s) and may be hand written (in black ink) or typed with attention to presentation, spelling, grammar etc.

Learning objectives should be written in SMART format (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed) with an initial and ongoing action plan to detail how the objective is to be achieved. There should be one learning objective per page.

New learning objectives can be added as the placement progresses and as existing objectives are completed.


Supervision in placement education is a process that involves a partnership between the placement educator and the student. The aim of supervision is to facilitate students’ learning in order that theoretical concepts can be applied in practice and to support HE level 4 thinking and application to practice. It therefore has components of teaching, support and evaluation.

Placement educators will be encouraged to use a range of supervision models to enhance the student learning experience and allow all SLTs to participate in student education.

Agreed dates for formal supervision sessions( to be completed at induction session)

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4
Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8
Week 9 / Week 10 / Week 11 / Week 12

Feedback from service users/carers

Students will work with individuals and groups of people and their carers during their placement experiences. Feedback from them is therefore important to inform the professional development of the student and this should be routinely sought and recorded throughout placement (HCPC, 2014) using the forms within this document.

Feedback from other professionals

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to effectively communicate and work with other professionals and the wider team (HCPC, 2014). It is therefore important for them and their practice educator(s) to receive feedback on time spent with, and interactions with, a range of professionals and for students to reflect upon these experiences. Routinely during placement, this feedback and reflections should be recorded as part of the overall evidence of achievement for placement.

Submission of the Placement Assessment Document

The submission of the Placement Assessment Document is required at the end of each placement and will normally be the week after placement is completed as part of placement de-briefing. Non or late submission may delay the student’s progression on the programme. Submitting an incomplete placement documentation is the equivalent of submitting an incomplete assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure it is fully completed.

Contact details:

Practice Learning Unit:

SLP Placement Administrator


Fiona Fowler, Placement Lead


01227 7767700 ex 3821

Placement Orientation (to be completed in each placement area on the first day)

Standards of Education and Training Number 5 (HCPC, 2014)

Area 1 / Area 2 (if applicable)
This list is for guidance. Please add/amend as necessary/appropriate to the setting / Practice Educator initial/ date / Student initial/date / Practice educator initial/date / Student initial/ date
Layout of the placement environment identifying key locations and resources
Identification of office and other work spaces that are available for student to use
Introduction to key personnel
Procedure for summoning help in the event of an emergency
Local fire policy
Resuscitation policy and procedures explained
Moving and handling of people and equipment policy and procedures explained and demonstration completed prior to use
Policy regarding safeguarding explained
Awareness of placement policies e.g. taking messages, lone worker, accident procedure, Health and Safety, Infection Control guidelines, confidentiality, uniform
Record keeping policy explained
Confirmation of work patterns/study time and lunch/break arrangements
Arrangements for formal supervision sessions determined and booked
Notification of sickness procedures
Mail systems
Team meetings/handovers etc.
Telephone/bleep/private calls
Access to IT and password
Library, text books, national/local policy documents identified
Readiness for Practice Certificate seen and checked
Student Emergency contact details shared
Other induction requirements – please detail

Emergency contact details for the student

This page can be removed from the Practice Assessment Document and allows the student if they wish to share with their practice educator their personal contact details and information on who to contact in case of an emergency.

Where this page is removed and given to the practice educator(s) it is their responsibility to maintain confidentiality of this at all times, shared with others only on a need to know basis and to ensure it is confidentially disposed of immediately at the end of the placement.

Student Name
Placement dates
Address during placement
Telephone number (s)
Emergency contact name/relationship/numbers
Details of others who may need to be contacted (e.g. schools, nurseries)
Personal Tutor at University
Any other relevant information (eg. medical conditions)

Identification of Learning Needs for placement

Your learning needs should relate to the proficiencies within the Assessment of Practice Tool (APT). Please indicate the number(s) of each proficiency for each identified learning need. It is advised that you discuss your learning needs with your academic tutor prior to commencing placement.

My learning needs: / I anticipate achieving these by undertaking the following:
Following discussion with my PE we have agreed that the following learning opportunities (to encompass staff, service users and resources) will meet my learning needs.

Signatures: Key Placement Educator …………………………….. Student …………………………………….

Date: ……………………..

Universities at Medway

Faculty of Health & Social Care

PG Dip Speech and Language Therapy Programme

Assessment of Practice Tool - Placement 3

For completion by the Key Practice Educator:
Number of completed sessions for this placement are:
Recommended final grade:
PASS / FAIL (delete as appropriate) / For completion by theUniversity:
The University agrees: YES / NO
Final outcomegrade:
PASS / FAIL (delete as appropriate)
Key Practice Educator signature and date: / Placement Lead signature and date:
Module Ref. / HCPC references / CO / Evidence to demonstrate competence /
Formative Assessment (enter initials and date) /
Summative Assessment (enter initials and date)
Working towards / Not Met / Pass / Fail
15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 / 1 / Consistently works within the local and national policies and procedures relevant to the placement setting and the legal and ethical standards of the SLT profession. Understands the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA34SLT MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4ACD MSLHA4PDT MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4BSS / 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 / 2 / Consistently acts in the best interest of the service users recognise, respect and actively support diversity, expertise and experience of individuals, carers, groups and communities
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4ACD MSLHA4PD / 3.1 3.2 3.3 / 3 / Consistently demonstrates a high standard of personal and professional conduct and behaves with honesty and integrity.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 7.2 7.3 7.4 / 4 / Ensures the confidentiality and security of written and verbal information acquired in a professional capacity and discloses information about individuals and organisations only to those who have a right and need to know
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 2.6 / 5 / Understands and demonstrates where appropriate, the importance of obtaining informed consent.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 2.7 15.1 / 6 / Consistently demonstrates a professional duty of care at the relevant stage of therapeutic involvement.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 1.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 11.1 14.8 / 7 / Is demonstrating with increasing consistency, an ability to practise as an autonomous professional exercising their own professional judgement
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 1.2 / 8 / Is able to effectively manage the required work load and resources, appropriate to the placement, and practise accordingly, with reduced levels of supervision.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 3.1 3.2 3.313.1 13.2 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 / 9 / Demonstrates an understanding of the need for career-long learning and is able to apply the relevant taught knowledge and theoretical basis of communication and swallowing disorders, to practice.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 9.513.3 13.4 14.17 / 10 / Consistently demonstrates an ability to contribute to and work effectively as a member of a multi-disciplinary team and effectively communicates information, opinions and advice to colleagues, patients, their relatives and carers.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 7.1 10.1 10.2 / 11 / Consistently demonstrates that clinical records are being appropriately maintained.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 14.15 14.21 / 12 / Is safely and independently able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to gather information, carry out appropriate assessments and make professional judgements, which relate to a range of communication and swallowing disorders. . Is able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate actions.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 11.2 12.6 / 13 / Demonstrates an ability to review the on-going effectiveness of planned interventions and modify accordingly.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PDT / 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.7 / 14 / Understands the principles of quality control and quality assurance in practice.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
MSLHA4SLT MSLHA4BSS MSLHA4PSH MSLHA4DCD MSLHA4AC MSLHA4PD / 4.2 14.1 14.2 14.3 / 15 / Is safely and independently able to carry out planned intervention procedures with a range of service users and their presenting communication and swallowing disorders and demonstrates how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of individuals, groups or communities.
Student’s evidence:
Educator’s evidence:
Student’s overall comments to include identification of strengths, progress achieved and recommendations for future development.
KeyPlacement Educator Summative feedback to include identification of strengths, progress achieved and recommendations for future development.

APT 3 Guidelines

1 / Consistently works within the local and national policies and procedures relevant to the placement setting and the legal and ethical standards of the SLT profession. Understands the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment / Does the student understand and is the student able to discuss how SLT service is delivered to clients? How does the service operate? Has the student read and discussed key points regarding the policies, which apply to this service/team setting? ie raising and escalating concerns, confidentiality, equality and safeguarding. Has the student seen and understood the care pathways as they apply to the service? How have national policies informed the service delivery?The student is aware of ie the infection control and lone working policies of the placement. Follows basic safety procedures without being reminded. Awareness of incident reporting procedures. Protects clients/patients if there is a situation which could place them in danger (includes the conduct, performance or health of a colleague)
2 / Is consistently able to act in the best interest of the service users recognise, respect and actively support diversity, expertise and experience of individuals, carers, groups and communities, and demonstrate non-discriminatory practice / Is the student consistently promoting and protecting the best interests of the patient/client? Are they treated with respect and dignity? Promotes the health and safety of the patient/client at all times and takes appropriate action to protect the rights of children and vulnerable adults. Is the student able to focus on the client’s needs rather than their own? Are they aware of current UK legislation applicable to the work of their profession?
The PE is looking for evidence that the student is not allowing their views about a service user or parents/carers sex, age, colour, race, disability, sexuality, social or economic status, lifestyle, culture, religion or beliefs to affect the way they are treated or the professional advice they give. There must be evidence that the service user is treated with respect and dignity. Can recognise and acknowledge own prejudices and work to ensure that these do not influence clinical decisions or behaviour.