Public Schools of Petoskey
April 26th, 2012
3:45 – 5:15 p.m. in the Spitler Board Room
Please Review: / Student data from last two meetings
Please Bring: / Your analytic and creative minds
Today’s Business:
Spring Renewals & Bond Proposal
(Short update from John & Steve)
District Stakeholder Survey (Ends May 15th)
(Please remind everyone!)
Staff Professional Development Survey (Open May 1st- 20th)
(Please spread the word to colleagues. Link coming.)
Discussion Topics:
Good to Great, Common Core, & Schmoker = KISS
District School Improvement Data, Goals, & Strategies
Next Meeting: Finalize School Improvement & 2012-13 TLC Planning on May 24th / Approximate Times:
3:45- 4:00 p.m.
4:00-5:15 p.m.
TLC Members: Many thanks for your willingness to serve. / “A Special Place for Everyone”
District School Improvement
Table Talk Data Analysis
A. Subgroup data (especially Econ. Disadvantaged and Special Ed) in 2010-2011 and then in 2011-2012 on pgs. 4-5
B. Longitudinal & Proficiency Data by Average Scores (especially grade levels & content areas) on pgs. 6-7
C. Longitudinal Gaps by GLCEs/HSCEs & Grade Levels on pgs. 8-10
D. HS ACT & MME Writing Scores on pg. 11
Note: You already received data sheets A-C during the last several TLC meetings. The same data tables will be available again in your meeting packet at the door on Thursday.
1. What areas of celebration and concern did you find in the early el, upper el, middle, or high school data (depending upon your table’s grade levels)?
2. Do you have other concerns that were not evident in this data?
3. Which concerns should be highest priority in our district-wide improvement plan for next year?
4. What should our growth goals be for next year’s Scaled Score Means? This year’s growth goal was to increase by 3 points. (Also, review new cut scores on pg. 6.)
5. What should be highest priority in our past improvement strategies/activities or should new ones be targeted in the 2012-13 district improvement plan?
Past Improvement Strategies and Activities
a. What do we want students to learn?
i. Fidelity in Grade Level/HS Content Expectations (GLCEs/HSCEs)
ii. Fidelity in Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
iii. PLC produced pacing guides
iv. Lesson & unit planning (CCSS/GLCEs/HSCEs & Best Practice Elements)
v. Student “I Can” Statements in common language
vi. Involve parents in understanding and supporting expectations
vii. Professional development- connected to CCSS, McREL, etc.
b. How will we know if they learned it (or already knew it)?
i. A Balanced District Assessment Plan
ii. PLC common assessments (Formative/Interim/Summative)
iii. Quick checks for understanding (Formative)
iv. Pre-testing and planning
v. Multiple data analyses (student achievement, stakeholder perceptions)
vi. Professional development- Balanced assessment plans, formative assessments, etc.
vii. Mentor-Mentee support and programming
c. What will we do it they haven’t learned it (or already know it)?
i. Needs of the “whole” child/student (both sides of the RtI Pyramid- academic & behavioral/social/emotional)
ii. High quality instruction/coaching (McREL, Schmoker, 5D, C. Danielson)
iii. Find the specific holes and strengths for each individual, fill the needs, and expand options
iv. Collaborative intervention of personnel (RtI) - teachers/admin/counselors, academic aides, online labs for remediation/credit recovery, PLCs, additional school/district personnel, outside agencies, etc.
v. Collaborative, intervention (RtI) planning & recording
vi. Parent and community engagement
vii. Largest-gain research studies (Schmoker, McREL, 5-D)
viii. Intervention materials- leveled books (narrative and nonfiction), Triumphs, iPad apps, online textbooks & materials, etc.
ix. Vetted technology that supports on-demand, prescriptive learning- A-Z, Ac. Math/Reading, online educational gaming, Khan Academy, SuccessMaker, iPads or similar technology,
x. Corrective strategies & records of what has worked best for individual students
xi. Internal collaboration- Buildings, PLCs, TRIADS, etc.
xii. Professional development- Best-practice teaching, intervention strategies, reading across the curriculum, etc.
xiii. Celebrate Success!
d. Student Outcomes
i. A passion for life-long learning and personal growth
ii. Life ready students- CCSS college and career
iii. Thinkers- reason, inquire, create, and
iv. High Character- resilient, respectful, responsible, collaborative
v. Communicators- effectively express and listen