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Military Resistance 14A2

Survival Time Raffle For The Cause:


Your Assistance Is Respectfully Requested Now To Keep This Unique Newsletter Alive And Well In 2016

“Unique” as in: where else have you seen this published often?


[Photos Of Prizes Below]


In addition to United States armed forces subscribers at home and overseas, including Afghanistan, and civilian activists, this table shows this Newsletter has more reach than may be generally known:

FYI: Military Resistance Website Visits:

Top Ten Sources Of Visits Ranked 1-10

December 2015


2 Germany

3 China

4 Ukraine

5 France

6 Netherlands

7 South Korea

8 Romania

9 Canada

10 Malaysia

Readers from an additional 65 have also accessed, including Iraq, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nigeria & Russian Federation.

Source: AWStats


[If you approve of the comments below, your assistance is necessary now to keep our work going.]


“Youre speaking up for shiton soldiers when nobody else is.”

From: KL

Sent: April 5, 2015

Subject: Thank you

you would be surprise how many are looking at your Newsletter where I am. youre speaking up for shiton soldiers when nobody else is.


From: JV

Sent: November 12, 2015 8:16 PM

Subject: Military Resistance 13K5 Soldiers For The Cause

This news that Greek soldiers are signing up to defy orders to attack immigrants is so important, and just try to find that on CNN! Thank you!


From: DR

Sent: December 25, 2015

Subject: RE: Military Resistance 13L8: The Good Old Story

Just want to express my appreciation for your hard work and dedication to this project. Maybe a few more people like you and Alan [Military Initiative Outreach Organizer] and we would be just around the corner from victory! It is a one thousand mile "race" so we just have to stick it out and do what we know is correct.

In Puerto Rico, things are coming to a point of confronting our colonial reality. This despite over one hundred years of USA terror and "carrot" treatment. But there is still much to do...

And in the USA a similar point of definition is apparently verrrrryyyy far off. But as you know, sooner than later social consciousness takes a leap and the system is in crisis.

You and I and a few hundred thousands in USA are working towards that moment. So: Felicidades. and may you enjoy much good health in the coming year.

Why Military Resistance Newsletter Needs Funding Now

Doing everything possible to support military resistance to Imperial war has never been more important!

One example: readers of this Newsletter on active duty in Afghanistan or Iraq are not exactly flooded with alternative sources of information.

We don’t hit on you often [last Fund Raising Raffle was Summer 2014] but Imperial war isn’t happening only once a year.

Your Help Is Needed For:

1. Computer equipment.

2. High capacity Internet connection monthly charges’

3. Security services to protect against hacking and other hostile intrusion.

4. Fee for website that posts the newsletter, and serves as an incoming email address for members of the armed services.

5. Computer technician on call who solves endless problems that come up in maintaining the platform that makes Military Resistance Newsletter possible. He gives Military Resistance a significant break on fees, but costs mount up.

6. Rental of a high security mail drop that allows anybody in the armed services to address mail to Military Resistance anyway they want, provided the Box # is correct:

7. Supplies: printer paper & ink and on and on.

Along with other expenses too numerous to mention, this comes to well over $5000 per year.

A lot of 2015 charges are yet unpaid.

An appeal to readers is the ONLY source of funds to keep this Newsletter going.

Your back-up for the cause is respectfully and most urgently requested now.

Thomas F Barton

Military Resistance Newsletter


Here’s How The Raffle Works

[Prizes Shown Below]

Anybody who sends minimum $5 is in.


Because some come from APO & overseas civilians, envelopes postmarked January 21, 2016 or earlier will be considered good for the raffle.

There are 12 prizes, so 12 names will be pulled out of a hat. The first name pulled gets to pick his or her choice, and then the second name will get to choose from the remaining prizes, and so on. We’ll contact winners by email or phone if you send phone #.

There will be no charge for shipping the items to you unless you are overseas and do not have APO.





Mail to:

Military Resistance Newsletter

Box 126

2576 Broadway

New York, N.Y. 10025-5657




Now The Prizes:

Prize #1: Clarendon’s Rebellion and Civil Wars

A Revolutionary History Classic Almost Unknown Today

In reviewing Trotsky’s History OF The Russian Revolution on publication back in the 1930’s, the New York Evening Post named this book one of the three classics of “history-written-by-history-makers.”

It describes the great English revolution and civil war that began in 1640 and ended in 1649 with the beheading of King Charles I and abolition of Royal rule in England by a republican government led by Oliver Cromwell.

Clarendon was part of that revolutionary civil war and he writes an insiders history.

Early on, there are his observations when the London working class, joined by masses of “common” sailors, and “others of the lesser sort,” suddenly rise up from below, backed by the growing merchant section of society, and march on the King in his palace by the countless thousands, demanding their liberties. Thousands more join them there from other towns and cities.

And that really is unknown history.

Clarendon was there, an eyewitness to it all and describes it beautifully.

As an example of his writing he says, about “common” people growing ever more fed up with the King’s royal tyranny: “They treasured up wrath for the time to come.”

Of interest, Clarendon was part of the royal government that was overthrown. That said, he writes unsparingly of the stupidity, greed, corruption, tyranny, and oppression of the royal government, and how incompetent and ever-failing they were in the face of the revolutionary wave from below that ate away ever more rapidly at Kings’ military, economic, and social base till the King had no money left to pay his soldiers.

The revolution held the cities and ports. They were booming. The Kind could only hold rural parts of the south-west and north. The revolution organized a new model army of citizen soldiers and the rural poor. The King’s army, while he had one, was raised by local feudal landholders, and made up of their servants, farmers, knights on horses, and others attached to them by obsolete duties.

Clarendon, of his King’s gentlemen cavalry: “Whom only their Friends fear’d, and their Enemies laughed at; being only terrible in Plunder, and resolute in Running away.”

Game over.

This is Vol 1, a 639 page reprint of the original, covering development of the revolution, and ending with the King in prison. If you like it, Vol. 2 available on Amazon.

The inside of the book is untouched, a new copy. The outside cover only has some bent corners now straightened out.

Prize #2:

A Radical History Classic:

Pete Seeger With The Almanac Singers

1955 12” LP

Back in the day when 78”s and 10” LPs were standard, and 12” LPs something new, this was one of the earliest left LPs to appear, via Folkways records

Inside is an unmarked, fresh looking booklet about the contents, intro by Pete Seeger and notes by Philip S. Foner.

The cover is also surprisingly fresh, preserved in a plastic sleeve over the cover. Splits in cover bottom and top carefully taped over.

Suitable for framing; as for playing, who knows. No LP player here.

Prize #3:

Up South

Matthew J Countryman

Philadelphia rarely appears in histories of the modern civil rights struggle. The city was home to a vibrant and groundbreaking movement for racial justice between World War II and the 1970s.

Up South explores the origins of civil rights liberalism, the failure of the liberal program of antidiscrimination legislation and interracial coalition-building to deliver on its promise of racial equality, and the subsequent rise of the Black Power movement.

In contrast to the top-down middle-class leadership of traditional civil rights groups, Black Power in Philadelphia fundamentally altered the composition of black leadership in the city to include a new cohort of neighborhood-based working-class and female black community activists.

Large paperback; 410 pages, with photographs. 2007. Beautiful condition.

Prize #4:

Secret Sanction by Brian Haig*

An Army lawyer is ordered to investigate the massacre of 35 Serb prisoners during the Kosovo war. A Green Beret team is accused. Powerful forces high in the U.S. government scheme to cover up the truth, threatening to ruin the Army lawyers’ career.

*The author, Brian Haig, is the son of General Alexander Haig, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army [the second-highest ranking officer in the Army] and White House Chief of Staff under President Richard Nixon.

Maybe that’s why his portrait of really evil leaders in the CIA, The White House, and on, rings so true. He was there and saw that shit. Thinly disguised fiction.

Hardcover, 399 pages, perfect condition

Prize #5:

The 1775 Revolution Gadsden Flag

Cloth; Left side made for hoisting; Three Feet by Five Feet


[Thanks to RL for donating to the raffle]

Prize #6:

May 1917: Russia

The War Bond That Brought On A Revolution

In February 1917, Russian workers and soldiers rose in revolution to overthrow a feudal government that had dragged them into an Imperial War, World War 1, where Russians died, at home and in the Army, for the glory and greed of the Czar, Emperor of Russia.

Having gotten rid of him, they thought the new government, led by Prime Minister Kerensky, would stop the war. Instead, in May 1917, he floated the Kerensky War Loan, gold backed bonds to borrow $188 million, to pay for keeping Russia in the war.

Seeing that nothing less would do, 6 months later the elected soldiers’ and workers’ councils organized a second revolution that wiped Kerensky’s government of generals, war profiteers, crooked politicians, and capitalists off the face of the earth.

This is the Kerensky war bond for 1000 gold rubles.

P.S. They were purchased on 9.1.64 from (no joke) Carl Marks & Co., Inc., New York. If you win one, you’ll get a copy of the bill of sale.

Prize #7:

“Paddy Lynch’s Boat Sung By Delia Murphy”

Fodhla Printing House, Dublin

Sheet music; undated; printing style 1860-1900 or so. The cover figure is in old dress. Upper right corner ragged. Fragile, as you can see.

For a fascinating history of the song, and the author, go to:

Warning: when the page opens, you must SCROLL UP ONE PAGE to the heading “Thomas Lavelle.”

Prize #8

Classy Camp Stool

The Latest In Comfort For Those Hours Long Demonstrations Or Whatever

Butt hurt? Tired legs? Sit on this collapsible, very comfortable camp stool.

Soft seat, tough metal frame, and lock supports keep it from dumping you.

When folded, goes to 81/2 x 11, paper page size, into zippered carry bag seen above.

Zipper top with stitched carrying strap.

Prize #9:

Vietnam GI: Complete

A complete set of Vietnam GIs. The originals were a bit rough, sometimes a line at the bottom gone, but every page is there. Over 100 pages, full 11x17 size.

Edited by Jeff Sharlet until his death (see below), this newspaper rocked the world, attracting attention even from Time Magazine, and extremely hostile attention from the chain of command.

The pages and pages of letters in the paper from troops in Vietnam condemning the war are lost to history, but you can find them here:


August 1969

Many good men never came back from Nam. Some came back disabled in mind. Jeff Sharlet came back a pretty together cat—and he came back angry. Jeff started VGI, and for almost two years poured his life into it, in an endless succession of 18-hour days trying to organize men to fight for their own rights.

On Monday, June 16th, at 2:45 pm, Jeff died in the Miami VA Hospital. He died of a sudden heart failure, brought on by the uncontrollable growth of the cancer that had earlier destroyed his kidney. There was no way to save him. He was only 27 years old.

Rather than wait for the draft, like so many others Jeff went RA. With dreams of seeing Europe, he applied for “translator-interpreter”, and found himself at the US Army Language School at Monterey, California. But instead of French, Czech or German, he was assigned a strange language called “Vietnamese”--. Spoken in a country he couldn’t even find on the map. For eleven months in 1962 he was drilled in Vietnamese.