IT Best Practices & Reminders
When leaving a computer unattended be sure to lock the computer and close the office door. Systems can be locked by:
-WINDOWS: Pressing the Windows key + L simultaneously
-MAC: Pressing Ctrl + Shift+ Power simultaneously
Sophos is the approved anti-virus & data leakage software for AgriLife computers. Be sure to:
-Verify your computer is protected by Sophos
-Contact your local IT Manager or AgriLife IT if there are questions regarding Sophos
Computers utilizing an unsupported operating system (OS), to remain in operation, must
-Be upgraded to a supported OS Or
-Have an exception approved by the Information Security Officer (ISO)
Supported OS’s include Windows 7 and 10, Apple versions 10.12, 10.13, 10.14
NOTE: Apple releases security updates for the most recent and prior two operating systems. Apple is expected to release Mojave (version 10.14) September 2018.
Computers should be rebooted at least once a week to ensure any updates/patches are fully installed. Incomplete installations can leave a computer vulnerable.
Computers should be connected to the AGNET network, via ethernet cable, at least once a month. Such a connection provides access to current security and configuration updates needed for a system to meet compliancy requirements
-If unable to bring in a system, due to travel, most updates can be received using a VPN connection. However, the VPN connection will need to remain connected until all updates are downloaded. This should be utilized sparingly as a system only receives full updates when connected by ethernet to the AGNET network.
Software, installed on AgriLife workstations, should:
-Have an AgriLife business purpose and be Properly licensed
If not located on campus or a research center with a domain joined computer, go to to set a permanent password. If on campus or a research center any domain joined workstation may be used to change a password.
Cloud/Remote Storage
Cloud storage is available, to AgriLife personnel, through the following services:
For questions or assistance regarding these services please contact your local IT personnel,the AgriLife FirstCall help desk at (979) 985-5737 or via email
Confidential Information Awareness
Storage/transfer of confidential information can only be facilitated through approved systems and methods to limit the likelihood of unauthorized disclosure or public release.
-Laserfiche is the approved repository for confidential information
-Syncplicity, OneDrive or encrypted email are approved for confidential information transfer
Handling confidential information, outside these systems, requires a method compliant with Rules and Procedures. If a business need exists, please contact the AgriLife Information Security Officer, Andy Ghinaudo, to discuss possible compliant methodologies.
If your role requires the management of Sensitive information of any kind (e.g. Personally Identifiable Information, SSN’s, Credit Card information, etc.), you must ensure your system storage is encrypted. If not already set up with encryption, AgriLife IT can implement this for you at your convenience.
Security Incident Notification
Security incidents shall be promptly reported to immediate supervisor and the AgriLife ISO. As warranted, the AgriLife ISO will report the condition to the Chief ISO for the TAMUS. Security incidents include, but are not restricted to:
-Changes to system hardware, firmware, or data without the agency’s effective consent;
-Malicious code detection;
-Unauthorized use of computer accounts and computer systems;
-Theft of computer equipment or theft of information;
-Accidental or planned disruption or denial of service; or
-Complaints of improper use of information resources as outlined in the security monitoring, intrusion detection, internet/intranet and acceptable use procedures.
NOTE: Incidents involving AgriLife IT services, must be reported at
Wireless Network Services
Wireless access is available,at most remote locations, via two networks: AGNET and AGNET Guest
AGNET network is the designated wireless network for AgriLife personnel
-Designated wireless network for AgriLife personnel
-Protected through encryption
-Requires Agnet credentials to access
AGNET Guest network
-For use only by non-AgriLife personnel
-Not encrypted
-Requires temp login credentials, via cell phone registration, to access