Precept Upon Precept Lesson 8


MOSES: Life Lessons for Leadership

In the Palace / Alone: Backside of Desert / Leading God’s People / Training his replacement: Joshua
40 years / 40 years / 40 years
Moses parents told:
Kill the baby boys
(Strong & Courageous)
Excellent education in the house of Pharaoh
(Be Strong & Courageous)
Delivered Hebrew from hand of Egyptian
killed the Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew

Rejected by his own people

Who made you a prince or a judge over us? / Delivered women from hand of the shepherds
Meekest man on the earth
Who am I that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?
Drawn by Burning Bush
God: Deliver My People
(Be Strong & Courageous)
GOD: I will be with you.
Sign: You shall worship God at this mountain (Sinai)
GOD: I will be with your mouth and teach you what to say
The LORD knew Moses intimately,…face-to-face /

Delivered Israel from slavery


Falsely accused by Israel over & over,

(Strong & Courageous)

Fasted & prayed for rebellious Israel 40 days (3x)

Endured God’s discipline of Israel: wilderness, 38 yrs

Be Strong & Courageous

God will go with you
He will not fail/ forsake you
He is a covenant-keeping God

Teach God’s Law to the next generation

Levites: read it every 7 years
Fathers: teach it every day

After his death, the people will break covenant

Bless them anyway…

Moses left 2 constant witnesses to Israel

God’s Law & God’s Song

Responsibility of Leadership

Not allowed to enter the Land
because He did not treat God as holy /

Training by Example:

Joshua faithfully followed Moses’
Training by Testing:
Led military against Amalek
Spied out Land: OK, despite giants

Training by Teaching:

Be Strong & Courageous

God will go with you
He will not fail/ forsake you
He is a covenant-keeping God
Commissioning: Laid hands on him
filled Joshua -- spirit of wisdom
In Moses’ death,
(Strong & Courageous)
Do I try to learn all I can, even if I’m not sure how God will use it in my life?
When I sin, do I agree with God and repent?
Do I persevere in responding to God’s call on my life, even in the face of mocking rejection by family or friends? / Do I take every opportunity to seek God when He shows Himself to me?
When God calls me to a task, do I trust that He will give me what I need to be successful?
Do I desire to know God intimately?
Do I spend extended time with Him alone, face-to-face? / Do I ever rehearse God’s past faithfulness & His future promises to others & to myself?
Do I intercede for others when they fail?
When rejected, do I bless?
Do I treat God as holy at ALL times?
What blessings have I missed because of my own disobedience?
When God says “NO”, how do I respond to Him?
What am I leaving behind as a witness to others? / Do I glorify God by eagerly training faithful ones to take my place?
Would I be a godly mentor for a younger believer to observe & follow?
Do I have a godly mentor whom I would patiently observe & faithfully serve?
Am I willing to serve God in new areas that will stretch me?
Do I patiently wait upon God’s timing for promotion?

How does one become consistently “STRONG & COURAGEOUS”?