The Gilded Age – Progressive Movement Newspaper
U.S. History (30 Points Total)
With such an important time period upon us, what better way to figure out what is going on than to read a newspaper?
Your Mission – Working either by yourself or with one other person, you must create a newspaper that depicts the important events of the era. Your newspaper, which will feature all of the following parts to receive full credit, will be of utmost creativity and from the time period!
What each newspaper MUST have:
8 points – One major article (about a page in length)
5 points – One minor article (about a half page in length)
5 points – 1-2 advertisements, creative for the time period
5 points – 1-2 pictures, featuring something from the time period
7 points – Overall togetherness of the newspaper (headline, etc. – looks like a newspaper, creativity and neatness)
TOTAL: 30 points (Newspaper should show facts along with opinions)
Time to complete project – You will have 15-20 minutes to start work on newspaper today, to decide the outline, partners, etc. On Thursday/Friday, you will have all day in the library. You will have 15-20 minutes to finish work on Monday, November 4th. The newspaper is due Tuesday, November 5th.
Bonus – On Tuesday, each person will take a vote of the top five (in a fair setup). The top five groups with the most votes will receive between 1-5 bonus points on their final project.
The possible topics to choose are the following: (P. 274-33)
1. Prohibition
2. Changes in public education
3. The story of a President, including Theodore Roosevelt
4. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
5. Environment/Conservation
6. Muckrakers, or a story on Muckraking
7. Election reforms, such as the 17th Amendment
8. The Wisconsin Idea and/or the story of “Fighting Bob” LaFollette
9. Meatpacking/The Pure Food and Drug Act
10. Businesses/Monopolies & Trying to regulate them
--There are many others….if unsure, just ask!
If you have any questions, ask before Tuesday!! Good Luck!!!