Dads of Great Students

Hi there South Shore parents! We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a new PTA supported volunteering initiative at South Shore. The initiative is called Watch D.O.G.S. and is devoted to engaging male role model involvement through volunteering opportunities at South Shore.

Backed by the National Center for Fathering, the goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. program are:

1.  To provide positive male role models for the students by demonstrating by their presence that education is important.

2.  Providing extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.

We need YOUR help! During a normal school day, teachers and staff are often faced with various small projects or tasks that require the help of volunteers to make their job easier and increase their focus on our children in the classroom. Volunteers help make South Shore the BEST by supporting our teachers who provide an excellent learning environment for our children. Examples of tasks performed by WATCH D.O.G.S. include: assisting at recess/lunch, decorating the school seasonally, setup/cleanup for special events, assisting with bus pickup/drop off, Patrol the school entrances and hallways, or spending extra time with students to go over class assignments. ( A sample schedule can be found on the back of this handout.) WATCH D.O.G.S. actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Have a grandparent, uncle, pastor, midshipman, or other positive role model that wants to volunteer? This program is for them! WATCH D.O.G.S. offers opportunities for mentors to visit South Shore, work with students and staff, and have FUN in the process!

An easy WATCH D.O.G.S. signup calendar can be found at

Have you watched the Volunteer Training Video? If not the link to watch can be found below:

Once you have watched the video, please turn in the form below to the office.

Have questions? Please contact any of the contacts below.


Rick Arvin, Top Dog Stacy Shafran, South Shore Principal Brandy Hoot, PTA President

Sample Schedule

7:55-8:05Check-in at the office.

8:05-8:20Assist withstudent arrival in Bus Drop Off Area and welcome students
8:20- 8:35Pleasegoto theWWSCES TV STUDIOand get ready toparticipate in theWWSCESMORNING ANNOUNCEMENTSwithyour child and have your picture taken for the Wall of Fame.

8:35-8:50Please join your child’s class formorning meeting.

8:50-9:25Please go to thegymand help in Ms. Rice’s Class in PE.

9:25-9:45WatchDOGSPATROL: Walk the hallways of the school - High-five kids as you patrol the school.

9:45-10:45 Please go to kindergarten to help students with Centers.

10:45-1:00Help with Lunch and Recess! Don’t forget to enjoy lunch and recess with your child.

1:00-1:30Please go to thelibraryand help Mrs. Bark as alibrary assistant!!

1:30-1:50WatchDOGSPATROL: Walk the hallways of the school - High-five kids as you patrol the school.

1:50-2:30Please go to Mr. Mastandrea’s class and help with INQUIRY/STEAM Projects.

2:30-3:00Assist withstudent dismissalat thefront doors. High-five kidsas they leave for the day!!