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The regular monthly meeting of the Adirondack-Appalachian Regional Emergency Medical Services Council was held on Thursday, December 18, 2008 at the Holiday Inn, Johnstown, NY.

Chairman Lewis Jones, RN, presiding.


Donald Coy Stephen Hood (ex off.) Philip Mulleedy

Patrice Delameter David Houck Elizabeth J. Putman

Cynthia Dunham Lewis Jones, RN Gen Smerski (alt.)

Allen Dunham (alt.) Bonnell Kaido Michael Swartz

John Farquhar August Leinhart, MD Mark Zeek (adv.)

Howard Hime Joyce Mulleedy, RN


William Averill John Early Thomas Pasquarelli

Shelley Carson, RN Stephen Kuck Robert Quist, RN

Sidney Chase Bonnie Looman, RN




Shirley Burtman - JAVAC

Joseph Farrell - NYS-EMS

Donna Jones, RN - Delaware County Public Health Nursing Service

Mary Ramo - NYS-EMS

Dean Romano - Bassett Healthcare Rural EMS Education


The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Chairman Lewis Jones.


A quorum was present.


Copies of the Minutes had been sent to all members in a timely manner.

Motion was made by Mr. Hime and seconded by Ms. Kaido, as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the November 20, 2008 meeting are approved as written.

This was adopted unanimously, with no abstentions.


Our guests, as named above, were introduced and welcomed.


For the period from November 20, 2008 through December 17, 2008:


·  11/25 – to all in the “AAREMS’, “REMAC” and “Minutes” address books, the Minutes of the November 20, 2008 AAREMS and REMAC meetings (via email);

·  11/25 – to Sidney and Ephratah, notice of their REMAC approval for the Albuterol program;

·  11/25 – to Dr. Leinhart, the alternative formulary for final review before printing (via email);

·  11/26 – to Richmondville and Esperance, supplies of PCRs, as requested;

·  11/26 – to Hagaman, a supply of BLSFR PCRs, as requested;

·  11/26 – to Mid-County, a supply of refusal forms, as requested;

·  11/26 – to all agencies in the regular PCR reporting program, the usual monthly reminder cards;

·  12/01 – to Mary Ramo, DOH, a copy of the CME Recert SOPPS template, as requested;

·  12/01 – to Gloversville FD and Walton, supplies of PCRs, as requested;

·  12/03 – to Schenevus and Amsterdam FD, supplies of PCRs, as requested;

·  12/03 – to Rural Grove, a supply of BLSFR PCRs, as requested;

·  12/04 – to an interested party, replying about agency membership requirements (via email);

·  12/05 – to Mark Zeek, replying to his mailing about the January testing (via email);

·  12/05 – to all in the “AAREMS” address book, information on the January testing (via email);

·  12/05 – to all in the “AAREMS” and “Minutes” address books, the new DOH MOLST Policy statement (via email);

·  12/05 – to Nic Brent, replying about some agency paperwork (via email);

·  12/06 – to a practitioner, replying about health care proxies (via email);

·  12/08 – to Dr. Leinhart, replying about his first responder alert message (via email);

·  12/08 – to all in the “AAREMS” and “Minutes” address books, forwarding Dr. Leinhart’s message about the DHS first responder alert (via email);

·  12/08 – to the Town of Springfield, returning incomplete PAD notice paperwork;

·  12/09 – to Lisa DeLong, DOH, acknowledging receipt of the new DOH MOLST policy (via email);

·  12/09 – to three new provisional TEKs, the usual paperwork;

·  12/10 – to Lisa DeLong, DOH, the new Council contract (via Lew Jones);

·  12/11 – to all active duty TEKs, the new CME folder for the first half of 2009, plus the three new revised protocol pages;

·  12/11 – to Steve Hood, replying about a change of course sponsor medical director (via email);

·  12/11 – to all in the “AAREMS” address book, meeting reminder for December 18, 2008 (via email);

·  12/15 – to Indian Lake, St. Johnsville Ambulance and Summit, supplies of PCRs, as requested;

·  12/15 – to Indian Lake and St. Johnsville Ambulance, supplies of continuation forms, as requested;

·  12/15 – to SUNY Oneonta, a supply of BLSFR PCRs, as requested;

·  12/15 – to Inlet Ambulance, replying about their letter to Lee Bums regarding ePCRs (via email);

·  12/15 – to Lisa DeLong, DOH, replying about an article about NYC diversity (via email);

·  12/15 – to Lisa DeLong, replying about glucometer testing (via email);

·  12/16 – to Nic Brent, about SUNY Oneonta glucometer application;

·  12/16 – to the DOH Audit Unit and Health Research, Inc. (HRI), copies of the yearly audit report, as per procedure;

·  12/17 – to a practitioner, replying about computer viruses (via email);

·  12/17 – to a practitioner, replying about REMO advisories on pain management and an intranasal administration protocol (via email);

·  12/17 – to Middleburgh, a supply of PCRs and refusal forms, as requested;

·  12/17 – to Middleburgh and Margaretville, supplies of continuation forms, as requested;


·  11/24 – from the printers at Bassett Healthcare, the reprinted ALS protocols and revised pain management protocols;

·  11/24 – from Scho-Wright, the appropriate paperwork on their new medical director;

·  12/01 – from DOH, blank PCRs and continuation forms, as requested;

·  12/03 – from Albany Med, notice of CME opportunities (posted on regional web site);

·  12/04 - from Mary Ramo, DOH, about the January test date (via email);

·  12/04 – from Mary Ramo, acknowledging receipt of the template CD sent on 12/01 (via email);

·  12/04 – from DOH, notice of enforcement action (see below);

·  12/05 – from Mark Zeek, about the January testing (via email);

·  12/05 – from Rick Voorhees, the new DOH MOLST policy statement (via email);

·  12/05 – from Nic Brent, about some agency paperwork (via email);

·  12/05 – from several program agencies, about the need for quarterly reporting on webcasting (via email);

·  12/05 – from Marjorie Geiger and Lisa DeLong, DOH, about the above (via email);

·  12/05 – from a practitioner, about health care proxies (via email);

·  12/08 – from Dr. Leinhart, forwarding an alert from the Department of Homeland Security regarding first responders (via email);

·  12/08 – from the Town of Springfield, PAD paperwork (found to be incomplete);

·  12/08 – from Hagaman FD, notice of AED use (see below);

·  12/09 – from Bonnie Kaido, about a Central NY agency in financial need (via email);

·  12/09 – from Erie-Wyoming program agency, announcing a personnel change (via email);

·  12/09 – from Lisa DeLong, DOH, a copy of the new DOH MOLST policy (via email);

·  12/11 – from Steve Hood, about a change of course sponsor medical director (via email);

·  12/15 – from Inlet Ambulance, copy of a letter to Lee Burns regarding ePCRs (via email);

·  12/15 – from Lisa DeLong, DOH, an article about New York City diversity (via email);

·  12/15 – from Nic Brent, SUNY Oneonta glucometer and other paperwork;

·  12/15 – from Lisa DeLong, DOH, about glucometer testing (via email);

·  12/15 – from a TEK, notice of change of address (via email);

·  12/16 – from a practitioner, about computer viruses (via email);

·  12/17 – from Hamilton County Emergency Management, a listing of current Department of Homeland Security course offerings (via email);

·  12/17 – from a practitioner, about REMO advisories on pain management and an intranasal administration protocol (via email);

A listing of the correspondence was distributed before the start of the meeting to each member present, for his or her perusal. Other handouts distributed to the members present included the cash flow and balance sheet, SEMAC and SEMSCO report from Mr. Zeek and Mr. McEvoy, the new DOH MOLST policy, a copy of the DOH memo on glucometer requirements and an alert on security safeguards from the Hospital Association. Handouts were available to members of the Training Committee on two of the recently completed environmental emergency training programs.


Mr. Jones had no special report.


Mr. Mulleedy expressed the condolences of the membership to Mr. Jones on the recent passing of his mother.

On November 26, we ordered 6 cases of PCRs and 2 of Continuation Forms, from Steve Sonder at DOH. They were delivered on December 01. These requests have, over the past several months, been marked by very timely delivery.

Just a reminder - a copy of the CME (“Pilot”) recert standard operating policies and procedures template is available from AAREMS upon request of any agency in the Region enrolled in this program.

Mr. Pasquarelli has advised that GAVAC generated 688 ePCRs for the month of November.

Mr. Mulleedy advised that the Inlet Ambulance is preparing to use ePCRs, and has contacted our office and Lee Burns at DOH as well. A template of their proposed system printout was provided for the members to review. Mary Ramo commented as well. A letter of approval is needed from AAREMS for them to continue. There was brief discussion on this and Motion was made by Mr. Mulleedy and seconded by Mr. Coy as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Inlet Ambulance request to begin use of ePCRs is approved by AAREMS with the contingency that they agree to provide the Regional office with a monthly report of total number of PCRs generated, and that they also agree to provide PCRs or PCR data upon request as may be necessary or useful in any Regional QI initiatives.

This was adopted unanimously, with no abstentions.

On December 04, Mary Ramo advised that the January testing would take place as scheduled. On December we received further information on this from Mr. Zeek, and forwarded this via email to all Council members.

On December 05, we received from Mr. Voorhees a copy of the new DOH MOLST (Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) Policy statement, dated November 20, 2008. We forwarded this to all Council members and all in our “Minutes” address books.

On December 08, we received an email message from Dr. Leinhart passing on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) alert requesting that first responders safeguard their equipment and have proper identification at all times. The alert referred to the terrorist attack in Mumbai and the tactics uses by the attackers there.

On December 08, we received a notice of AED use from the Hagaman Fire Department. The patient was a 72-year-old female. Unfortunately, the patient did not become responsive.

On December 11, the new CME folders for the first half of 2009 and the three new-revised ALS protocol pages (Pain Management, Pediatric Pain Management and the revised Formulary) were mailed to all active duty TEKs. Copies are available for all agencies needing to update vehicle copies of the protocol books.

On December 15, Lisa DeLong, DOH, advised us of a new SEMAC resolution as follows: “Glucometry devices are the standard of care to determine blood glucose levels for all blood glucose monitoring”. DOH has asked all REMSCO and Program Agencies to update their BLS and ALS protocols as necessary to require the use of glucometry devices. AAREMS ALS protocols already specify this as the standard of care, provided of course that the agency in question is so authorized by having received a CLIA waiver and having submitted the appropriate paperwork for REMAC approval. AAREMS does also have a specific diabetic-related protocol for use by EMT-B glucometer agencies that also addresses this concern. As of December 17, 2008, our records show a total of 30 agencies (both BLS and ALS) in the Region are approved for the EMT-B glucometer program, and an additional 10 ALS agencies also have CLIA waivers, and are therefore also using glucometry, but are not enrolled to include their EMT-B members.

The Bassett Healthcare Center for Rural EMS Education has a full roster of spring courses upcoming. For full information, visit their website at

All members should be aware of the prevalence of computer viruses of various types, and should make sure they have adequate security software installed on their computers. The office computer system recently was able to overcome such an incursion due to adequate anti-virus software.

Copies of the yearly independent audit have been received and are being distributed at this meeting. Copies were forwarded to the DOH Audit Unit and HRI (Health Research, Inc.) as per the usual procedure.

Lisa DeLong at DOH has advised the program agencies that it might be advantageous to list visits to the webcast sites as a part of the usual quarterly deliverables. Here are the current statistics for AAREMS:

Month Unique Visits to Visits to webcast page

September 2008 / 1265 / 04
October 2008 / 1275 / 09
November 2008 / 1268 / 38
TOTALS / 3808 / 51

Therefore, only about 1.4% of all unique visitors to the regional website visit the webcasting page.