University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Colleges of Arts & Sciences Program Sheet 2018-2019

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Russian

Admissions: Open Process:Declaration

Min. Total Credits: 120 (83 in core & major + 37 in electives)

UHM General Education Core Requirements


FW ENG 100, 100A, 190, ESL 100, or AMST 111
FG (A / B / C)
FG (A / B / C)
*Note:This requirement changed in Fall 2018. If you entered the UH System prior to that, please see your college/school advisor.


DLLLEA 350, 351, 352, 354; RUS 311, 312, 441, 442, 451, 452
DHLLEA 353, 355
* See degree, college and major requirements for courses that can also fulfill these.
UHM Graduation Requirements


E (300+)
O (300+)
W (300+)
W (300+)

Hawaiian / Second Language

101 RUS 101
102 RUS 102
201 RUS 201
202 RUS 202
Credit Minimums
  • 120 total applicable

  • 30 in residence at UHM

  • 45 upper division (300+ level) credits

Grade Point Average
  • 2.0 cumulative or higher (Note: Other GPAs may be required.)

  • Good academic standing

Degree Requirements

College Requirements
Credit Maximums
  • 8 KRS activity

  • 9 Directed Reading / Research

  • 12 Practicum / Internship

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Colleges of Arts & Sciences Program Sheet 2018-2019

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Russian

Admissions: Open Process:Declaration

Min. Total Credits: 120 (83 in core & major + 37 in electives)

Major Requirements for BA in Russian
Admission: Open
Application: NA
Min. major credits: 33 (46 with related requirements)
Min. exit GPA: 2.5 GPA in the major
Min. C- grade in prerequisite courses to continue in the major
Russian Related Requirements (13 credits)
 RUS 101*HSL
 RUS 102*HSL
 RUS 201*HSL
 RUS 202*HSL
Emphasis in Russian Language andCulture (33 credits)
9 credits* from the following Russia-related courseson Literature and Culture:
LLEA 350*DL, 351*DL, 352*DL, 353*DL, 354*DL, or 355*DH
RUS courses (above 202) as needed to reach 33 credits:
 RUS ______ RUS ______ RUS ______ RUS ______
 RUS ______ RUS ______ RUS ______ RUS ______
Advising Center for the Colleges of Arts and Humanities/Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures: QLCSS 113; (808) 956-8755;
LLEA Department: Moore 483, (808) 956-8520, ;
Russian Undergraduate Advisor: Anastasia Kostetskaya; Moore 457; (808) 956-4181;

Rev. PC2/18

v. KH 3/1/2010