Nebraska Library Commission

The Atrium 1200 N St. Suite 120 Lincoln NE 68508-2023 402-471-2045 Fax 402-471-2083

Purchase Agreement for
ColumbiaUniversity Press Databases

Order Deadline: June15, 2014 (for a July 1, 2014 start date)

Send or fax the completed form to Susan Knisely, Nebraska Library Commission, 1200 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, NE 68508-2023 Fax: 402-471-2083

Institution Name:______

Contact Person/Title:______


City:______State: NE Zip:______

Phone Number:______Fax Number:______

E-Mail Address:______

Institution Type:

Academic (FTE: ; Carnegie Classification: )

K12 School

Public Library (census population: )

Product: (Seefor pricing)

____ Columbia Int’l Affairs Online (CIAO)
Annual Sub / Three Year Pkg (circle one) Price:
____ Columbia Gazetteer of the World
Price: (no access fees until 2014)
/ ___ Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry
Annual Sub / Three Year Pkg (circle one)

Site Information: This License grants access for (name of institution) at (list geographic locations and remote access capability). Please provide the name and address of the institution covered by this License. In the case of a university library, this would be the name of the university and location of its campus, not the name of the library.

Institutions: ______

Number of Sites: ______

Street Address: ______

City:______State: NE Zip:______

If listing multiple campuses/branches, put on separate sheet and submit with this form.

Network Information: Network addresses may be provided as a list or range of addresses: e.g., “128.135.*.” or “128.135.1-20.”. You may register as many IP addresses below as necessary to describe the network in use at the site identified above. Where applicable, you may either list the IP addresses, referring url, user name/password, or library card authentication information below or you may attach a separate page with this information.

Columbia University Press offers the following modes of access for CIAO:

  • IP Address Authentication
  • User Name/Password

Columbia University Press offers the following modes of access for Granger’s and Gazetteer:

  • IP Address Authentication
  • User Name/Password
  • Referring URL
  • Library Card Authentication (Public Library Only)
  • Include base number (generally the 1st 5 digits)
  • Total number of digits of the library card number.

Domain Name:______

IP Addresses: ______

User Name:______Password:______

Library Card Base Number:______

Total Number of Digits:______

Library Link Back Address:______

I hereby declare that the above information is accurate and correct. I also agree to pay a total cost of ______to subscribe to the Columbia University Press database(s) indicated above. These subscriptions will begin on ______and run through June 30, 2014. Mid-term subscriptions of 6 months or longer will be accepted and prorated.


Name(Print)Name (Signature)

Title DATE