BSA Troop 1288 – Katy, Texas

Committee Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2008

In Attendance: Ron Taylor, Melinda Utley, Bernard Peck, Jerry Clark, Louis Meneghetti, Trina Zoeller, and Allen Robbins

August & September Committee Minutes: These will be read and approved at the October 14, 2008 Committee Meeting. This Committee meeting was postponed for one week from September 16 to September 23 due to Hurricane Ike.

Motion to open the Meeting was at 7:20PM.

Financial Report – Ron Taylor:

1.  Cash Balance is currently $15,565.80. Less committed obligations, primarily Northern Tier) of $1,029.55 and Scout Accounts of $10,339.46 leaving us with a working cash balance of $3,589.65.

2.  We have refunded $5,742.47 to the Northern Tier crews. We have held back $1,200 pending insurance reimbursement for one member injured on the trek.

3.  Scout Account balances due to the Troop equal $397.71.

4.  Outstanding item are:

a.  Northern Tier Insurance Claim for $1,200.

b.  Final Philmont Trek costs.

c.  We have made the 2009 Summer Camp $100 Reservation and payment has cleared our account.

d.  Adult patrol Box with CenterpointEnergy donation.

5.  Scout Accounts will go out October 1, 2008.

Popcorn Sales Chair (Melinda Utley): We are currently trying to identify all those Scouts interested and popcorn sales have been extended until December 5 due to Hurricane Ike.

Medical Forms Chair (Brenda Schmitt): Brenda not present

Name Tags/Class B Shirts/1288 Patches Chair (James Meredith): James not present

Flag Sales Chair (Steve Zoeller): Steve not present. We purchased 1,000 yellow flag stand cap plugs and the cost was $325.55 a $50 increase from two years ago and purchased by Ron Taylor and turned over to Trina Zoeller.

COH Chair (Meredith/Utley): Next COH is on 10-21-08. Trina Zoeller noted that a number of parent’s were discussing if there is a way for us to have an event on a Saturday so that the parents could all get to know each other. We discussed having the April, 2009 CoH on a Saturday to allow more time parents to attend and socialize. Suggested dates are April 11 or April 18, 2009.

Committee Chair Report – Kenny Roach: not present as he was working to restore power.

Scoutmaster Report – Bernard Peck:

Galveston State Park was a good trip and timely as reports that Galveston State Park and Sea Rim State Park would not be rebuilt after Hurricane Ike. The next event is the USS Lexington on October 11-12. We have one cancellation from Mazurek and therefore we have an opening if someone else who wanted to go, but, was not able to sign up previously. Additionally, Steve Zoeller may be replaced by Trina Zoeller. We do need to let the USS Lexington know of the change from male to female so that they can make the proper sleeping arrangements. Enchanted Rock is coming up November 7-9 and Winter Camp reservations need to be made to reserve our spot. Webelos Woods campout in January, 2009 is a free campout to the Scouts as this is a Troop promotion campout out and we are looking for more Scouts to sign up to promote the troop. Louis Meneghetti will be working with Epiphany on the type of December, 2008 lock-in that we can arrange as we are working on utilizing this event as the Troop’s Webelos Invitational this year. We have sent in the reservation for the 2009 Summer Camp at Constantin and Ron Taylor reported that the payment has cleared our bank account.

The Troop will sign up for the Philmont lottery for 2010. This will be in October or November of 2008 and we should be informed in early January, 2009 if we have received an allotment. Additionally, we will also sign up for a Sea Base lottery in November, 2008 for an allotment to Sea Base in 2010. Our idea here would be to hedge our bets on getting a 2010 high adventure trip to either Philmont or Sea Base. Louis Meneghetti and Ron Taylor noted interest in both Philmont and Sea Base; however, if we did receive a Philmont allotment the choice would be Philmont. The Troop will know about a Philmont trip prior to having to make a commitment to Sea Base in 2010.

Jerry Clark addressed the possibility of going to Sea Base in 2009. There are approximately 16 scouts and adults interested in going in 2009 if it can be arranged. The Troop will support a Sea Base 2009 trip if financial commitments are made timely and the Adult leaders can arrange a training program to accomplish the required training for the adults and scouts. Not all interested in the trip have responded, however, the two most likely trips begin July 28 and July 30; however, this timely eliminates a number of Scouts due to Band and Football camps starting in early August. Louis Meneghetti and Ron Taylor stated that if a trip could be arranged they are interested. Main trips would be kayaking and small sail ships. Main activities would be fishing, snorkeling and conservation. Jerry will contact the interested parties giving them the final options to select a trip and the necessary commitment. While 2009 trips are still open the open trips conflict with the timing of the KISD school year.

We also discussed the possibility of having a 2009 Sea Base Trip as well as a 2010 Philmont and Sea Base Trip. Before we make the necessary commitments again to two high adventure trips in 2010 we needed also to make sure the younger scouts would have adequate older Scout leadership at the 2010 Summer Camp.

The final result was to determine if a 2009 Sea Base trip was possible. The Troop would make the applications for Philmont and Sea Base for 2010 lottery and if both are received address the troop and determine if one or both would be attempted. Including in the selection would be the timing of the 2010 Summer Camp to avoid conflicts with either High Adventure and get commitments from the older Scouts attending a High Adventure to also attend the 2010 Summer Camp. Ron Taylor and Louis Meneghetti both committed the necessary financial support for Robert and Paul Meneghetti and Drew and Kevin Taylor to attend both a 2010 High Adventure and 2010 summer camp.

New Business:


Motion to Adjourn at 8:20pm.