Adventure City Teachers’ Guide

Unit name / Food and Drinks (unit # 7)
Theme / Food and Drink related vocabulary
Number of Lessons / 7
Learning Goals / At the end of this unit, pupils will be able to:
§  Recognize, read and produce the food related vocabulary.
§  Spell and type the food words.
§  Pupils will learn about the food pyramid and categorize the food types
§  Vote for the food they like and dislike the most.
§  Write a menu of the food they usually eat.
Story / The Little Caterpillar
Key Vocabulary / Actions:
eat, drink, cook, bake, type, write, read, sleep, fly, drag, fill-in, click on,
food pyramid, drinks, categorize, vegetables, meat, beef, chicken, fish, cookies, grains, fruit, oils, cheese, dairy, milk, yogurt, cream, ice-cream, strawberries, pear, peaches, apples, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, bread, rice, oatmeal, sandwich, salad, chocolate, grapes, caterpillar, cocoon, story, wings, breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner

No. / Activity name / Description / Learning Goals /
1 / Max eats Lunch / Click on the food words at the bottom of the page, listen to what they are, choose the food you want to put on Max’s plate and drag the words to the plate. / An Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit and develop reading comprehension at the word level.
2 / Food Parachutes / The falling parachute game: Level 1: read and listen to the word, pay attention to the marked blends; and then click on the correct picture of the word. Level two, listen to the food, look at its picture, then read and choose the correct falling parachute with the right vowel or consonant blend in that word. / Listening and reading comprehension, recognition of words with different blends: oo, ch, ea, ee, gr, ee,
3 / Food Machine / We see a picture of a food word and have to choose the correct blends in order to produce the word correctly on the machine. Listen to the parts of each word before you make the word. / The goal of this game is to review the blends and the way these words are spelt; it is also a good visual tool for reviewing the words’ meanings.
4 / Spell me / Fill in the missing letters of the food you see. Type the words in correctly and as quickly as you can before the time is up!
The questions get progressively harder. / The goal of this game is to review the spelling of these common foods and drinks. This is a fun game that will get the children spelling again and again, and hence learning the words. See how well each pupil does in comparison to the rest of the class.
5 / Yummy or Yucky? / Pupils see a picture of an food:
“Do you like ______?”
Pupils are asked to click on either the smiley face or on the sad face as their answers. Then they hear:
I do not like _____ or Yes, I like ______
Then pupils are able to see the survey results based on the answers of other kids who have answered these questions. / The purpose of this activity is to introduce the question form to the pupils in a natural and non-threatening manner. In this way, the pupils are exposed to both positive and negative responses, also in a natural manner. This activity utilizes the Internet as it pulls together the results of the survey and pupils are actually able to see whether they have responded similarly to other kids of their age.
6 / The Food Pyramid / Pupils will hear an introduction about the different kinds of food based upon the pyramid. Pupils will have to drag the name of the food into the correct category. / The purpose of this activity is to teach the pupils about the different food groups and to teach them how to categorize food according to the pyramid. It also teaches them to to learn about well balanced menus and about the foods we should eat everyday.
7 / It’s all in the Family / Pupils have to read five different food words and determine which word does not belong in that family. / The goal of this activity is to find the food that does not belong to that category. This will review the food words and the categories from the previous activity.
8 / What am I? / Pupils will read a short description of one of the foods and they have to guess which food is being referred to. Pupils can receive additional hints along the way. / This activity requires the pupils to read, to understand and to think. It is a culmination of the food words and requires the pupils to type the words correctly.
9 / It’s time to eat! / There are four pictures of four different meals with written descriptions of the meals. The pupils must read the descriptions and match them to the pictures. / The purpose of this activity is practice reading and comprehension of short texts.
10 / My Menu / Pupils are asked to write a semi-structured personal menu including the food the pupils usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. / The goal of this activity is to provide the pupils with an opportunity to write something on their own, in a scaffolded and structured manner.
11 / Meet the Caterpillar / A pre-reading activity: pupils are asked to find the words they think will appear in the story titled: The Little Caterpillar. / Pupils will click on the words from a word bank that they think will appear in The Little Capterpillar Story.
12 / Story: The Little Caterpillar / Read The Little Caterpillar Story and then do the reading comprehension activities.
This story depicts the life cycle of a caterpillar, while reinforcing the food categories and different foods. It is also a lovely story about how one creature helps another. / The learning goals of this story are to provide the pupils with a literary piece that is written at the approximate reading level of the pupils. The story is fully animated and fully narrated which provides full visual and audio input while reading the story. The multi-modal input increases the comprehension of the story. In addition, this story deals with sequence of events in the form of the caterpillar’s life cycle.
13 / All About the Caterpillar / Reading comprehension activities.
Pupils are given multiple-choice questions that check the pupils’ understanding of the story.
The second activity is to determine the correct sequence of the caterpillar’s life cycle as was depicted in the story. / The learning goals of the two reading comprehension activities are to determine the level of the pupils’ understanding of the different components as well as the sequence of events in the story.
14 / The Little Caterpillar / A short poem based on the content of the story. Pupils are asked to choose the correct words to complete the poem. / The learning goal of this activity is to provide a simplified version of the story in the form of a poem.
15 / Quiz / Multiple choice quiz that checks all aspects of the unit from vowel and consonant blends, to word recognition and understanding, through the comprehension of short texts and sequence of events, based upon the content of the unit. / The learning goals of the quiz are to determine the overall level of the pupils on the content of Unit 7- Food and Drinks.