Intervention Summary

Task Analysis, Activity Analysis, & Modification (TAAAM) – Short Form

Fatima Joshua

Name of activity: Rory’s Story Cube

Type of modality:Storytelling

Type of play / Solitary and Shared Cooperative
Interaction pattern / Intra-individual and Multilateral (If done in a group)
# of participants required / 1 or more
Equipment/supplies / Rory’s Story Cube, Table and Chairs
Facilities required/environment / Indoor environment
Precautions / None
Activity Instructions
(what the therapist needs to do to facilitate the activity)
  1. Therapists is to initiate activity with client.
  2. Instruct client to sit down at the table.
  3. Instruct client to open the box.
  4. Instruct client to take cubes out of the box.
  5. Instruct client to shake cubes inside of hand.
  6. Instruct client to drop cubes on the table.
  7. Instruct client that they have to make a story based off the icons that are face up on the cube.
  8. Instruct client to look at all the cubes that are face up.
  9. Instruct client to began to think of different scenarios involving the images on the cubes that are faced up.
  10. Instruct client to pick the cube first of the icon that stands out the most to client.
  11. Tell client that they are allowed to elaborate off of cube’s icon for example if the icon is a castle, it can be looked at as just a castle, or a princess, or anything that relates to a castle.
  12. Instruct client that all nine face up icons on the cube are to be used in a part of the story.
  13. Instruct client that once they have made a story with the cubes, they can say it aloud.
  14. Instruct client to say “Once upon a time” before they start to tell their story.
  15. Once client has finished reading, it is now the next player turn to shake cubes and throw them on the table.

Task Analysis
(what the client needs to do to perform the activity)
  1. Walk to the table
  2. Sit down at the table
  3. Locate the game
  4. Open the box
  5. Take out the cubes inside of the box
  6. Place all nine cubes inside of both hands
  7. Begin to shake cubes inside hand
  8. Drop cubes on the table
  9. Look at the cubes with the icon facing upward
  10. Think of a story based off the icons on the nine cubes
  11. Once you have thought of a story start by saying “Once upon a time”
  12. Begin telling story based off the icons on the cube, finish story with “The End”
  13. Once game is over place cubes back inside of the box

Activity Analysis
(inherent skills within the activity)
Category / Skills
Primary body position / Participants are Sitting throughout the whole game
Parts of the body required / Hands to shake the cubes and move them around to form story
Eyes to look at the different icons
Able to understand and communicate a story
Directionality / Left/Right to look at other players or grabbing cubes from player, Person/Person, Person/Object and Object/Object
Physical skills / Active range of motion: Neck/head, Upper extremities, trunk, dynamic sitting, static sitting, carrying in the hands, crossing midline, palmar grasp, 3-jaw chuck grasp, lifting, manipulating,motorcontrol,pickingup,putting down objects, reaching, releasing,speed,turning or twisting hands or arms, visual-motor integration.
Cognitive skills / Arousal/Alertness, Focused attention, sustaining attention, cognitive flexibility, concept formation, concentration, simple decision making, intellectual knowledge, judgement,orientation person and place, simple problem solving,recognition: shape/form, sequencing, spatial operations, concrete thought, time management.
Sensory abilities / Auditory function, tactile function. Visual function.
Communication/language skills / Reception of spoken language, reception of body language, reception of signs and symbols, expression of spoken language.
Social and interpersonal skills / Sustaining a conversation, handling criticism, heterogeneity, interpersonal interactions,maintaining social space, forming relationships, self-expression, social conduct, showing respect and warmth.
Self-care skills / None required
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Growth and development,hope/optimism,inner strength, joy, positive emotions of escalation,sense of competence/mastery,sense of freedom/autonomy, frustration.
(to meet the therapeutic needs of the client)
How could you simplify the activity? /
  1. Decrease the number of cubes being used.
  2. Allowing player to receive help from other players.
  3. Able to make a story based off any icon on the cube not just faced up one.
  4. Use different game set of cubes that have the same story idea.
  5. Allow client to tell a previous story that happened based off the icons on the cubes.

How could you make the activity more complex? /
  1. Make the game timed.
  2. Do not allow client to receive help from others.
  3. Increase the number of cubes to be used.
  4. Add different scenarios to the game so client has to make story with the cubes that they have.
  5. Make all stories have to have the same theme.

Any Additional Comments
Therapist can think of many ways to adapt game to specific audience playing, expressing to clients that there is no such thing as a wrong story will allow them to explore different options of storytelling.