Senior Teaching Lecturer

To be eligible for the title of Senior Teaching Lecturer, the faculty member must have completed 18 graduate hours in the relevant discipline, hold a master’s degree or meet the established alternative qualifications, have an outstanding record of teaching, and hold a full-time appointment under the title of Teaching Lecturer or higher at the University for a minimum of six years. Appointments holding this title must be conferred following promotion from Teaching Lecturer. Individuals holding this title are not allowed to vote on issues concerning tenure and promotion policies and procedures for tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Promotion to Senior Teaching Lecturer

A Teaching Lecturer may be identified as a candidate for Senior Teaching Lecturer by recommendation of the Department Chair and Dean after a minimum of six years of Service at the title of Teaching Lecturer or higher. At the time of recommendation for candidacy, the Teaching Lecturer must specify in writing that she/he intends to seek promotion within two calendar weeks beginning on the date of recommendation.

Candidates who intend to seek promotion will be provided with copies of the College and Departmental criteria and guidelines for promotion.

The Senior Lecturer criteria for the Department of Visual Arts is:

The primary responsibility of a Lecturer in the Visual Arts Department is teaching. In the case of hybrid lecturer positions, the proportions and expectations of teaching and other responsibilities will different based on the position.

High performance standards are important to the department. Lecturers should maintain a high level of professionalism both in the preparation of teaching materials and in the mentoring of students. Lecturers are expected to observe institutional regulations regarding class meetings, final examinations, grading, attendance policies, absence reporting and the distribution of course evaluations.

The standard teaching load of a Lecturer varies by discipline:

·  Seminar Lecturers typically teach a 5-5 load (i.e., Art History).

Contact hours based on seminar courses: 150 minutes/section/week

Typical seminar courses meet weekly: 3 x 50 minutes or 2 x 75 minutes

·  Studio Lecturers typically teach a 4-4 load (i.e., Art Education, Art Studio, and Graphic Design).

Contact hours based on studio courses: 315-330 minutes/section/week

Typical studio courses meet weekly: 2 x 2-hours & 45-minutes or 3 x 1 hour & 45 minutes

·  Hybrid Positions typically split teaching responsibilities with other job duties.

Course loads vary by position, but generally will 1-2 courses/semester. The Department of Visual Arts currently has two hybrid positions: Lecturer/Gallery Director; Lecturer/Studio Technician.

Promotion to Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts

Annual merit evaluations should average at least 2 (on a scale of 0-3, with 3 being the highest). In the event that numerical evaluations are not used by the College, language must be included in the evaluation of the lecturer by the department chair which clearly indicates whether the faculty member is successfully meeting expectations in teaching, service and in other components of a hybrid appointment.


A sustained record of successful teaching, based on student evaluations, faculty evaluations and annual reports.

·  Student quantitative evaluations should exceed College averages in all areas.

·  The candidate’s portfolio should include courses beyond introductory surveys.

·  The applicant should have a record of introducing and teaching new curricula to the program over the course of her or his career.

·  Regardless of other indicators, the applicant cannot be successful with a subpar record of teaching.


·  Regular attendance at departmental functions, including department meetings, gallery openings, sophomore reviews and senior reviews.


In addition to the criteria in teaching and service outlined above, the successful applicant for Senior Lecturer who holds a hybrid position will have a sustained record of excellence in the other facet of his or her appointment, ie. Gallery directing or studio maintenance. A review of that component will be included in the faculty member’s annual evaluations.


Upon successful application for Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts (whether traditional or hybrid):

·  The Senior Lecturer will be expected to work with advisees comparable to the advising expectations of Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty.

·  The Senior Lecturer will be expected to serve on committees at the departmental and/or College level comparable to the expectations of Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty.

·  The Senior Lecturer will continue with quantitative student evaluations that meet or exceed College levels.

·  A noticeable decline in teaching effectiveness will prompt a re-evaluation of the appointment to Senior Lecturer.