Solo & Ensemble

Solo & Ensemble is a wonderful contest. I highly recommend and encourage all students to participate. In Solo & Ensemble, there are two events available for any student. The Small Ensemble for 6th Graders has 8 in a group, and for 7th and 8th Graders, there can be two or three on a part. The Solo is just that! You are singing by yourself. In all events, the music is chosen from a list of titles provided by the State U.I.L. Board. We will spend a significant amount of time in class choosing and practicing solo and ensemble music.

Each event is performed in front of a very nice judge who will give not only compliments on what you did well, but also constructive criticism on what might be able improved. For the 6th Grade, a rating of “1”-“5” can be given,“1” being the best rating possible. For 7th and 8th Grade, the score will be a “1,”“2,” or “3.” If you receive a rating of a “1”, each participant will get a medal! In the 6th Grade, if you receive a “1,” “2,” or“3” on your solo, you will receive a medal.

For all contestants, each event you enter has a $10.00 entry fee. While this contest is not required, I encourage all students (6th, 7th& 8th) to participate in at least one event. Students in 7/8th grade choirs are STRONGLY encouraged to participate in both events. Varsity Girls should plan to participate in a solo, ensemble or both.

Eligibility is a big issue! You must be passing your classes in order to compete. Unfortunately, entry fees are due before the contest eligibility deadline. Once entry fees are paid, I can not refund any money for any reason. If you become ineligible due to grades or a personal or family emergency comes up, I understand and will be very sympathetic. But,I cannot refund ANY money!

Entry forms and fees are due by February 3. This contest is

March 29, 2013 at Beckendorff JH in Katy. All students must be passing on the 4th six weeks report card. If you make a 69 or below in any class, you will be UN-able to participate in this event.If you pass all classes on the March 21, Progress Report, you can regain eligibility on March 28.

Please fill out the entry form and return it with the entry fee. Checks can be made to CJH Choir.

Solo & Ensemble Entry Form



Grade______Class Period______

I will be participating in the

______Small Ensemble$10.00


NOTE: If you are participating in both solo and ensemble, pay only $10.00

TOTAL ______

I understand that once fees are paid, there will be no refunds for ANY REASON.

Parent Signature______Student Signature______

I understand that I must be eligible on the 4th six weeks report card in order to participate in this contest.

Parent Signature______Student Signature______