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Table of content
1 Foreword
2 Introduction
2.1Internship in general
2.2Roles and responsibilities
3 Internship goals
3.1Internship goals in detail
4 Internship process to start
4.1Conditions for starting internship period ( P+42, P+51 )
4.2Finding a company
4.3Applying and beginning internship
4.4Internship contract
4.5Internship start
5 Deliverables
5.1Project plan
5.2Saxion coach visit
5.3First return day
5.4Concept report
5.5Company assessment form
5.7Second return day
6 Assessment
6.1Assessment of the student
7 Details and administrative process
7.1Following of courses and taking exams
7.2Internship reward
7.3Tuition fees
7.4Absence and reporting if sick
7.5Handling conflicts and problems
7.6Change of address
7.7Second internship
7.8Survey of the internship
8 Internship wall
(F1) Internship application form / Stageaanvraagformulier
(F2) ENG Internship agreement (NUFFIC)
(F3) Internship start form / Stage startformulier
(F4A) Company assessment / bedrijfsbeoordeling
(F5) Presentation skills / presentatievaardigheden
(F6A) SAXION final assessment
(F7) Internship results / survey
Internship guide 2014 / 2015 / V01Page / 1of46
This guide describes the internship period for all students from the bachelor education of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and the bachelor education of Technical Informatics (TI).The internship period is one semester in an eight semesters bachelor curriculum EEE/TI. The 4 years bachelor curriculum (EEE/TI ) is based on the Body Of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) and 8 competences. This curriculum is agreed in the Dutch education system for bachelor engineering educations. For the internship Saxion EEE/TI 6 internship goals (IG) are used. BOKS competences and Internship goals are shown in figure 1.The internship goals are connected to the BOkS and the competences.
Figure 1 BOKS competences and internship goals
The internship period is rewarded with 30 European Credits (EC) in the European Credit transfer system (ECTS). European education is based on 5 Dublin descriptors. The Dublin descriptors is a framework of general competences, shown in figure 2. The BOKS, the engineering competences and the internship goals all fit in the European Dublin framework. The internship period is Bologna proof.
Figure 2 European framework of education Dublin descriptors
The internship period is the real integrated practical learning phase. The experience which a student gains from different challenges and problems has a big influence on his/her general development.
The Internship and Graduation Office (Stage- en Afstudeer-Bureau (SAB)) will do the total administration, inclusive the organization of the university return days. If there are any questions please contact Mr Jan Bollen or Mrs Paulien Smit.
Internship and Graduation OfficeElectrical & Electronic Engineering / Technical Informatics:
Internship coordinator:Jan Bollenroom
Telephone number Jan Bollen+31 53 4871281
Internship and Graduation Office:Paulien Smitroom
Telephone number Paulien Smit +31 53 5376015
We wish you good luck in this informative and enjoyable period !!!
2.1Internship in general
Internship is a part of the compulsory curriculum in which students can work on formulated goals of their Personal Professional Development (PPD). The duration of the internship is 100 days, this corresponds to 5 calendar months. 2 internship periods are possible: September-January (fall semester) or February–June (spring semester). Before starting the internship the company and the assignment should be approved by the internship coordinator. In the internship period the student should realize the internship goals, both for the company and for his education. Guidelines and agreements apply to all students all company coaches and all Saxion coaches. Each student is required prior to internship to inform him/herself about all internship procedures. Each student is responsible for the success of the internship. This means that the student should make clear in his Personal Professional Development (PPD)how he/she can work on his/her internship goals. The academy of Lifescience Engineering and Design (LED) can support questions and advise the student at each stage of the process. Initiative is basically of the student. In any case of problems the final judge is by the academy LED.
2.2Roles and responsibilities
In the internship process, there are different roles and associated responsibilities for different persons. Figure 3 shows all roles involved in the internship.
The central role of the student as an intern is his responsibility. The student is responsible for complying with all the conditions for achieving the credits of this part of the curriculum. The student should be going back to university minimal 2 return days for presenting his/her result on the internship. A pro-active attitude is expected, both to the academy LED and to the company. Internship students will be supervised and assessed by the Saxion coach and the company coach.
Figure 3 Internship roles
The role of the Academic Advisor (SLB) is to facilitate the student in the preparation of his Personal Professional Development (PPD) prior to the internship. This PPD is already started in the first year of the bachelor education of the student.
In the academy LED the internshipcoordinator can help the student in finding a suitable company. He also accepts the internship company and the assignments, and assign the student aSaxioncoach prior to the beginning of the internship.
The Saxion coachconsults with the student and the company coach on the progress of the internship. He/she will also visit the company minimal once during the period. At the end the Saxioncoach is the final assessor, where he/she get input from the companycoach.
The Company coachhelps the student with the preparation and realization of the internship goals. He/she also gives the student view of the possibilities and limitations of the company in realizing the goals, particularlyin the area of guidance. Students should be able to make exams during the internship period, and also come back to the university for the internship return days. The companycoach gives input to the saxioncoach on the technical and professional skills of the student.
3Internship goals
Each student works on self-defined goals during the internship. This means that the student describes in what way and to what extend he/she intends to meet the requirements of the internship. The basic principle is that the student selects a company which he/she can work on all six internship goals. The internship goals are:
(IG1) Orienting to one or more professions and professional practice.
(IG2) Apply, broaden and deepen knowledge.
(IG3) Integrating knowledge from multiple disciplines.
(IG4) Experience of corporate culture and the structure and organization of the company.
(IG5) Develop social skills.
(IG6) Develop communication skills.
An implicit goal of the internship program is that students gain work experience by working with professionals together. The company should be suitable to give the student a successful learning experience. From the student and the companycoach is expected that the internship period is executed to use the optimum possibilities of the above mentioned internship goals. The objective of the internship is not only that what is described in internship goal 2 “”apply broaden and deepen knowledge””, but it should cover all internship goals in more or less contribution.
3.1Internship goals in detail
(IG1) Orienting to one or more professions and the career spectrum
It is important that a student can orientate on his future profession. In the first and second year of the bachelor study the student has had several roles and responsibilities in an university environment. The internship is an excellent opportunity to discover more and different roles and responsibilities in the company environment. In the Personal Professional Development course (PPD) the student has described his/her view on his/her professional future career. During the internship it is expected from the student that he/she experience and check his professional future career and give feedback on this item. Figure 4 shows the engineering career spectrum.
Figure 4 The engineering career spectrum
(IG2) Apply, broaden and deepen knowledge
It is the responsibility of the student to work with the Saxion coach and the company coach to prepare a well thought out plan (Project Plan) and to realize. The student describes how he/she can work on his expertise. What the student can expect regarding the aspect of increasing his knowledge is:
A clear job description for him/her, tailored to his/her personal learning goals.
A job (or jobs) which appealed to his/her knowledge.
Support in making and implementing a clear project plan.
A clear and precise guidance through training and business.
A sufficiently clear indication of the assessment points.
(IG3) Integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines
In the internship, the student will have to experience that most practical problems arise as a complex of factors and disciplines. The student will have to accept this and work on the different aspects that are important in solving problems. Figure 5, symbol of integration. From the student it is expected that he/she also shows interest in other disciplines, and want to learn from them too.
Figure 5 Integrate knowledge
(IG4) Experienced corporate culture and structure and organization of the company
Of great importance is that the student gains insight into corporate structure and business organization. The company will therefore be described on these aspects. In the report, the student shows that he/she has an eye for the corporate culture, structure and organization.
(IG5) Develop Social Skills
In the bachelor course students have been working in a safe environment in task-oriented groups, in which social skills play an important role. These situations in university, mainly determined by fellow students, covering a similar social spectrum. In the company students come formally in contact with people in a different stage of their careers, and other values. The student will need to learn to adapt to the company itself and will have to show flexibility. In addition, it is important that he/she should remain in the new situation, to rely on his/her own knowledge and skills, and show initiatives. Based on his/her responsibility the company coach is asked to recognize this and stimulate own initiative. Figure 6 shows some aspects of social skills.
Figure 6 Social skills
(IG6) Develop communication skills
From the first assignment in the bachelor curriculum the student is asked to present both within the group as a group member and individually orally and in writing as clearly and effectively as possible. In the company of these aspects can be further developed and evaluated. Presentations will also be done by the student on the first and the second return days. At the end the students makes an internship report, assigned by the company and by the university.
4Internship process to start
Figure 7 Internship process to start
4.1Conditions for starting internship period (P+42, P+51)
Admittance to the internship period is organised through the exam rules (Onderwijs en Examen Regeling). In short: passing the propaedeutic examination (1st year) and getting a minimum of 42 ECTS study points in the 2nd year. For students wanting to do their internship in another country: passing the propaedeutic exam (1st year) and getting a minimum 51 ECTS study points in the 2nd year.
If the student does not meet this requirements he/she should sent a request to the exam board for dispensation.Starting is not allowed before acceptance of examboard.
During the stay in another country it is not possible to take part in exams during the internship period. To organise the internship in another country the student should be aware of:
The student finds a company him/herself or comes with specific suggestions;
The student arranges everything him/herself, such as visas, work permits, insurance;
The student arranges his/her own accommodation, makes travel arrangements, etc.
The International Office of Saxion can advise and assist.
The student is to keep the Saxion coach informed of progress on a regular base.
Due to budget reasons in general there will be no company visits by the Saxion coach.
4.2Finding a company
A good company is a company in the electrical/electronicand/or IT engineering trade, service, design or production. It’s important that the area the student end up working in is of a Bachelor level. 1 or more colleagues have been educated to minimal a Bachelor level. It is suggested that the company should have at least more than 10 employees. Also there should be a brief assignment description. The internship coordinator, Jan Bollen, will look at this carefully when authorising the internship period. A list of suggested companies is listed in the Internship wall, chapter 8.
4.3Applying and beginning internship
When the student found an interesting company, he/she can then apply. The company determines the application procedure and the student must abide by their rules.The internship can only begin if the student handed in the F1 form of application. On this form the student will note the activities and expected assignment. The internship coordinator,Jan Bollen, will assess the F1 form and will give permission to begin. After approval the student get an information packet from the Internship and Graduation Office and a Saxion coach is assigned to the student and his internship period.The internship begins the first day of quarter 9 (1 September) and ends at the last week of quarter 10 (30 January), or the first day of quarter 11 (09-02-2015) and ends at the last week of quarter 12 (26-06-2015). In this last week the 2nd internship return day is also planned. The internship presentation takes place at the university. The company coachis also welcome, but it is not required.
Internship students also participate in the International Project week ( 02-02-2015 // 06-02-2015 )
4.4Internship contract
When the student found a internship placement, the student should make his/her own arrangements regarding the exact start date, work times, reward etc. with the company. Most companies ask for a contract to be signed. This is a contract between student and company, and the university is also asked to sign. The student can use the standard NUFFIC contract form F2, in this internship guide, or the contract offered by the company. In all cases the university should have a copy of the signed contract.. F2 contract is in English or Dutch.
4.5Internship start
For administration it is very important that the student inform the SAB about his/her actual situation when he/she have started his/her internship. Use form F3 fill in and sent it to Paulien Smit.
Figure 8Internship deliverables
5.1Project plan
Internship is a part the study that can greatly influence the direction of the students development. During the internship the student gets an assignment. From this assignment he/she makes a project plan.The project planshould be finished in the first weeks of the internship period. No later than the end of the 4th week, the Saxion coach needs to receive the projectplan after the students has discussed it with his/her company coach. Figure 9 shows the structure of the project plan.
Figure 9 Structure of project plan
The project plan will be made according to the theory of the book Project management (A practical approach) R. Gritt. The plan is an important document not only for the student but also for the company coach and the Saxion coach. The plan helps the student to work in a purposeful way during the internship period. The student can get the complete frame of the project plan on internet.
5.2Saxion coach visit
The aim of the visit of the Saxion coach is to know; where the student is working, what he/she is doing and also to know the company coach. During this visit the Saxion coach and the company coach will discuss the items to be assessed, and fill in a pre-assessment at that time. The student can work on items to improve it.
5.3First return day
The presentation of the first return day is to present the internship company, structure and products and the students assignment. The audience will be college students who are also in the internship period, but also students from the first 2 years of the bachelor course. Of course the Saxion coach is present. It is not needed that you company coach will join the presentation. We expect the student to give a presentation as a professional of the company where he/she works (pay attention to clothing). After the presentation the student guide the discussion about his/her presentation. The discussion lasts for about 5 minutes. After every presentation the student gets feedback by presentation skills form F5.
Suggested structure of the first presentation (15 minutes presentation / 5 minutes discussion):
SheetPossible items
1Title sheet / project plantitle, your name, company logo Saxion logo
2Sheet about yourselfage, education interests
4CompanyBackground information
5Company productsproduct overview
6Company organisationorganogram
7Technical assignment & expected resultdetailed description
8Project activitieshow to work ( V model?)
10Technical learning objectiveswhat technical skills are needed for the assignment
11Social learning objectiveswhat social skills should I develop
10Thanking and questionsstrong ending
5.4Concept report
The internship should be a professional report. It should meet all APA rules for structure and lay-out. Figure 10 shows the rough structure of a report.