Snitterfield Primary School
Tel. – 01789 731301
Friday, 3rd March 2017
Dear Parents,
World Book Day- Thursday, 2nd March. We had lots of wonderfully dressed children in school today! The winners of the most interestingly dressed character are: Class 1- Joel Harris, Class2- Esme Holtom and Maisie Roberts, Class 3- Jake Swift and Eleanor McLauchlin and Class 4- Tabitha Bull and Evie Gillman. Thank you to everyone for making such a big effort. All children have been given a World Book Day voucher which can be used towards purchasing a book.
We also sent a team of four Year 5 children to the annual World Book Day quiz at Stratford School. Following is Anna and Aimee’s report: On Thursday we went to Stratford High School to do a book based quiz. Our team was made up of Aimee, Ed, Anna and Isaac. There were 6 rounds, four were general book rounds, 1 spelling round and a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory round. We came in 3rd in the Chocolate Factory round with 28 out of 29. There were about 10 schools taking part and we came in 6th overall.
Miss Barnett will be running a SATs Club for Year 2 children on Mondays after school, from 3.15 -4.00pm in Class 2. A snack will be provided and all Year 2 children are encouraged to attend.
Reminder- Class 3 trip to Priory Hall in Warwick , Thursday, 9th March. All children will need to bring a packed lunch, no fizzy drinks or glass bottles please. There are still outstanding permission slips, we cannot take your child on a trip without your written permission.
Diary Dates:
Sharing Assemblies- 2.45pm
Class 2- Wednesday, 22nd March
Class 3–Wednesday, 8th March
Class 4- Wednesday 29th March
Easter Service- Wednesday, 5th April, 11am, St James’ the Great Church
FOSS news:
The last Friday before half term saw the welcome return of Bingo Night which raised approximately £380. Six games of bingo, yummy food, lots of raffle prizes and some award-winning jokes meant a great night was had by all. A huge thank you to all of the people who supported the event by helping to set up and clear away.Also, to Deb and Paul for running the bar, Claudine and Faye for organising and serving the food and Helen for overall organisation of the event. An extra special thank you also goes out to our fabulous and entertaining bingo callers: Wayne and Greg.
Attendance for February 2017
Class 1 Reception - 94.92%
Class 2-93.73% (Year 1- 91.11% - Year 2- 97.27%)
Class 3-91.55% (Year 3- 94.38% -Year 4- 87.78%)
Class 4-90.77% (Year 5- 95.69% -Year 6- 81.48%)