Call for Nominations

The CCRA Nominating Committee is inviting ALL active members to respond to a call for nominations. Serving the Association can be a very rewarding experience, both professionally and personally. In accordance with the CCRA bylaws, a nomination is now being accepted for the office of President –Elect,Treasurer-Electand the Nominating Committee.

Please review the following excerpts from the CCRA Bylaws describing the eligibility requirements and duties for the office that we will be electing this year:

Article VI Section III: Eligibility

A. Only a Distinguished Active Member or an Active Member in good standing shall be eligible to

hold office.

B. To be eligible for the office of President-Elect a member will have completed at least one year as a voting member of the Board of Directors at the time the office is assumed.

Office and Duties – Article VI, Section I, Section V, Section VI, and Section IX.

Article VI Section V: Term of Office

1. President – Elect: Serves one year as President Elect, 2 years as President, and 2 years as Immediate Past President for a total commitment of 5 years.

2.Treasurer-Elect: Serves one year as Treasurer-Elect and the following two years as Treasurer for a total commitment of 3 years.

Article VI Section IX: Duties of Officers

A. President-Elect:

1. ThePresident-Elect shall

a. Succeed to the office of President at the conclusion of his/her term of office.

b. Appoint the Standing Committee Chairmen for his/her term of office prior to assuming the office of President.

c. Not serve as a member of the Ethics and Nominating Committees.

d. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee

e. Serve as liaison to committees as appointed by the President.

B. Treasurer-Elect

1. The Treasurer-Elect shall:

a. Succeed to the office of Treasurer at the conclusion of his/her term of office.

b. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee

Article VIII SectionII: Nominating Committee

C. Nominating Committee

A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members. The President shall appoint the chairman. Three (3) members shall be elected by the membership for a two-year term to ensure that members of the current Board of Directors are not controlling the selection of the next Board of Directors. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a member. The President and President-Elect cannot serve as a member.

B. This committee shall be responsible for conducting the elections of CCRA.

Any Board member would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have. (


If you are interested in serving on the board for the position listed, please complete Section A of the Nominating Consent Form and all sections of the Personal Candidate Profile Summary Form.

If you wish to nominate another individual for office, complete Section B of the Nominating Consent Form. Remember that you are responsible for insuring that the individual you nominate is willing to serve in that elected position and you must include their written consent to serve.



I am interested in serving as an officer in the capacity of:

___ President Elect

___ Treasure Elect

___ Nominating Committee

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Signature ______

Date ______

List qualifications for candidacy on the Personal Candidate Profile Form


I wish to place the name of ______

in nomination for the office of ______.

I have contacted this person, and s/he has indicated willingness toserve in that capacity if elected. As required by CCRA Bylaws, I amenclosing his/her written consent to serve.

Signature of Nominee ______

Date ______

Submitted by: ______

Date ______

Return Forms to: Janet Armstrong, CTR

1648 AvenidaVenusto, Unit D, San Diego, CA 92128

E-mail address

Phone: (619) 987-0174


This form must be completed

Name: ______

Address: ______

Mailing address (if different):______

CCRA Membership Status & Duration: ______

Occupation: ______


Education and Training: ______



Work Experience:______

CCRA office(s), Committee memberships or appointments held: ______



Other organizations or activity participation of interest: ______


Candidate for the Office of: ______

Signature of candidate: ______Date ______

Return Forms to: Janet Armstrong, CTR

1648 AvenidaVenusto, Unit D, San Diego, CA 92128

E-mail address

Phone: (619) 987-0174