Scholarship Award Application

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Applicant must be a High School graduating senior.
  2. Applicant plans to further their education.
  3. Applicant plans to continue their participation in performing arts activities.
  4. Applicant has been active in performing arts while in high school: Dramatics, Musicals, Stage, Jazz, Concert Bands, High School Orchestra, Vocal Groups, Stage Crew, Set Design, Construction


  1. Applicant must complete this application form in its entirety (front and back). In place of completing the experience tables on the back of this form, you may attach a theatrical resume, highlighting any MCT experience.
  2. Applicant must have at least one recommendation form (attached) completed by their performing arts teacher/advisor (a maximum of three recommendations may be submitted). This recommendation(s) should be placed in a sealed envelope by the teacher/advisor and returned to the applicant.
  3. Proof of acceptance at a school of higher learning must be included with the application.
  4. Parent or guardian must complete a Release of Transcript form – see your guidance office.
  5. This application along with the recommendation(s), release of transcript form, and proof of acceptance should be sent to the address below,postmarked no later than the due date shown on the website.

Methacton Community Theater

1 West Main Street; Suite 230
Norristown, PA19401

Attn: Kimberly Hirshberg

  1. If you have any questions, please call 610-275-1599 or the theater’s answering machine at 610-489-6449.

METHACTON COMMUNITY THEATER is your neighbor. Our office and performance space was formally located in the TrappeBuilding, 29 First Avenue, Trappe, PA.

It would be a fine gesture on the part of the recipient of this award money to contribute time and effort to participate in any MCT productions. For information on our forthcoming events, call 610-489-6449 (answering machine).

Section I



Phone #:

School of higher education you will be attending (attach proof of acceptance):

Semester and year you plan to enroll:

Do you plan to enroll or participate in any performing arts activities?

Section II

Please answer the following question on a separate piece of paper. Your response should be no more than one page, typed, double spaced or its equivalent.

What have you gained from your involvement in the performing arts?

How do you think this involvement will impact on your future?

Complete Section III on the reverse side of this form

Section III

Methacton Community Theater experience:

/ Activity/Production / Position/Role / Organization / City/State

Other theater experience:

/ Activity/Production / Position/Role / Organization / City/State