Directions for the 2007-2008 Student Activity Report (SAR)


This report covers student activities taking place between July 1, 2007 and today (i.e., the day you enter the information – but before the end of the day on June 23rd ). All publications, “in press” chapters and papers, and presentation data should be provided in APA format and under the proper headings.

1) Access the student activity report entry system by going to the following URL , clicking on “Student Activity Report 2008) in the lower right portion of the screen and authenticating with your Gatorlink username and password. You can have your CV open in a separate word processing program window and can cut and paste from that, or you can enter information directly by typing into the provided fields.

2) You will see a Welcome message (on the right) and the Main Menu Screen (on the left), which contains two entries: “My Folder”, and “Reports”. Click on ‘My Folder’ to expand it. You will see 16 menu items, starting with “Reviewed Journal Articles” and ending with “Miscellaneous”. Each of these menu items, when clicked, will open up an entry window (right side of screen). You should provide entries to menu items only if you have material to add; DO NOT TYPE “NONE”.

3) Click on “Reviewed Journal Articles”. This section is for peer-reviewed journal articles that are already published (you will have an opportunity to enter “in press” articles and chapters later – Papers that are simply “in preparation” should be listed under the “Miscellaneous” heading). When you click, this will open up a horizontal panel of buttons on the right side of the screen. Click “Add” to add an entry in this field. After you have pasted or typed information for the first article, click “More” if you have more articles to enter, or “Save” if you are done entering articles. After clicking “More” or “Save”, you will see your entries listed above the panel of buttons. If you want to edit any entry, click on the radio button to the left of the entry you want to edit, and click the appropriate button (“View”, “Change”, “Copy”, or “Delete”). Clicking “Change” will allow you to edit the field.

4) Repeat Step 3 for “Other Publications”. This section is for other published works such as book chapters, published abstracts, or articles in non-peer-reviewed journals. Be sure to list everything on which you were an author.

5) Repeat Step 3 for any works “in press”. This includes peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, or other printed publication that has been accepted for publication but is not yet published.

6) The next section, “Professional Presentations” is to be used for presentations at national, international, state, and local professional meetings. If the presentation is associated with a published abstract, make sure it is also listed in “Other Publications” above.

7) In “UF Presentations” list any lecture, research meeting presentation or other oral presentation you gave at UF. Do not include class presentations or first-year-project presentations.

8) Click on “Prof Society Memberships”, and then “Add” to list the professional organizations (APA, INS, SBM, SRCD, etc.) you belong to. Please spell out the organizations (e.g., “Society for Awesome People”, rather than (SAP). Continue clicking “More” until you’ve listed them all, then click “Save”.

9) For the next three items, list Community, Departmental, and University Service. Type or paste the information in. Remember to list one item per entry, clicking “More” until done, then “Save”.

10) List your Honors and Awards, one item per entry, clicking “More” until done, then “Save”.

11) List research education and training needs. What needs for education and training in research do you have for the next year? Repeat for clinical education and training needs. Continue clicking “More” until done, then “Save”.

12) List your Research Goals for the coming year (e.g., Defend master’s, publish two papers, etc.). Continue clicking “More” until done, then “Save”. Repeat for Clinical Goals.

13) In “Other Information”, use pull-down menus to provide needed information. Regarding the “Area of Concentration” pull down, select “Not Yet Declared” if you have not officially declared your area of concentration. This is typically done the Fall of the 3rd year. In “Grant Supported Research”, select ‘yes’ if you were involved in any way with research that was supported by a grant, and ‘no’ if you were not. If you have questions, ask your mentor. For “Involved in Teaching?” pull down the check-box menu and check all that apply. For “Research Society Member”, select ‘yes’ if you belong to any research society, and ‘no’ if you do not. This may overlap with your answers to 8 above; APA is not a research society. For “APA Member”, select ‘yes’ if you are a student/associate member of APA, and ‘no’ if you are not. The final three fields in the “Other Information” category ask you to list hours spent in clinical activities. This is required for APA accreditation reporting. In “Total Face to Face Assessment/Tx”, enter the number of hours you actually spent interacting with patients. In “Total Support”, enter the number of hours you spent writing reports, scoring tests, attending case conference, or engaging in other activities (e.g., literature reading) that DIRECTLY support your clinical work. In “Total Supervision”, enter the number of hours of supervision you received, summed across assessment and therapy activities. Count individual and group supervision equally (e.g., 1 hour of group supervision should be counted as 1, even though your case received only 20 minutes of attention).

14) In “Miscellaneous”, add whatever additional information you feel is important but is not covered in the previous entries. This section would include papers that are “in preparation” or “submitted” but not “in press” or published, among other relevant items.

You can enter the data in one sitting, or you can come and go as you please. Be sure to save your work after you complete each page to avoid information loss. Once all the data is in click on the “Report” menu item to generate a final activity report. Then print the report.


You should arrange to review your activity report with your mentor, who should sign a hard copy of the report prior to your turning it in to the Graduate Program Office. Reports will not be accepted without a faculty signature.

Signed activity reports are due in the Program Office by 5:00 PM, Monday, June 30th .

Be sure and print a copy of the report for your records!