Journal Entry 7

In this journal entry, you’ll identify your desired outcomes and experiences for this course and/or this semester. Developing clarity on what you want to create this semester will help you stay motivated and on course until the end. Use the student examples earlier in this section as models, but of course record your own desired outcomes, experiences, and reasons.

To complete this activity, write your response in your word processor and save it to your hard drive.

  1. Fill in three or more of your desired outcomes for this course and/or this semester. Next to each, explain why you value achieving that outcome. Remember, “outcomes” are those things you will take away with you at the end of the semester (like a grade or something you learn). At this point, you don’t have to know HOW you will achieve these outcomes; you only need to know WHAT you want and WHY.

*Note: If your computer does not allow you to create a chart as displayed below, simply list your response. Make sure you label your answers clearly.

My Desired Outcomes / Why I Value This Outcome
  1. Fill in three or more of your desired experiences for this course and/or this semester. Next to each, explain why you value having that experience. Remember, “experiences” are those things you will have during this semester (like fun or a sense of community). Once again, all that matters here is WHAT you would like to experience and WHY. Don’t worry about HOW.

*Note: If your computer does not allow you to create a chart as displayed below, simply list your response. Make sure you label your answers clearly.

My Desired Experiences / Why I Value This Experience

3. Write about your level of motivation using the formula of V × E = M. Begin as follows: The value I place on being a success in college is _____ [1–10] and my expectation of being a success in college is ______[1–10]. Multiplied together, this gives me an achievement motivation score of ______[1–100]. Then continue by explaining your score and identifying specific actions you can do to raise it (or keep it high).

Remember, dive deep. When you explore your motivation at a deep level, you improve your chances of having an important insight that can change your life for the better. So dive deep and discover what really motivates you.