Proyecto de Viaje: Guía de Viaje

Students have studied different modes of transportation in South America including trains, cars, buses, and subway.

Students are going to select a city to research - Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires – and creates a travel guide for the city. Guides can be in book format, brochure, website or poster.


Include 5 attractions – places to visit within the city and give a brief description of each site. 25 pts

Pictures – should include at least 5 pictures of city or attractions discussed. All pictures should have a caption. 10pts

Flights – look up and include information for the flight “you will take” to your city, including date, airline, time and airport(s). 5 pts

Trains- Look up the train station for your city and include the official website along with the general directions on how to arrive at the station. Do this by selecting a starting point (hotel) and give directions using the COMMAND forms you have learned 12pts.

Subway – Find a subway map for your city and include it in your guide, also give the website. 5pts

Hotel – Give the name, address, and telephone of the hotel “you will stay” at and at least one restaurant you will eat at. 5pts

Overview – Include a brief overview of your city. This could include general things to do (not listed on your attractions list), important events, and a history or interesting facts that you learned while researching. 20pts.

Overall neatness, effort and grammar is worth 15 pts + 3 pts for being turned in on time (minus a letter grade for being late).

Total Possible Points = 100


**We will designate two class periods to work on the project. Proofs and rough drafts may be discussed with me each time we meet for class.