MINUTES – MARCH 28, 2011

PRESENT: Kathleen Snooks, Berty Riley, Randy Horton, Michael Hubbard,

Alina Hamilton-Clark, Cathy Gardner, Pamela Williams, Barbara B. Clark and Priscilla Fraser

1. CALL TO ORDER – Kathleen Snooks, Board Chairperson, called this regular meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Jasper County Council Chambers located on the third floor of the Jasper County Government Building at 358 Third Avenue in Ridgeland, S.C.


3. NOTIFICATION OF NEWS MEDIA – The following news media were notified of the date, time, place and agenda of this meeting: Jasper Sun, Hardeeville Today, Beaufort Gazette, Savannah Morning News, The Gullah Sentinel, WSAV, WTOC and WJCL.

4. MOMENT OF SILENCE – A moment of silence was observed by the Board and audience led by Alina Hamilton-Clark, Board Chaplain.

5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – The pledge to the flag was recited by the Board and audience.


6.1 2011-2012 DISTRICT TEACHER OF THE YEAR – Dr. Washington announced that Janice Bryant from Hardeeville Elementary School was the 2011-2012 District Teacher of the Year. Ms. Bryant shared her philosophy with the Board and audience. Dr. Washington asked Ms. Bryant to shake all board members’ hands because all of them did not have the opportunity to attend the special breakfast on Friday in her honor.

6.2 STUDENT ATHLETIC RECOGNITIONS – Dr. Washington shared that Jasper County has been very fortunate to be on a winning streak this year. She wanted stakeholders, staff and students to know that this Board has supported the athletic department wholeheartedly. She asked James Gardner, Interim Athletic Director, to come forward to present the teams.

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Mr. Gardner asked Ranell Williams, Jr., Principal of Hardeeville Middle/High School, to come up to present the Hardeeville High School Hurricanes Football Team.

Mr. Williams announced that the Hardeeville Hurricanes were runner up for the lower state championship. He saluted Coach Blake Raley and the football team. Mr. Williams shared that several of the students have excelled further by making All-Region. The following students were presented with plaques for this achievement: Jarrell Knighton (Region 5 Back of the Year), Jamal Kinlaw (Region 5 Linemen of the Year), Aaron Grant (Region 5 All Region), Donald Scott (Region 5 All Region), Michael Kinlaw (Region 5 All Region), Gabrieal Washington (Region 5 All Region), Dominque Riley (Region 5 All Region) and Landon Johnson (Region 5 All Region).

Kevin Wilson and Steve Broome were present and were recognized as coaches who assist Coach Raley with the football team.

Cassandra Jennings, Principal of Ridgeland High School, came forward to present the Ridgeland High School Lady Jags as the S. C. High School League Class 1A State Basketball Champions. She shared that they are in the process of finalizing the state championship rings and other plans for the young ladies. She asked Coach Fredrick Toomer to come forward to be recognized.

Coach Toomer introduced the players that were present: Tonisha Roberts, Tiara Nelson, April Jenkins (Region 5A All Region Player), Briana Walker (Region 5A All Region Player/High School Sports Report All State Player), Matesha Stevenson (Region 5A All Region Player), and Brittany Richardson (Region 5A Player of the Year, Class A State Final MVP/High School Sports Report Player of the Year).

Coach Toomer added that Brittany Richardson was also chosen to play on the 2011 South Carolina North/South All Star Basketball Team in Myrtle Beach on March 19th.

Dr. Washington shared that the Board and District sponsored Brittany Richardson to play on the All Star Basketball Team. The Superintendent and Board are very proud of the athletes. She announced that there are rings and jackets being ordered and a banquet is being planned for them. She commended Coach Toomer who is a Jasper County native.

MINUTES – MARCH 28, 2011


6.3 “BEHIND THE SCENES” HERO AWARD – Dr. Washington announced that this has been a stellar year for Jasper County and it takes great employees to make this happen. She announced that Eleanor Hazel, Community Liaison/Lead Counselor/Testing Coordinator, was the recipient of the “Behind the Scenes” Hero Award for her work in improving the level of communication with parents and the community through an increase of parent workshops, services for parents and the implementation of the Benefits Bank. Mrs. Hazel has also worked diligently to increase the awareness of students’ needs through the improvement of guidance services and coordinator of testing. She shared Mrs. Hazel’s biography with the Board and audience.

Mrs. Hazel thanked Dr. Washington, board members, community, fellow guidance counselors, Dr. Holmes, Christy Thompson and her family members who were present.


8. *APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Mrs. Snooks entertained a motion for approval of the agenda. A motion was made by Barbara B. Clark and seconded by Cathy Gardner to approve the Agenda.


9. *ADOPTION OF MINUTES – MARCH 14, 2011 – Mrs. Snooks entertained motion for the adoption of these minutes. A motion was made by Alina Hamilton-Clark and seconded by Pamela Williams to adopt these minutes.



10.1 RHS GIRLS’ BASKETBALL (STATE CHAMPIONS) TO VISIT THE S. C. GENERAL ASSEMBLY – DR. CURTIS BRANTLEY – S. C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES – Dr. Washington announced that they were fortunate to have Dr. Curtis Brantley, S. C. House of Representatives, present at this meeting.

Dr. Brantley came forward to share his elation to be present to share the process and procedures for the Ridgeland Jaguars to appear before the S. C. General Assembly. He congratulated the Board, Superintendent, building administration, coaches and students for the outstanding job that they have done this school year. He stated that the Lady Jaguars have brought statewide recognition to Jasper County. This is the very first state championship in the history of

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Jasper County. He shared that he asked the State Research Department to research if any other team from Jasper County had won a state championship and there was none. He wants to make this known statewide and added that everybody in Jasper County is behind this great achievement. The S. C. House of Representatives have established and set aside state recognition for this great team, the coaches and administrators to come to the State House on Thursday, April 14th.

Dr. Brantley shared that he has made a special appeal to the Jasper County Council to sponsor the team and accompanying persons to travel to Columbia on April 14th for this state recognition. However, this is still in progress. If the County is unable to fund this, he is requesting the school board not fall short in this but to make sure that the team, coaches and administrators travel to Columbia for this recognition.

Dr. Brantley invited any board member who is available to accompany the team. He explained that the speaker of the House of Representatives will invite the team on the floor, accompanied by the coaches, building administrators and the superintendent. He is requesting that board members and as many community members that can attend to be seated down front in the gallery to be recognized. He is also going to connect with Senator Clementa Pinckney to see if it will be possible, once the team leaves the House, to go over to the Senate to be presented for the recognition that they have brought to Jasper County and the state. He would like the team and everyone accompanying them to be in place at 9:45 a.m. on April 14th. The House goes into session at 10:00 a.m. After the roll call, they immediately have the recognition of special guests and the Ridgeland High School Lady Jaguars will be listed in the state journal as their guest. This will be recorded and go down in history. He congratulated the team and looks forward to their visit on April 14th.

[Mrs. Snooks called for a break and shared that anyone who wanted to leave could do so at this time.]

10.2 S. C. MARITIME FOUNDATION – SARAH PIWINSKI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – Dr. Washington shared that her goal is to bring opportunities to the students. Two Saturdays ago she and Mrs. Mack-Huff had the opportunity to board a sailboat, Spirit of South Carolina, of the S. C. Maritime Foundation.

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Sarah Piwinski, Executive Director of the S. C. Maritime Foundation, was asked to come forward and share information with the Board. Ms. Piwinski stated that the S. C. Maritime Foundation is an educational non-profit organization. The Foundation’s mission is to create opportunities for life-changing experiences resulting in leaders for tomorrow’s communities. The Foundation works with a variety of schools, youth groups, and community organizations to develop customized programs that vary in duration from one-day to multi-week and are tailored to accommodate each group’s particular educational needs and objectives. During the program, students are immersed in all the daily operations of a traditional sailing vessel while also participating in directed activities and lectures covering interdisciplinary topics related to marine and nautical science. They would like to increase the number of schools participating in this.

Each board member was given a packet of information.

Dr. Washington shared that she would like the board members to have an opportunity to go aboard the ship.

Ms. Piwinski shared that they would be happy to have them to come to Charleston to do this before they come back in the spring.


Dr. Washington shared that several years ago a scholarship was set up for students in the Jasper County area. She met with the Executive Director last week to review the guidelines. During this meeting it was noted that the District should have received interest from this. The District will be receiving $6,000 for training for teachers. She has asked him to go back and research this over the past ten years to see what other monies the District is eligible for. The scholarship will be increased to $1,000. They will have to change the guidelines to include two high schools. She received an email from Mr. Barnett stating that he is passing this on to the foundation. This will be changed to the Georgia Pacific instead of Fort James.

10.4 SCHOOL RENEWAL PLANS – JOYCE GERALD, DIRECTOR OF TITLE I PROGRAM – Dr. Washington shared that board members were given copies of the School Renewal Plans for review.

Mrs. Gerald came forward to share with the Board. She stated that this is a working draft for board members to review and give input. These will be brought back to the Board for approval on April 11th.

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Mrs. Gerald shared the changes that have been made to the school renewal plans and the sections that cannot be changed. She stated that the Board will see improvements but they have to present the facts as they currently are. She asked board members to let Cheryl Hensley know by next Friday if they have any input. The Board is responsible for insuring that the plans are carried out at the District level as well as at every school.

Dr. Washington commended Ms. Gerald for always putting together quality work.

10.5 *VALEDICTORIAN & SALUTATORIAN INFORMATION – ELEANOR HAZEL – COMMUNITY LIAISON/LEAD COUNSELOR/TESTING COORDINATOR – Dr. Washington shared that Mrs. Hazel had presented information to the Policy Committee. She asked her to come forward to share the policy information with the Board.

Mrs. Hazel stated that as they continue to increase rigor in the school system they are also increasing rigor in the graduation requirements. She reviewed the graduation policies in the policy manual and because of changes that have been made over the years several of these policies need to be updated. She shared that they now have courses that students can take through the virtual high school program and more students are qualified for the dual enrollment program. They need to update the graduation policies to put changes in place to recognize students for their hard work. She went through the changes: distinguished diploma, changed requirements for selection of valedictorian and salutatorian, selection of honor graduates and marshals (transfer students) and accelerated graduation program. Mrs. Hazel added that they are not going to promote accelerated graduation but the policy must address this for students who wish to graduate early (in three years or less). However, these students will not be considered for the honor of valedictorian or salutatorian. She also shared information on dual credit.

Alina Hamilton-Clark asked about the virtual schools. She saw on the news were the military would not accept credits for someone attending virtual schools.

Mrs. Hazel stated that these courses are taught by certified teachers. It is considered a high school even though it is online.

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Dr. Washington stated that the state may recognize these credits and give them equal rating, however, it is up to the military or higher education institution whether they are going to accept these or not. At this time, the military only recognizes seat hours.

Mrs. Hazel stated that she will have the guidance counselors to get a report from the military on what their policy is on accepting virtual classroom credits.

Mrs. Snooks stated that she is elated to know that rigor is in the program.