Fraction Word Problems skill set

#1 / Multiplying fractions / #2 / Subtracting fractions
#3 / Adding fractions / #4 / Adding fractions
#5 / Adding fractions / #6 / Multiplying fractions and whole numbers
#7 / Comparing fractions / #8 / Subtracting fractions
#9 / Adding mixed fractions / #10 / Adding mixed fractions/perimeter

Hints and Rulesfor performing math operations using fractions:

  • Whole numbers can be expressed as x/x fractions (n/n)
  • When the denominator is “1”, the numerator maintains its value
  • When the denominator is not “1”, the value of the numerator changes
  • ADDS: Always Denote Denominator Similarly

When one fraction ADDS with another…Always Denote the Denominator Similarly (make sure the denominators are the same)

  • Remember that subtracting is the same mathematic operation as adding a negative number, so the same rule applies to subtractions (#2, #3, #4, #5, #9, #10)
  • When adding fractions, make sure that the denominators are the same for all of the addends. In case you forgot, the denominator is the number on the bottom end of the fraction.
  • MIX-A-CAB: Make It (X) Crossbefore you Add

When you have a mixed fraction (A b/c), Make It Cross before you Add and spell CAB

  • When you have a mixed number, express it as an improper fraction before you attempt to use it in a mathematical operation. The “x” is the symbol used for multiplication but is also the symbol used for cross
  • The path you want to make is like a sideways “V” starting from the denominator: when you follow the crossing pattern, you move from C x A + B
  • “COME PAIR DEM #s”: “COMPARE the DENOMINATORS , before fiddling with the NUMBERS”

When you have to compare two fractions, look at the DEnoMinators first!

General forms for fractions (fraction = numerator over denominator)

a/b=a divided by b=a over b=a


A b/c=A way to express=[c (A) + b]=A + b/c



  1. 16/27 poundsRule: Multiply each separately
  2. 3/8 yardsRule: ADDS
  3. 1 3/20 (23/20) mileRule: ADDS
  4. 1 ¼ (5/4) mileRule: ADDS
  5. 1 3/8 (11/8) poundsRule: ADDS
  6. 1 1/5 (6/5) mile Rule: Multiply each separately
  7. 5/6 is largerRule: Come Pair Dem #s
  8. 1 3/8 (11/8) pizzasRule: ADDS
  9. 4 yardsRules: MIX-A-CAB, ADDS
  10. 10 ½ (21/2) inchesRules: MIX-A-CAB, ADDS