Guidance for Haj January 15, 2002

Before performing Haj, the following points must be followed:


You should be following and under Taqlid of a current Mujtahid. There are two

famous current Mujtahids :

  • A’aka-e-Syed Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani
  • A’aka-e-Syed Ali Khameni


Khums must have been paid on the last due date.


Qira’at should be perfect in pronouncing Arabic words. During the Haj, there are only two places

where we need to pronounce Arabic words correctly:

  • At the time of reciting Talbia (Labbek), after the Niyat of wearing Ahram
  • During the prayers after Tawaf

There are 3 types of Haj:

  • Haj-e-Afra’ad (is Wajib only for those living in Makkah or around)
  • Haj-e-Qiran (also only for those living in Makkah or around)
  • Haj-e-Tamatto (for every one except those living in Makkah or around)

Here we will only discuss Haj-e-Tamatto, which comprises of 2 parts:

  • Part 1Umra-e-Tamatto
  • Part2Haj-e-Tamatto


Can be performed anytime from 1st Shawwal to 9th Dhu Al-Hijja. There are five things to be observed

step by step:

A)To wear Ahram from Meeqa’at or any other place permissible



D)Sa’ee in between Safa’a and Marwa’a

E)Taqseer (to cut some hair from head or nails)


For Umra-e-Mufarradah, two additional things to be performed after Taqseer:




There are 5 Meeqa’at from where we are allowed to wear our Ahram or make Niyat for Ahram:

i)Masjid-e-Shajra (Zulhalifa)

6 KMs from madinah. Specially for those coming from Madinah or its surroundings.

ii)Joufa at Rabig

190 Kms from Jeddah. Specially for those coming from Sha’am and Yanbu.

iii)Yalamlam (Mountains of Yalamlam)

Normally for those coming from Yemen. Just for a note that those coming from Pakistan

by ship, when they reach nearer to Yalamlam, they will be asked to make Niyat for

Ahram but it does not apply to us. We have to first come to Jeddah and then follow the

Mujtahid’s instructions.


94 Kms from Makkah. Nearest Meeqa’at from Makkah. Normally for those coming from


v)Wadi-e-Iraq (Za’at-e-Iraq)

For those coming from Iraq. It is currently closed.


For the last 3 Meeqa’ats, entry is only allowed to people living in Saudi Arabia. Those coming from outside by ship or plane only have options for 2 Meeqa’ats mentioned at i) and ii) above.

There are 2 ways to enter Makkah from Jeddah:

a)Instead of going straight to Makkah, go to Madinah and on your way back to Makkah, wear your

Ahram at Masjid-e-Shajra (6 Kms from Madinah) and then continue your journey to Makkah.

Perform Umra-e-Tamatto and stay in Makkah until 8th of Dhu Al-Hijja.

b)It is difficult sometimes to go to Madinah straight. There may be 2 basic reasons:

i)You will not find transport if you are less than 40 persons.

ii)Saudi Government closes the way to Madinah starting 1st Dhu Al-Hijja until

9th Dhu Al-Hijja.

If there are less than 40 people, go to Makkah straight and perform Umra-e-Mufarradah

instead of Umra-e-Tamatto. After that, go to Madinah and on your way back, follow the

above (a).

After wearing Ahram, and before making Niyat for wearing Ahram, performing of 2 Raka’at Namaz

is Mustahib under the Niyat “I am praying 2 Raka’at prayer for wearing Ahram of Umra-e-Tamatto for

Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”. After Namaz, make Niyat in this way “I am wearing Ahram

of Umra-e-Tamatto for Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”. After Niyat reciting of Talbia is Wajib.

It is Mustahib to recite Talbia as much as you can while traveling to Makkah.


Labbek Allahumma Labbek, Labbek Laa Sharika Laka Labbek, Innal Hamda, Wanne’mata Laka Wal Mulk, Laa Sharika Laka Labbek

Some Conditions

a)It is necessary to have Ghusl or Wazoo for wearing Ahram, however, doing Ghusl is

highly recommended. There is no restriction during the periods for women to have Ghusl for

wearing Ahram. Can wear Ahram even your body is Najis. The main thing is your Ahram

which should be Pa’ak.

b)After wearing and making Niyat of Ahram, 25 things for Men and Women will become

Harram until the end of Taqseer or Haj. 20 on them are for both men and women, 4 for men

only and 1 for women only. These are as follows :

20 For Both Men and Women

1)Use of Oil on your body

2)Use of Fragrance (for wearing, eating and nosing)

3)Applying Surma

4)To see Mirror

5)To cut Nails

6)Taking out Blood for the body

7)Taking out Hair from the body

8)Taking out Tooth

9)Killing lice or similar living things which lies on human body

10)Using cosmetics (show-up things) eg: glasses, watches, rings etc. These things are

Harram if they are used for show-up, otherwise it is allowed. Only those Gold

Ornaments are allowed to women which are generally used at home, but these

should also not be exposed, even to Husband and Father.

11)Telling Lie, abuse and using Vulgar words

12)To swear


14)To cut Grass, Flowers or Tree from near Haram

15)To keep Weapons

16)To do or recite Nikah

17)To do Istamna

18)To do Sexual Intercourse

19)To give or take Kisses for the sexual satisfaction

20)To touch or see anyone with wrong intentions which can also provide sexual


4 For Men only

1)To cover head (can not cover head with either Umbrella, cap, cloth, towel, Ahram etc)

2)To wear stitched cloth

3)To put shadow on the head (cannot avail shadow on the head by covered car or bus

or umbrella)


As per A’aka-e-Khomeni and A’aka-e-Khamenie, no restriction on availing shadow

if traveling in the night. As per A’aka-e-Sistani, no restriction in the night provided

there is no rain.

4)To cover upper part of the feet. (Cannot use socks, shoes, and slippers covering

upper part of the feet). Slippers with 2 cross strips are permissible.

1 For Women

To cover face (cannot cover her face during Ahram).


Can enter from any door of Haram. 2 Raka’at prayer is Mustahib with the Niyat of entering Haram.

Going 7 times around the Ka’aba in a way described is called TAWAF. There are some conditions

to perform Tawaf:

a)External Conditions

b)Internal Conditions

a)External Conditions

Before starting Tawaf, make sure you have fulfilled the following 5 conditions:

  1. Body and clothes or Ahram must be Pa’ak
  2. Must be under Wazoo or Ghusl
  3. For Men, private parts must be covered. For Women, whole body must be covered

except face and palm.

  1. To make Niyat before starting Tawaf. Niyat will be, “I am performing Tawaf of

Umra-e-Tamatto for Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”.

  1. Have had circumcision (for men only).

b)Internal Conditions:

There are 7 or 8 conditions to be followed during Tawaf:

  1. To make 7 rounds of Ka’aba
  2. Don’t give any gap during Tawaf. Cannot rest during Tawaf.
  3. All 7 rounds should start from Hajr-e-Aswad
  4. All 7 rounds should end on the Hajr-e-Aswad
  5. During Tawaf, Ka’aba should be on your left side. Left shoulder should always

face to Ka’aba. Face can be moved around without moving your body or left

shoulder from Ka’aba side. If for some reasons you moved and your left shoulder

did not face to Ka’aba, then you should go back and continue from the same point

where you discontinued facing your shoulder to Ka’aba. If it is not possible to

go back, then come back from the front (ignore that round until you reach back

the said point) and continue your Tawaf from the point you discontinued your

shoulder facing to Ka’aba.

  1. Tawaf should be from outside of Hijr-e-Ismail. Cannot enter Hijr-e-Ismail

during Tawaf.

  1. Tawaf should be from outside of Ka’aba. Cannot enter inside Ka’aba during

Tawaf. One cannot enter inside Ka’aba anyway.

  1. Tawaf should be in between Ka’aba and Maqam-e-Ibrahim. The distance in

between Ka’aba and Maqam-e-Ibrahim is 13 meters. The covered area for

Hijr -e-Ismail is 10 meters. As per A’aka-e-Khomeni, Tawaf should be within

13 meters area and 3 meter area when reach outside the Hijr-e-Ismail unless

difficult to do Tawaf due to crowd. As per A’aka-e-Khoei and other, Tawaf

can also be performed from outside the described covered area (i.e 13 meters

and 3 meters) without any restrictions.


If Wazoo or Ghusl discontinued during Tawaf, and you have already completed

4 rounds, make fresh Wazoo and continue from the point you discontinued. If not

completed 3 rounds, make fresh Wazoo and start Tawaf from beginning


2 Raka’at Namaz after Tawaf just behind the place of Ibrahim (Maqam-e-Ibrahim) is Wajib.

You should face to Maqam-e-Ibrahim and at the same time facing to Ka’aba also.The prayer

will be like Fajr prayer except the difference in Niyat. Your Niyat will be “I am praying 2

Raka’at of Tawaf for Umra-e-Tamatto for Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”.


As per Aka’a Khoei and Sistani during prayer, “Sajdah” is not allowed on carpet, but allowed

on marble earth in Haram and other places.

  1. SA’EE

To make 7 rounds complete in between the mountains of Safa’a and Marwa’a is called Sa’ee.

Starting point of Sa’ee is Safa’a. Niyat will be “I am performing Sa’ee making 7 rounds in

between Safa’a and Marwa’a of Umra-e-Tamattofor Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”.

First round will end at Marwa’a. Second round will end at Safa’a. End of Sa’ee or the end of

7th round will be at Marwa’a.Staying or rest for a while at the mountains of Safa’a and Marwa’a

or in the middle of Safa’a and Marwa’a is allowed. To run between the green lights on both

sides of up and down is Mustahib. During Sa’ee, if your Wazoo or Ghusl discontinued, you can

continue your Sa’ee without having a fresh Wazoo.


Taqseer means to cut hair from the head, beard, Moustache or nails. After finishing 7 rounds of

Sa’ee, it is necessary to have Taqseer. Taqseer can done by yourself or by other person whose

Ahram has been off officially. Niyat will be “I am doing Taqseer to clear or take off Ahram of

Umra-e-Tamatto for Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”. Is is not necessary to do Taqseer

at the Marwa’a or at the same time when you finish Sa’ee. You can do Taqseer after a while or

on any other day butall the things will remain Harram until you do Taqseer and cannot

take off your Ahram.

After the Taqseer of Umra-e-Tamatto and before wearing Ahram for Haj-e-Tamatto, the following

four things will be Harram to do:

i)To cut or pull out leaves, flowers, grass, or tress from the surrounding area of Haram

ii)To leave Makkah until 8th Dhu Al-Hijja

iii)To perform Umra-e-Mufarradah

iv)Cannot bold your Head

If staying longer in Makkah after Haj-e-Tamatto, the best thing to do is to recite and finish one Quran

and do as many Tawafs as possible.


After completion of Haj, if you want to perform Umra-e-Mufarradah, you have to go to Masjid-e-

Aisha familiar under the name of Masjid-e-Meeqa’at nearer to starting point of Makkah, wear Ahram,

make Niyat and perform Umra-e-Mufarradah. Once you have performed Umra-e-Mufarradah under

your name, you cannot repeat the same under your name within 10 or 30 days (depends on the

Mujtahid under whom you are in Taqlid), but can perform more and more Umra under names without

having the limitation of time.


The following 13 items to be performed in Haj-e-Tamatto:

  1. Wear Ahram from Makkah

It is Mustahib to wear Ahram from inside Haram, just behind of Maqam-e-Ibrahim. The Niyat

will be “I am wearing Ahram of Haj-e-Tamatto for Haj-e-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”.

After the Niyat of Ahram, the same all things will be Harram again as described earlier for

Umra-e-Tamatto. It is Mustahib to wear Ahram on 8th Dhu Al-Hijja.

  1. It is Wajib to stay in Arafa’at on 9th Dhul Al-Hijja from Zuhr prayer until sunset

Arafa’at is the name of field, 14 Kms from Makkah. Can reach Arafa’at before the Wajib stay

time i.e. either in the morning of 9th Dhu Al-Hijja or on the 8th of Dhu Al-Hijja. When Zuhr

time enters, make the Niyat “I am staying in Arafa’at from Zuhr to sensetfor Haj-e-Tamatto

for Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”. Only the Wajib things in Arafa’at is to have

Niyat and stay. Not necessary but try to spend most of your time in praying specially in Wajib

staying time. 9th of Dhu Al-Hijja is also a day of martydom of Hazrat Muslim Ibn-eAqeel.

  1. Staying in Muzdalfa’at or Mashar-ul-Hara’am on 10th early morning

Wajib stay is from starting Fajr time to sunrise. Is is Mustahib to pray Magrib and Eisha in

Muzdalfa’at. If reaching Muzdalfa’at in the night, make Niyat as a Ahteyaat “I am staying

tonight in Muzdalfa’at for Haj-e-Tamatto for Haj-e-Islam Qurbatan Elallah”. When the

time enters for Fajr prayer, make Niyat “I am staying in Muzdalfa’at from Subah-e-Sadik to

sunrise for Haj-e-Tamatto for Haj-e-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”. During the stay in

Muzdalfa’at, it is Mustahib to collect atleast 70 small solid pebbles to hit 49 stones to

Shaita’an on 10th, 11th and 12th. The extra stones are required for the missing aim while throwing

stones to Shaita’an. After the sunrise, move to Mina. Mina is the name of field which is

very nearer to Makkah and in between Muzdalfa’at and Makkah.

  1. Rami only at big Shaita’an on 10th Dhu Al-Hijja in between Sunrise and Sunset

There are 6 conditions for Rami at Shaita’an :

i)Make Niyat “I am throwing 7 pebbles to Big Shaita’an on the 10th Dhu Al-Hijja for

Haj-e-Tamatto for Haj-e-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah”.

ii)To hit 7 pebbles. Less than 7 is not allowed.

iii)Continuation in throwing pebbles

iv)All 7 pebbles must hit Shaita’an. In case you miss any hit, ignore the same. You may

have to hit 10 times in order to achieve the required condition of 7 hit.

v)To hit pebbles, not allowed to keep pebbles to Shaita’an

vi)Should strike in between Sunrise and Sunset.

It is compulsory for both Men and Women to throw pebbles at Shaita’an in person. It is not allowed

to do Niyabat for this work. To avoid crowd at Shaita’an, the best time to throw pebbles is after

9:00am. For Old men and women, if not possible to Rami during the day time due to crowd or other

reasons (reasons should be solid), then can do Rami in the night.

There are 2 conditions of pebbles:

i)Pebbles should have been picked from Haram which include:-


b)Mina, and

c)Mashar-ul-Hara’am (Muzdalfa’at)

Note: Arafa’at not included as Haram.

Mustahib is to lift off pebbles only from Muzdalfa’at. It is Mustahib to select

those which are of the size of one’s finger tip or thumb. In case of shortage or

non availability or any other reasons, pebbles can also be picked from the field

of Mina. As per A’aka-e-Khoei & Sistani, as an Ahteyat-e-Wajib, Rami should

not be done from upper area. A’aka-e-Khomeni and Khameni allow Rami to be

done either from upper or down area.

ii)Make sure the pebbles you are picking from Haram should be unused. It means

pebbles nearer to Shaita’an which have been thrown by the other people are not

allowed to be reused.

  1. Scrificing an Animal on 10th after Rami at Big Shaita’an

There are some points to take care :

  • Make Niyat “I am sacrificing on 10th of Dhu Al-Hijja for Haj-e-Tamatto for

Hajjat-ul-Islam Wajib Qurbatan Elallah.

  • Try your best to sacrifice animal on the same day. Delay without any proper

reason is not allowed.

  • Have been allowed to give Niyabet for Sacrificing for both men and women :-

a)A’aka-e-Khomenisays, slaughterer should be Shia Isna Ashari

b)Other Mujtahid allow any Muslim

  • As per A’aka-e-Khoei, it is not necessary for the slaughterer to make Niyat.

But Khomeni says slaughterer must make Niyat.

  • As per Shariat Qurbani should be inside Mina area. At present there is no

slaughtering place inside Mina. People are bound to do their Qurbani just

outside Mina.

A)As per A’aka-e-Khomeni, slaughtering is allowed outside Mina.

B)As per A’aka-e-Khoei, first try to look inside Mina, if not possible then

Qurbani is allowed to be done outside Mina.

  • Can select Sheep, Goat, Cow or Camel for Qurbani. The animal for sacrifice

must be healthy, without any defects in its limbs. The sacrifice of a blind, ill,

lame or very old animal is not permissible. If the ears of an animal have

pierced or split, there is no objection.

  • After slaughtering an animal, as per A’aka-e-Khomeni, it is Mustahib to make

3 parts of slaughtered animal, one for yourself, one for your friends and one