Michigan NRCS
Purpose: A Feed Management Plan (FMP) addresses nutrient budgeting for optimum livestock and poultry production while improving feed efficiency. Reducing excess phosphorus (P) and/or nitrogen (N) in a ration to levels recommended by Michigan State University Extension (MSUE), University of Wisconsin Extension (UWEX), the Ohio State University Extension (OSUE) and/or National Research Council (NRC) will reduce manure P and N content and land requirements for manure application.
Goals: An acceptable FMP will:
(1) Estimate the amount of excess P and/or N fed in the ration before implementing FMP.
(2) Adopt dietary P and/or N goals recommended by university extension and/or NRC (i.e., dietary P for Holstein milking cows: .32% - .38%).
(3) Develop a strategy to achieve university extension/NRC recommendations.
(4) Reduce excreted P and/or N in the manure.
(5) Maintain or improve livestock production, performance, and reproduction.
The Feed Management Plan (FMP) must contain the following items:
Check box
1. Farm Information if item is
in FMP
Farm or Operator Name: .....
Address: .....
Phone Number: .....
Farm Location (Address & County): .....
Name of the Professional Nutritionist: .....
Phone number: .....
Credentials/Qualification: .....
Time Period covered by the FMP: .....
2. Background Information
Document livestock and/or poultry enterprise as to:
· Type: .....
· Size or Groupings: .....
· Age: .....
· Numbers: .....
· Production Goals (weight gain, milk production targets, etc.): .....
· Housing style/% confinement/feed delivery system: .....
3. Resource Assessment and Feed Recommendations
a. Describe feed management practice prior to applying FMP.
b. Document how the FMP affected the nutrient content of the ration and manure:
· % P and /or N level in the ration prior to applying FMP: .....
· % P and/or N level in the ration after applying FMP: .....
· Levels of P and/or N level in the manure prior to applying FMP: .....
· Levels of P and/or N level in the manure after applying FMP: .....
· Average Soil Test P levels prior to applying FMP: .....
c. Identify the following feed management practices that were utilized:
Ration formulated closer to actual animal requirements
Reduce protein by supplementing with amino acids (non-ruminants)
Manipulate crude protein and energy (carbohydrate and fat) content of diet (ruminants)
Use Highly digestible feeds
Use Phytase & reduce supplemental phosphorous content (non-ruminant)
Reduce P levels being fed in ruminants
Enhance feed digestibility or feed use efficiency through enzymes
Implement phase feeding
Implement split sex feeding
Other feed management or ration manipulation options (explain)
d. FMP adequately protects health, productivity, and well-being of livestock
by meeting minimum nutrition criteria established by UWEX/NRC.
4. Record of Feed Sampling and Feed Analysis
a. Feed ration, manure and soil sampling techniques are consistent with
recognized university extension and certified laboratory procedures.
b. Feed, manure, and soil samples are analyzed by laboratories whose
tests are accepted by NRCS as certified.
c. Feed and manure sampling strategy addresses changes in feed sources.
5. Record Keeping
a. Periodic FMP reviews by consultant and producer are documented.
b. Producer has complete records of FMPs available for review.
c. Changes to ration is clearly understood by livestock manager.
Certification of FMP by Nutritionist that it complies with 592 Feed Management Standard (12/04): (signature & date):
Acceptance of FMP by Livestock Producer (signature & date):
Review of FMP by NRCS Certified Conservation Planner (signature & date):